
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing | all forms
上游原材料供应和硝酸铵生产、以及炸药在矿区的最终用途、是虑的内容Upstream raw material supply and ammonium nitrate manufacture are considered, together with the end-use of explosives on mine sites
人们虽然虑到炮泥长度,但没考虑到炮孔填塞材料和岩石粒度Some consideration is given to the stemming length but no consideration is given to the stemming material and particle size of the rock
任意参线arbitrary line
出于安全目的之虑、不损毁临近设施、又要让社会满意、控制飞石对表皮作业至关重要Flyrock control is crucial in blasting operations because of safety considerations, damage to nearby infrastructure and a "social licence to operate"
实地field investigation
就某些类型的爆破而言、虑药包的几何形状和安放位置、有时称之为空间分布、也有重要意义For some types of blasting, it is also significant to consider the geometric shape and positioning of the explosive charges, sometimes called spatial distribution
技术technical investigation
操作人员不必虑敏化这种混合炸药The two advantages of glass microbubbles are the operator does not need to be concerned with sensitizing the mix and the head pressure of the column of explosive and water does not change the density of the composition
整体参global reference frame
测量参在硐室爆破发生意外情况时,为了确认原有硐室和导硐的位置而设置的测量基准点,在相应的测量范围内,至少要有3个以上的测量参考点,以便复测时能找到原有硐室和导硐的位置。这些参考点应设置在不会被其他硐室爆破移动和爆堆埋没的地方surveying reference point
然而、爆破所用炸药的特性、岩石类型或地质构造的物理特性或爆破定时起爆顺序及由于这些因素的微妙差别所产生的相互影响均要There is no simple way, however, to take into account the interactions resulting from subtle differences in the characteristics of the explosives the blaster had at his disposal, the physical characteristics of specific rock types or geological formations, or the effect of the changes in timing of the initiation sequence on his blast
然而、由于飞石造成破坏的危险性很大、爆破设计时值得认真The risk of damage due to flyrock, however, is so high that it merits serious consideration in blast design
现场field investigation
直到今天、炸药和爆破温室气体问题尚未在文献中予以充分虑、而且尚未成为爆破破岩程序的主题To date, the issue of GHGs from explosives and blasting has not been given wide consideration in the literature and has not been a subject of the fragblast proceedings
绝对参absolute reference frame
虑爆破作用指数的药量计算在实践中发现,当装药深度不变时,如果改变装药量的大小,则破碎半径以及破碎顶角的数值也要发生变化。因此把装药量看成爆破作用指数的函数。 Q =f(n)・q • W³。式中,n为爆破作用指数crater index formula of charge calculation
虑破碎块度的经验公式对于混凝土试块无夹制爆破,均以径向爆生裂隙的形式破坏。此时,裂隙条数 N 与单耗 q 的关系为:N =Kₙ q²/³ 式中:TV 为裂隙条数, Kₙ 为与炸药性能及材料的临界断裂速度有关的系数, q为单位炸药消耗量crack formula
虑装药深度的计算ГИ・波克罗夫斯基〈Покpовcкий〉认为,当增加装药深度时,不仅被破碎介质体积增加,而且消耗于抬高每立方米介质体积的能量也一定增加。据此提岀下列公式:对于土质,当 W>, 20m 时,Q =(0.4 + 0.6n³)・q・W³ √ W/20 对于矿岩,当W>, 15m 时,Q = (0.4+0.6n³)・q・W³ √W/15length formula of charge calculation
试准备的不充分inadequate preparation far examinations
论及人工制品、一般要虑所谓的自始至终的生命周期Generally, for manufactured products a so-called Cradle-to-Grave life cycle is considered
运动员能顶住超乎寻常的耐力Athletes are able to undertake extraordinary feats of endurance
这些虑的事项也突出表明、爆破界通过改进爆破结果来降低温室气体排放量是其主要目标Such consideration also highlights the major targets for the blasting community to reduce GHG emissions through improved blast outcomes
鉴于这一点、为了研究爆破飞石、我们在挨着居民区的磷矿作了实地Keeping this in view, field investigations were conducted at a phosphate mine to study the flyrock from blasting
需要量的是爆破可能产生的温室气体、包括二氧化碳、甲烷、可能还有一氧化二氮The likely GHGs from detonation that require consideration are CO₂, CH₄ and possibly N₂O