
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
不合格材料造成non-conforming material complaint
交付missing part for delivery
允许deficiency in allowance
几何geometric imperfection
前缘leading edge notch
升降舵elevator fault
单位陷率defects per unit
原发性二氧化碳primary hypocapnia
售主陷更改vendor deficiency change
乏零件停飞的飞机aircraft grounded for lack of parts
件停用发动机engine out of commission for parts
件停飞的飞机aircraft out of commission for parts
备件而未做好使用准备not operationally ready, spare parts
零件而不能使用的航空航天设备aerospace ground equipment out of commission for parts
孔板segmental orifice plate
外形损清单configuration deviation list
宏观macroscopic defect
容许陷清单allowable deficiency list
工程质量陷报告engineering quality deficiency report
工装短申请tool shortage request
市场补基点market niche
市场补market niche
带有先天陷的飞机aircraft with initial shortage
库存短控制stock shortage control panel
库存短通知stores shortage notice
应力感生stress-induced defect
强制的故障陷报告'mandatory defect reporting
当量初始equivalent initial flaw
当量初始陷尺寸equivalent initial flaw size
循环停滞性circulatory stagnant hypoxia
急性高空acute altitude hypoxia
技术technical deficiency
控制control deficiency
擅自unauthorized absence
支援能力supportability discrepance
放飞允许despatch deficiency
zero defects
陷概念zero defects concepts
陷计划zero defects program
无技术no technical objection
明显macroscopic defect
暴发性氧症fulminating anoxia
暴发性高空fulminating altitude hypoxia
陷的零件标签defective parts tag
材料陷报告defective material report
所需材料现在material requested is not available
构型损清单configuration deviation list
标准短通知standard shortage notice
武器因零件不能使用weapon out of commission for parts
飞机disabled aircraft
气动aerodynamic defect
结构陷报告structural irregularity report
统一件报告系统consolidated shortage reporting system
统一的短报告系统consolidated shortage reporting system
维修事件和陷报告maintenance incident and defect report
missing parts
件出厂的飞机aircraft with initial shortage
件成本shortage cost
件放行形态变动dispatch deviation
件管理和记录跟踪shortage management and record tracking
件飞机aircraft without parts
体飞机aircraft without parts
口敏感系数sensitivity factor of notch
少燃料out of fuel
损率absentee ratio (轨道拦截站总数中,不能有效作战的拦截站所占的比例)
料报告material deficiency report
料联机跟踪material on-line shortage tracking
料自动跟踪material automated shortage tracking
氢星hydrogen-deficient star
氧冲击hypoxia pulse
氧后反应post hypoxia reaction
氧晕厥hypoxic syncope
氧火焰soft fire
氧维持时间time reserve
氧耐力地面检查训练器ground trainer for oxygen starvation endurance
氧警告hypoxia alarm
氧试验hypoxia test
氮症nitrogen desaturation
default (值)
省选择default selection
deficiency (状态指飞机有故障或怀疑有故障、缺件等不完好的状态)
陷产品重新订购标签defective part reorder tag
陷分类classification of defects
陷审査要求deficiency review request
陷报告deficiency report
陷插入fault insertion
陷效应effect of defects
陷结构structure defect
陷误差default error
陷调查报告defect investigating report
陷调查报告deficiency investigation report
陷调査defect investigation
联合陷跟踪与报告joint deficiency tracking and reporting
肖特基Schottky defect (指原子从晶格散逸)
装备短报告程序deficient equipage reporting procedures
装配assembly short
覆盖coverage gap
规定的故障陷报告mandatory defect reporting
记人技术日志的故障或technical-log defect
记入技术日志的故障或technical log defect
设备陷报告equipment defect report
设备陷记录equipment deficiency logs
设计陷造成的飞行员操纵错误design-induced pilot error
贫血性anaemic hypoxia
车间shop out of stock
车间短指令short order shop
轻度mild hypoxia
轻度氧症mild anoxia
速度velocity defect
郁滞性stagnant hypoxia
雇员短employee burnout
飞机件停场aircraft grounded for lack of parts
飞机因件不能飞行aircraft not operationally ready due to lack of parts
飞机因零件推迟维修aircraft maintenance delayed for parts
飞行员关于飞机在飞行时各种点的报告squawk sheet