
Terms for subject Technology containing 缺陷 | all forms | in specified order only
三角形缺陷triangle defect
不规则缺陷random defect
东乱缺陷random defect
临界缺陷critical defective
亚临界缺陷增长subcritical flaw growth
亚稳缺陷metastable defect
亚表面缺陷subsurface defect
人工缺陷artificial defect
仪器缺陷instrument defect
仪器缺陷instrumental defect
缺陷bulk defect
缺陷body defect
体结构缺陷bulk structural defect
修正缺陷corrective pitting
修理焊接容器中的缺陷repair defects in welded vessel
健全缺陷sound defect
偶然缺陷incidental defect
偶然缺陷accident fault
缺陷optical defect
缺陷optic defect
光学缺陷optical defect
光学缺陷optic defect
光学缺陷探测仪optical boroscope
光学缺陷探测仪optic boroscope
公路缺陷分级highway deficiency rating
六分仪缺陷sextant imperfection
内在缺陷inherent vice
内在缺陷latent defect
内在缺陷inherent defect
内埋缺陷buried flaw
铸件橡胶制品等的内部缺陷internal defect
铸件橡胶制品等的内部缺陷inherent vice
内部缺陷引起的损坏inherent weakness failure
分层缺陷探测仪lamination detector
制造缺陷manufacturing failure
制造缺陷manufacturing imperfection
制造缺陷fabricating defect
制造上的缺陷manufacturing deficiency
加工缺陷manufacturing deficiency
加工缺陷manufacture deficiency
加载缺陷loading imperfection
半圆形表面缺陷semi-circular surface flaw
半椭圆形缺陷semi-elliptical flaw
半椭圆形缺陷semi-elliptic flaw
卵形缺陷oval defect
原子缺陷吸收atomic defect absorption
参考缺陷reference defect
反结构缺陷anti-structure defect
变形缺陷deformation defect
四面体缺陷tetrahedral defect
固有缺陷vice proper
固有缺陷inherent defect
图像缺陷picture fault
图像缺陷picture impairment
图像缺陷picture defect
图像缺陷defect of images
图文缺陷defect of images
圆片形缺陷disc type flaw
在材料中的缺陷discontinuities in materials
在材料中的缺陷defect in materials
在焊缝中的缺陷discontinuities in welds
在焊缝中的缺陷defect in welds
在锻件中的缺陷discontinuities defect in forgings
坯体缺陷body defect
处理引起的缺陷process-induced defect
复合缺陷complex defect
外观缺陷open defect
外观缺陷apparent defect
外露缺陷open discontinuity
多孔塑料条纹缺陷cellular striation
安全性缺陷security flaw
宏观缺陷macroscopic imperfection
宏观表面缺陷macroscopic irregularity
容器表面缺陷irregularities in vessel surface
容许缺陷标准acceptable defect level
局部缺陷local defect
层积缺陷stacking fault
工程缺陷work defect
工程缺陷补偿defect compensation
工艺缺陷defective workmanship
帽形钢锭缺陷top hat
木材的干燥缺陷drying defect
平均额外缺陷界限average extra defective limit
建筑缺陷construction defect
建筑缺陷constructional defect
建筑物缺陷building deficiency
建设缺陷清单punch list
建设工程缺陷清单punch list
开口缺陷open defect
弗兰克尔缺陷Frenkel defect
当量缺陷直径equivalent flaw diameter
成像缺陷image defect
成型缺陷forming defect
接缝缺陷joint imperfection
接缝缺陷fault in seam
搪瓷缺陷enamel defect
操作缺陷working imperfection
操作缺陷imperfection in workmanship
整合缺陷integration deficient mutant
施工缺陷constructional deficiency
施工缺陷constructional defect
施工、完工和修补缺陷execute, complete and remedy defects
缺陷区域area free from defect
缺陷clear stuff
缺陷木材clean timber (又称无节疤陷的木材)
缺陷漆膜full coat
缺陷no defect
缺陷管理zero defect management
缺陷表面blemish-free surface
缺陷铸件zero defect casting
无大缺陷水泥macrodefect free cement
无宏观缺陷水泥macrodefect free cement
无宏观缺陷结构材料macrodefect free construction material
明显缺陷patent defect
明显缺陷open defect
晶体晶格缺陷crystalline imperfection
晶体光学缺陷optical defects of crystals
晶体光学缺陷optic defects of crystals
晶体点阵缺陷crystalline imperfection
晶格晶体点阵缺陷crystalline imperfection
晶格缺陷散射lattice defect scattering
晶格错位缺陷lattice dislocation defect
缺陷原料defective materials
缺陷工程defective works
缺陷材料defective materials
缺陷模型imperfect model
缺陷涂层defective coating
缺陷混凝土defective concrete
缺陷的卫生设备系统defective plumbing
缺陷的室内管工defective plumbing
缺陷结构imperfect structure
缺陷胶合defective gluing
缺陷路面defective pavement
缺陷钎焊defective brazing
木料缺陷defect in timber
木材缺陷defects in timber
木材中小孔缺陷pin-hole defect in lumber
本征缺陷intrinsical defect
本征缺陷intrinsic defect
杂质缺陷interstitial defect
杂质缺陷impurity defect
材料缺陷material imperfection
材料缺陷material flaw
棱角缺陷edges imperfection
棱镜缺陷prism imperfection
模压缺陷bedding fault
残余缺陷residual defect
涂层缺陷coat defect
淬火缺陷quenching defect
淬致缺陷quenching defect
清除缺陷remove flaw
清除缺陷removal of defects
满充低缺陷能级filled lower defect level
漆膜缺陷film defect
漩涡缺陷swirl defect
潜在缺陷hidden defect
激光缺陷检测laser defect detection
点阵缺陷lattice irregularity
点阵缺陷散射lattice defect scattering
烧成缺陷defect on firing
缺陷thermal defect
焊接缺陷welded flaw
焊接缺陷weld flaw
焊接缺陷welded defect
焊接件中的缺陷defects in welds
焊根缺陷root defect (of welding)
焊缝缺陷weld defect
焙烧缺陷firing defect
燃料经济性的缺陷fuel penalty
环境性出生缺陷environmental birth defect
玻璃内部缺陷metal defect
玻璃缺陷glass defect
生产过程产生的缺陷in-process defect
生长缺陷growth fault
生长缺陷growth defect
电动机缺陷motor fault
石料缺陷quarry defect
石料缺陷quarry fault
移位缺陷shift defect
缺陷上能级empty upper defect level
空位缺陷Schottky defect
空穴缺陷cavitation damage
等代缺陷substitute defect
等代缺陷equivalent defect
级孔式缺陷指示器step and hole type image quality indicator
线缺陷line defect
线状缺陷line defect
线状缺陷linear discontinuities
线路缺陷line defect
组织缺陷指木材defect of tissue
木材的组织缺陷defect of tissue
结构缺陷structural fault
缺陷不连续性discontinuity of defect
缺陷defect cluster
缺陷中心defect center
缺陷产生defect production
缺陷信号flaw indication
缺陷修理repair of defects
缺陷修补defect repair
缺陷defective value
缺陷分布flaw distribution
缺陷分布failure distribution
缺陷分极法defect system
缺陷化学defect chemistry
结构方面的缺陷kinked region
缺陷半导体defect semiconductor
缺陷单元defective unit
缺陷参数imperfection parameter
缺陷吸收defect absorption
缺陷回波flaw echo
缺陷定位flaw location
缺陷密度defect concentration
缺陷导电defect conduction
缺陷imperfect tape
缺陷性参数imperfection parameter
缺陷扣计额defect deduction
缺陷指示flaw indication
缺陷指示discontinuity indication of defect
缺陷敏感区defect susceptible area
缺陷敏感性imperfection sensitivity
缺陷defective number
缺陷晶格defect lattice
缺陷flawed wood
缺陷defective wood
缺陷构造defect structure
缺陷标记员defect marker
缺陷检査defect detecting test
缺陷检测error detection
缺陷检验fault detect (ion)
缺陷火山口breached crater
缺陷灵敏度flaw sensitivity
缺陷点阵defect lattice
缺陷烧结defect sintering
缺陷rate of defect
缺陷defects per unit
缺陷百分数defective per hundred unit
缺陷的准化学平衡quasi-chemical equilibrium of defect
缺陷的清除removal of defects
缺陷监测数据flaw detection data
缺陷矫治correction of defect
缺陷矫治率correction rate of defect
缺陷羊毛defective wool
缺陷表面blemish surface
缺陷reentrant angle
缺陷评定defects assessment
缺陷责任defects liability
缺陷责任期的延长extension of defects liability period
缺陷责任证书defects liability certificate
缺陷跳跃defect skip
缺陷运动defect motion
缺陷通告preliminary warning notice
缺陷通知notice of defects
缺陷项目defective item
缺陷预测failure prediction
耐火制品外观缺陷apparent defect of refractory product
聚焦缺陷focusing defect
自热缺陷natural defect
自然缺陷natural defect
荷载缺陷loading imperfection
补体缺陷complement defect
补体系统缺陷defect of complement system
补贴缺陷的费用cost of remedying defects
表层下缺陷subsurface defect
表观缺陷apparent defect
表面缺陷patent defect
表面缺陷surface flaw
视觉缺陷visual defect
视觉缺陷defect of vision
缺陷angular defect
设计缺陷design deficiency
误置缺陷mislocation defect
误置缺陷freckle defect
货物内缺陷cargo inherent vice
路基缺陷roadbed defect
缺陷minor defect
边角缺陷dry edging
边部缺陷edge fault
近表面缺陷near surface flaw
配准缺陷registration fault
釉面缺陷glaze fault
缺陷major defect
重合缺陷registration fault
重大缺陷significant deficiency
重组缺陷recombination deficient mutant
重组缺陷型测定法rec-assay method
钢材缺陷steel defect
钢轨缺陷rail flaw
焊按金属的银白点缺陷fish eye
铸造缺陷foundry defect
铸造缺陷casting flaw
锻件中的缺陷defects in forgings
间歇式缺陷interstitial defect
阳离子缺陷cation defect
阴离子缺陷anion defect
隐藏的缺陷concealed defect
露明缺陷pen defect
露明缺陷open defect
非主要的缺陷incidental defect
非平衡缺陷non-equilibrium defect
缺陷face defect