
Terms for subject Economics containing 维 护 | all forms | in specified order only
不能维护unable to maintain
例行维护和修理规程scheduled maintenance and repair code
供应和维护supply and maintenance
修建与维护construction and repair
创新性维护creative maintenance
双方必须维护、遵守并履行本协议Either party must keep, observe and perform the agreement
可靠性、可用性、可维护性能力reliability, availability, serviceability
团体维护group maintenance
工程师将尽力维护业主的利益,使其不受承包商给工程造成的损失An engineer shall manage to guard the owner against loss or damage to the work of the contractor
已安排的维护scheduled maintenance
平均维护间隔时间mean time between maintenance
建造、运营、维护和转让项目building, operation, maintenance, transfer projects
我们指望你方能维护我们股东利益We look to you to safeguard the interest of our shareholders
操作员维护operator maintenance
故障期间修理维护repair-at-failure maintenance
检查维护和修理inspection maintenance and repair
检査、修理和维护inspection, repair and maintenance
特别维护条例an entrenched provision
现场就地维护field maintenance
确定维护资源的经济价值determining economic quantities of maintenance resources
系统现场维护systems maintenance field party
经营维护服务处Managed Maintenance Services
维护maintenance (费)
维护stick up for
维护与供应maintenance and supply
维护与管理maintenance and administration
维护、修理和操作部门maintenance, repair and operation segments
维护、修理和更换maintenances, repairs and replacements
维护参考计划maintenance reference plan
维护国家主权defend state sovereignty
维护性租约operating service lease
维护性租约operating lease
维护成本cost of service
维护服务,使用手册service manual
维护折旧法depreciation maintenance method
维护指导手册handbook of maintenance instruction
维护本国工业的论点home-industry argument
维护法律maintain the law
维护现状的因素maintenance factor
维护规程service instruction
维护转售价格制是商品价格由生产者制定,不允许零售商改变的一种制度The resale price maintenance is a system where the price for an item is fixed by the producer and the dealer is not allowed to change it
装配并维护assembly and maintenance
调度与维护Scheduling and maintenance
修理车间维护shop maintenance
通用维护标准universal maintenance standard
销售代理尽另维护厂家利益,避免因顾客不付款让厂家受损The sales representatives try their best to protect the manufacturer from the non-payment by customers
非例行维护nonroutine maintenance