
Terms for subject Finances containing 经济 | all forms | in specified order only
一体化经济economy of integration
一系列经济失误a series of economic errors
七国集团发达经济Group of Seven developed economies
不平衡经济economics of inequality
不断完善社会主义市场经济体制constantly improve the socialist market economy
不断崛起的经济巨人rising economic giant
与世界经济紧密联系be closely linked to the world economy
专注于稳健的国内经济政策focus on sound domestic economic policies
世界经济下滑world-wide slowdown
世界经济world economies
世界经济发展world economic development
世界经济发展global economic development
世界经济发展的瓶颈bottleneck of world economic development
世界经济增长world economic growth
世界经济增长格局world economic growth patterns
世界经济复苏world economic recovery
世界经济复苏global economic recovery
世界经济复苏势头momentum of the world economic recovery
《世界经济展望》World Economic Outlook (国际货币基金组织每半年发布一次的刊物)
世界经济强国world's economic power
世界经济探底dip in the world economy
世界经济格局world economic pattern
世界经济格局global economic landscape
世界经济正增长positive growth of the world economy
世界经济论坛World Economic Forum (又称"达沃斯论坛 (Dawos Forum)", 是以研究和探讨世界经济领域存在的问题、促进国际经济合作与交流为宗旨的非官方国际性机构,总部设在瑞士日内瓦)
世界经济论坛全球竞争力指数WEF's Global Competitiveness Index
世界经济负增长negative growth of the world economy
世界经济长期稳定发展long-term stability and development of the world economy
世界上主要经济world's leading economies
世界上增长最快的大型经济world's fastest growing large economies
世界上第一大经济world's largest economy
世界上第二大经济world's second-largest economy
世界大型经济world's big economies
世界大型企业联合会中国先行经济指数Conference Board LEI for China
世界大型企业联合会中国先行经济指数Conference Board Leading Economic Index for China
世界大型企业联合会先行经济指数Conference Board Leading Economic Index
世界大型企业联合会美国先行经济指数Conference Board LEI for the U.S.
世界大型企业联合会美国先行经济指数Conference Board Leading Economic index for the U.S.
世界性经济危机world economic crisis
世界性经济衰退world-wide depression
世界性经济衰退world depression
世界最大经济world's largest economy
世界第二大经济world's second-biggest economy
世界银行首席经济学家chief economist of the World Bank
两位数经济增长double digit growth
《中华人民共和国经济合同法》Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China
《中华人民共和国涉外经济合同法》Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Economic Contracts involving Foreign Interest
《中国经济季刊》Chinese Economic Quarterly
中国经济改革研究基金会China Reform Foundation
中国经济表现performance of China's economy
中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
中国市场经济地位China's market economy status
中国当代经济的现实realities of China's modern economy
中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所Institute of World Economics and Politics at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
中央经济工作会议Central Economic Work Conference
中央统筹经济centrally run economy
中美城市经济合作会议U.S. -China Initiative on City-level Economic Cooperation
中美战略与经济对话S & ED
中部非洲经济与货币共同体Communaute Economique et Monetaire de l'Afrique Centrale (非洲中部赤道几内亚、刚果(布)、加蓬、喀麦隆、乍得、中非共和国等6个法语国家为加强区域经济合作而建立的政府间金融合作机构,1999年6月25日正式启动,其前身是"中部非洲关税和经济联盟",共同体委员会(前身为执行秘书处)设在中非首都班吉)
中部非洲国家经济共同体Economic Community of Central African States (成立于1985年1月,成员包括非洲中部的13个国家,总秘书处设在利伯维尔)
代码:XAF中非金融合作法郎// 中非金融合作法郎法语原文是"franc de la Coopération Financière en Afrique Centrale"是中非关税和经济同盟 Customer and Economic Union Of Central Africa 6 个成员国喀麦隆、中非、刚果、加蓬、赤道几内亚与乍得共同使用的官方货币,也是法国和中非6国之间金融和经济合作的重要工具,辅币为 centime (分),1 XAF =100 centimesCentral African CFA franc BEAC
经济降温take the heat out of the economy
为全球经济提供资金finance the global economy
为全球经济提供重要的支持provide critical support for the global economy
为包容和可持续的经济增长做出贡献contribute to inclusive and sustainable economic growth
为未来经济前景蒙上一层阴影cast a cloud over the outlook
为金融和经济震荡做准备prepare for financial and economic shocks
主导经济政策议程dominate the economic policy agenda
主导全球经济dominance of the global economy
主流经济预测mainstream economic predictions
主要经济major economies
主要经济指标major economic indicators
主要经济指标leading economic indicators
主要储备货币发行经济major reserve currency issuing economies
主要发达经济major developed economies
主要发达经济major advanced economies
主要的新兴市场经济leading emerging market economies
二度经济衰退double dip recession
亚洲-太平洋经济合作组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (简称"亚太经合组织",成立于1989年,是亚太地区最具影响力的经济合作官方论坛)
亚洲日益崛起的经济Asia's rising economies
人均经济产量output per head
伊弗经济研究所Institute for Economic Research
优化金融资源和经济结构调整optimize financial resources and economic restructuring
伦敦经济会议London Monetary and Economic Conference
伦敦经济学院London School of Economics
估计经济年限指折旧estimated economic life
使经济复苏restart the economy
使经济降温cool the economy
使监管体系在经济发展周期中更加有效率make regulatory regimes more effective over the economic cycle
供给学派经济supply-side economics
依赖出口来支撑经济增长rely on exports to support economic growth
促进经济均衡发展promote balanced economic development
促进经济增长promote economic growth
促进经济增长boost the economic growth
促进经济增长、创造就业、创新和繁荣foster economic growth, job creation, innovation, and prosperity
促进经济平稳较快发展spur steady and rapid economic development
促进经济持续健康发展promote sustained and sound economic development
促进经济社会发展advance economic and social development
促进经济长期平稳较快发展strive for sustained, stable and fast economic development
促进经济长期平稳较快发展promote long-term, steady and rapid economic development
促进经济长远发展promote long-term economic development
促进世界经济发展promote the development of the world economy
促进世界经济持续发展promote sustainable growth of the world economy
促进全球经济增长promote global economic growth
促进区域经济一体化promote regional economic integration
债务沉重的经济debt-laden economy
债务融资经济刺激debt-financed economic stimulus
全球经济中的重要参与者important players in the global economy
全球经济以不同速度增长的格局pattern of a multi-speed global economy
全球经济低迷international downturn
全球经济低迷global downturn
全球经济低迷downturn in the global economy
全球经济再平衡rebalancing the global economy
全球经济再平衡rebalancing of the world economy
全球经济前景global outlook
全球经济和金融活动global economic and financial activity
全球经济困境global economic woes
全球经济增长global economic growth
全球经济增长复苏revival of global economic growth
全球经济失衡global economic imbalances
全球经济实力global economic power
全球经济强劲恢复均衡增长strong resumption of balanced, global economic growth
全球经济恶化形势deteriorating economic conditions worldwide
全球经济持续衰退prolonged global recession
全球经济收缩global contraction
全球经济放缓global economic slow-down
全球经济治理global economic governance
全球经济治理体系global economic governance system
全球经济治理体系的弊端deficiencies in the global economic governance system
全球经济治理新变革new changes in global economic governance
全球经济治理机制global economic governance mechanisms
全球经济治理的参与者participants of the global economic governance
全球经济治理结构改革reform of the global economic governance structure
全球经济深度衰退steep global downturn
全球经济滑坡global slump
全球经济状况global economic outlook
全球经济疲软weakness in the global economy
全球经济的复苏revival in the global economy
全球经济的支柱fulcrum of the global economy
全球经济的长期进步long-term global economic progress
全球经济走软weakening world economy
全球性宏观经济扩张global macroeconomic expansion
全面经济伙伴协议comprehensive economic partnership agreement
全面经济合作框架framework of comprehensive economic cooperation
公开市场经济open market economy
共同经济治理common economic governance
共同建设全面互利的经济伙伴关系work together to build a comprehensive and mutually beneficial economic partnership
具有经济活力的地区economically dynamic region
内需对经济增长的贡献率contribution of domestic demand to economic growth
内需驱动型经济domestic demand-led economy
农业经济rural economies
制定2013年经济政策的会议conference to set economic policy for 2013
制约经济社会发展constrain economic and social development
制约世界经济的持久稳定增长hamper sustained and steady growth of the global economy
刺激经济stimulate the economy
刺激经济增长stimulate growth
刺激经济增长boost economic growth
加大经济过热的风险raise the risk of overheating
加强经济技术合作strengthen economic and technical cooperation
加强经济治理enhance economic governance
加强区域和国际经济合作strengthen regional and international economic cooperation
加强宏观经济政策协调strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination
加强宏观经济政策协调strengthen coordination of macroeconomic policies
加强宏观经济政策沟通与合作strengthen macroeconomic communication and cooperation
加快经济社会发展speed up economic and social development
加快经济结构调整accelerate economic restructuring
加快转变经济发展方式accelerate the transformation of economic development pattern
加快转变经济发展方式speed up the transformation of economic development model
加快转变经济发展方式speed up the transformation of the pattern of economic development
加快转变经济发展方式accelerate the transformation of the pattern of economic development
加快转变经济发展方式accelerate the change of the growth model
加快转变经济发展方式transformation of the economic development pattern at a faster pace
加快转变经济增长方式accelerate the transformation of economic growth pattern
加速国民经济信息化accelerate IT application in economy
劳动力相对丰富的新兴市场经济relatively labor-abundant emerging market economies
区域经济regional economie
区域经济政策regional economic policy
《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (即由东盟10国倡导,包括东盟10国及中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰、印度等16个亚洲国家的贸易协定。谈判工作于2012年11月20日东亚峰会和东盟峰会闭幕后正式启动。一旦谈判取得成功,其经济总量将达到全球经济的1/3左右)
协调经济活动coordinate economic activities
协调一致的宏观经济扩张co-ordinated macroeconomic expansion
单一的国民经济核算体系unitary accounting system of national economy
占世界经济的份额share of the world economy
占据主导地位的经济大国economically dominant power
参与经济participatory economy
参与国际经济合作和竞争participation in international economic cooperation and competition
双边经济关系bilateral economic relationship
合理通胀率下经济高速扩张rapid non-inflationary expansion
名义经济增长率nominal economic growth rate
后危机时代的经济刺激措施post-crisis economic stimulus package
经济释放出更多的现金release far more cash into the economy
向美国经济注人新资金pump new money into the US economy
在国际经济事务中发挥更大作用play a bigger role in international economic affairs
增强经济复苏的内在动力build up the internal dynamism of economic recovery
增强经济的增长潜力increase the growth potential of the economy
增强经济社会发展内在活力strengthen the internal vitality of economic and social development
增强中期内经济增长的基础strengthen medium-term foundations for growth
增强国际社会对世界经济复苏和发展的信心boost the confidence of the international community in global economic recovery and development
增长经济economy of growth
外围经济peripheral economies
外国经济趋势foreign economic trend
多种所有制经济economic entities under diverse forms of ownership
大力推进经济结构调整strongly promote economic restructuring
大型发达经济significantly sized advanced economy
大型新兴经济large emerging economies
大规模经济刺激政策large-scale stimulus policies
大规模经济刺激计划massive stimulus plan
大银行定期出版报导经济情况的小册子bank letter
失去对过热经济的控制lose control of an overheating economy
失衡的世界经济unbalanced world economy
奥地利经济学派Austrian economics
安倍经济Abenomics (这一新词是指日本第96任首相安倍晋三 (Shinzo Abe)2012年底上台后为振兴日本经济而推出的一系列刺激经济政策,其核心内容就是所谓的"三支利箭":引起日元汇率加速贬值的宽松货币政策、机动的财政政策、以刺激民间投资为中心的经济产业成长战略)
完善和创新经济社会发展的理念、体制、模式improve and innovate one's thinking, system and mode for advancing economic and social development
宏观经济macro economy
宏观经济前景macroeconomic outlook
宏观经济功能macroeconomic function
宏观经济回应macroeconomic response
宏观经济基本面macroeconomic fundamentals
宏观经济政策协调macroeconomic policy coordination
宏观经济政策的有效工具effective instrument of macroeconomic policy
宏观经济效益macroeconomic effect
宏观经济效益macroeconomic benefit
宏观经济方面的净影响net macroeconomic effect
宏观经济运营良好sound macroeconomic performance
实施负责任的宏观经济政策implement responsible macroeconomic policies
实现经济再平衡rebalance the economy
实现经济可持续增长achieve sustainable economic growth
实现经济平稳较快发展achieve steady and robust economic development
实现经济持续健康发展achieve sustained and sound economic development
实现经济持续健康增长achieve sustained and healthy economic growth
实现经济长期平稳较快发展achieve long-term stable and rapid economic development
实现世界经济强劲、可持续、平衡增长achieve strong, sustainable, and balanced growth of the world economy
实现世界经济相对平衡增长achieve fairly balanced growth of the global economy
实行市场经济的美国market-driven US economy
实际经济增长real economic growth
实际经济增长率real economic growth rate
实际经济增长目标real economic growth target
经济推人衰退push the economy into a recession
将资金撤出高息发达经济pull money out of high yielding advanced economies
市场经济地位market economy status
市场经济基本规则market fundamentalist
市场经济改革方向reforms oriented toward a market economy
带来经济复苏bring about a recovery
帮助全球经济恢复平衡help rebalance the global economy
1997 年亚洲经济危机Asian economic crisis in 1997
1985-2002年在普林斯顿大学经济系任教,曾担任经济学系主任Ben Shalom Bernanke
年度经济政策会议annual economic policy meeting
2005年6月任总统经济顾问委员会主席Ben Shalom Bernanke
应对经济下行风险deal with downside risks
应对经济挑战take on economic challenges
开放型经济水平level of the open economy
开放型世界经济open world economy
弥补短期内的经济增长弱点address short term vulnerabilities
强劲的经济增长和扩大就业strong economic and jobs growth
强有力的宏观经济稳定器powerful macroeconomic stabilizer
当前国际经济金融形势current international economic and financial situation
形成开放型经济新格局form a new pattern of open economy
影响经济增长weigh on growth
彼得森国际经济研究所Peterson Institute for International Economics (美国两大智库之一,是一家私营的、非营利性的、无党派的专门研究国际经济政策的研究所,成立于1981年,创始人是弗雷德•伯格斯滕 (C. Fred Bergsten))
循环经济项目recycling projects
微观经济政策micro-economic policy
微观经济理论micro-economic theory
恢复经济增长restore growth
恢复经济增长restore economic growth
恢复世界经济稳定与繁荣restore stability and prosperity to the world economy
恢复全球经济增长restore global growth
恶性通货膨胀经济hyperinflationary economy
或有经济业务contingent transaction
战争经济war economy
战略与经济对话strategic and economic dialogue
房地产经济real estate economics
扩大经济技术合作expand economic and technological cooperation
扩大经济金融信息交流expand economic and financial information sharing
扩展经济往来expand economic relationship
扭转经济增速下滑趋势reverse the slowdown in economic growth
承受经济震荡的冲击bear the brunt of economic shocks
承担与自己能力和在全球经济发展中扮演角色相适应的义务undertake commitments consistent with one's capacities and roles in the global economy
承认中国完全市场经济地位recognize China's full market economy status
承诺进一步加强宏观经济政策交流和协调commit to further strengthen macroeconomic policy communication and coordination
把扩大内需作为经济发展的长期战略take expanding domestic demand as long-term strategy for economic development
抑制全球经济活动depress global economic activity
抵偿性的宏观经济政策offsetting macroeconomic policy
押注于中国经济未来bet on the future of the Chinese economy
担心经济过热worry about overheating
拉丁美洲及加勒比海经济委员会Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (联合国下属机构)
拉动经济增长fuel economic growth
拉动世界经济复苏和增长的引擎engine driving world economic recovery and growth
持续的金融和经济不确定性continued financial and economic uncertainty
振兴实体经济boost the real economy
振兴正在放缓的经济revitalize the slowing economy
损害经济增长hamper economic growth
推动经济发展再上新台阶propel economic development to a new level
推动经济向价值曲线的上端发展move the economy up the value-curve
推动经济增长turbocharge growth
推动经济复苏的必然要求necessary requirement to promote economic recovery
推动经济平衡、包容、可持续、创新、安全增长promote balanced economic, inclusive, sustainable, innovative, safe growth
推行负责任的经济政策pursue responsible economic policies
推进经济全球化promote economic globalization
推进全面经济合作promote comprehensive economic cooperation
推进更为广泛的经济合作promote more extensive economic cooperation
支持经济增长support economic growth
支持经济复苏support economic recovery
支持全球经济的健康发展support a healthy global economy
支持实体经济support the real economy
支持开放的全球经济support an open global economy
支撑经济增长prop up the growth
支撑全球经济support the global economy
改善经济增长的平衡性和可持续性improve the balance and sustainability of growth
改善全球政治经济前景improve the outlook across the board would
放慢经济增速slow growth
放慢经济增速slow economic growth
放慢经济增长步伐slow growth
政治经济新秩序new political and economic order
经济new economy
新一轮经济扩张new round of economic expansion
新兴经济emerging world
新兴经济emerging economies
新的经济增长点new sources of growth
新的经济增长点new sources of economic growth
新结构经济new structural economics
最佳经济增长理论theory of optimum economic growth
最脆弱的欧元区外围经济weakest peripheral economies
有利于世界经济发展contribute to global economic growth
本轮经济周期的谷底trough of the current economic cycle
李克强经济Likonomics (这个新的热词是巴克莱资本公司的经济学家为解读李克强担任国务院总理后推行的新一轮经济政策在2013年3月创造出来的。他们认为李克强经济学包括三个核心内容:不出台刺激经济措施、去杠杆化和进行结构性改革)
欧亚经济共同体Euro-Asian economic community
欧洲经济与货币联盟European Economic and Monetary Union
欧洲经济European economies
欧洲经济共同体合作储蓄和信贷机构协会Association of Cooperative Savings and Credit Institutions of European Economic Commodity
欧洲经济European Economic Zone
欧洲经济委员会European Economic Council
欧洲经济理事会European Economic Coucil
欧盟经济与货币事务专员European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs
正在走向经济硬着陆be heading towards a hard landing
海外的经济利益economic interests overseas
《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (2010年6月29日由海协会与海基会签订,其内容涵盖两岸间主要的经济活动,包括货物贸易及服务贸易的市场开放、原产地规则、早期收获计划、贸易救济、争端解决、投资和经济合作等,目的是建立两岸经济合作机制,推动两岸经贸关系正常化)
消费主导型经济consumption-fueled economy
涉及全球经济治理的机构institutions involved in global economic governance
涉外经济法规laws and regulations on business relations with foreigners
潜在经济增长率potential growth rate
激发经济的内在活力stimulate the internal vitality of the economy
点穴式经济支持措施acupoint-type economic support measures
牢牢掌握经济工作的主动权keep a firm grasp on the initiative in our economic work
经济扩张驱动的新时代new era driven by expanding economies
由内需驱动的经济复苏domestic demand-led recovery
由市场推动的经济market-driven economy
白宫经济顾问委员会White House Council of Economic Advisers
确保经济复苏ensure economic recovery
确保经济平稳较快发展ensure steady and robust economic development
确保经济持续、稳定、健康增长ensure sustained stable and sound economic growth
社会与经济变革social and economic transformation
社会主义经济理论theory of socialist economy
稀缺经济scarcity economy
稳定经济stabilize the economy
紧密的宏观经济合作close macroeconomic cooperation
纽约经济俱乐部Economic Club of New York
经济一体化论theory of economic integration
经济上无力偿付economic insolvency
经济上的互利性mutual economic benefits
经济与军事主导地位economic and military dominance
经济与政治实力economic and political power
经济与政治紧张局势economic and political tensions
经济业务business transaction
经济业务分类classification of business transactions
经济分析错误error in economic analysis
经济利益流出的不确定性uncertainty of the outflow of the economic benefits
经济刺激基金fund for economic stimulation
经济刺激政策退出exit from the stimulus packages
经济刺激方案economic stimulus package
经济包容性增长inclusive economic growth
经济合作与发展组织Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (1961年9月成立,由加拿大、美国及欧洲经济合作组织等共20个成员组成,简称"经合组织")
经济合作协定economic cooperation agreement
经济合作机制economic cooperation mechanism
经济合作议定书protocol on economic co-operation
经济合同制system of economic contracts
经济后果economic consequences
经济地位的继承inheritance of economic status
经济复苏乏力的发达国家developed countries with flagging economic recoveries
经济复苏阶段stage of economic recovery
经济多元化economic pluralism
经济多极化economic multipolarity
经济大国significant economic power
经济大国big economic power
经济大幅下滑major economic slowdown
经济失衡economic imbalance
经济学人智库》Economist Intelligence Unit
经济崛起economic rise
经济崩盘economic collapse
经济市场化进程path to a market-driven economy
经济帐户影响所有权增减各交易之非实物帐户economic account
经济开发专项基金special fund for economic development
经济开发法规laws and regulations of economic development
经济弹性economic resilience
经济弹性economic flexibility
经济强劲增长strong economic growth
经济强权economic power
经济强盛之路road to economic might
经济急剧放缓sharp slowdown
经济支持措施economic support measures
经济收益率economic yield
经济放缓economy's slowdown
经济政策制定economic policymaking
经济机遇economic opportunities
经济核算economic calculation
经济核算制system of economic calculation
经济根本转型fundamental transformation of the economy
经济气候economic climate
经济活力economic vitality
经济活动中的货币money in economic activity
经济生产批量economic production quantity
经济生命线economic life line
经济社会发展economic and social development
经济社会发展的体制system for advancing economic and social development
经济社会发展的模式mode for advancing economic and social development
经济社会发展的理念thinking for advancing economic and social development
经济社会发展趋势economic and social development trends
经济社会长远发展long-term economic and social development
经济责任制economic responsibility plan
经济责任审计economic responsibility audit
经济货币化理论monetization of economy theory
经济购买量economic purchase quantity
经济费用三向分析three-way overhead analysis
经济费用三差异分析three-variance overhead analysis
经济霸权economic hegemony
缓解欧元区的经济困境ease the region's economic woes
网络经济Internet-based networked economy
美中经济与安全评估委员会U.S. -China Economic and Security Review Commission
聚集经济economies of agglomeration
脆弱的经济fragile economy
脆弱的全球经济fragile global economy
营业之经济operating economics
营造有利于全球经济健康发展的制度环境foster an institutional environment conducive to sound global economic development
虚拟经济体系virtual economy
融人全球经济integrate with the global economy
行为经济behavioral economics
衰退后经济post-recession economies
西非经济与货币联盟Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest-Africaine (西非国家经济共同体中贝宁等7个法语国家为加强区域经济合作而建立的政府间金融合作机构,成立于1994年1月10日,其前身是"西非货币联盟",总部设在布基纳法索首都瓦加杜古)
西非经济共同体团结与经济开发基金West African Economic Community Fund for Solidarity and Economic Development
西非经济共同体开发基金West African Economic Community Development Fund
西非国家经济共同体基金会Economic Community of West African States Fund
规模不经济scale diseconomy
规模不经济diseconomies of scale
计划经济国家state-controlled-economy country
计划经济模式command-economy mode
调整经济平衡economic rebalancing
调整经济结构restructure the economy
调整经济结构carry out economic restructuring
调整经济结构过程process of transforming and restructuring economies
调整优化经济结构adjust and optimize the economic structure
负债经济indebted economies
负债累累的经济heavily indebted economies
负债累累的西方经济debt-laden economies of the west
财政及经济政策方面的协同fiscal and economic policy co-ordination
货币经济pecuniary economies
货币经济危机论theory of monetary and economic crisis
货币经济周期money and business cycles
货币经济周期论monetary theory of business cycle
货币经济理论theory of monetary economy
资本充裕的发达经济capital-abundant advanced economies
资本密集型经济capital-intensive economy
资金在经济中各部门的流动fund flows through sectors of the economy
赤字经济deficit economies
《跨太平洋战略经济伙伴关系协定》Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (原为2005年新加坡、新西兰、智利、文莱4国在亚太经合组织 (APEC) 框架内签订的多边自由贸易协定。自2002年开始酝酿新的多边关系的自由贸易协定。2008年以后,美国、澳大利亚、秘鲁、越南、马来西亚和日本先后宣布加人谈判)
转变经济发展方式transform economic development model
转变经济发展方式transform the pattern of economic development
转变经济发展方式transformation of the economic development pattern
转变经济发展方式过程process of transforming economies
转变经济发展模式,使之更加依赖国内需求shift economy to rely more on domestic demand
转轨经济transition economies
转轨经济transition economy
经济soft economy (指基础不稳的经济)
经济soft economics
边际宏观经济效益marginal macroeconomic benefit
达沃斯世界经济论坛即"世界经济论坛"World Economic Forum in Davos
过渡经济效应transitional economic impact
适应市场经济需要adapt to the demand of market economy
经济周期而动的股票counter-cyclical stock
重大经济重组major economic restructuring
重振经济revive the economy
重新激活经济增长reinvigorate economic growth
重要的世界经济大国significant global economic powers
针对过热经济的降温cool an overheated economy
防止经济出现大的波动prevent large economic fluctuations
防止经济出现大的起落prevent serious economic fluctuations
防止经济增长剧烈波动prevent sharp swings in the pace of growth
防止经济硬着陆prevent an economic hard landing
防止经济过热prevent overheating
防止经济过热avoid overheating
阿拉伯经济与社会发展基金会Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (区域性货币金融合作组织,成立于1971年,秘书处设在科威特)
阿拉伯经济开发基金Arab Economic Development Fund
阿拉伯非洲经济开发银行Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (阿拉伯国家联盟与非洲非阿拉伯国家间的国际金融机构,成立于1974年9月,行址设在苏丹首都喀土穆)
陷人停滞的经济复苏stalling economic recovery
非公有制经济发展环境environment for the development of the non-public sector of the economy
非货币经济non-pecuniary economies
面临严重的经济和银行业危机face deep economic and banking crises
面对复杂多变的国际政治经济环境face a complex and volatile political and economic environment abroad
风云变幻的经济环境rapidly changing economic environment
首席经济学家chief economist
首席中国经济学家chief China economist
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