
Terms for subject Technology containing 终点 | all forms | in specified order only
中央终点central terminal station
中心终点central terminal station
主动段终点燃料燃尽时的高度burn-out altitude
主要终点major terminal
主要结点地面终端机major nodal earth terminal
交货终点delivery terminal
交通终点traffic destination
以市中心区为终点的交通downtown terminal traffic
传输连接终端点识别器transport connection endpoint identifier
偏移终了点号end point number of migration
入口终点entrance terminal
公共汽车终点bus depot
出口终点exit terminal
出行终点trip destination
出行终点模型trip end model
分段终点位置end position of segment
分车道行驶公路区段终点标志divided highway ends sign
分隔公路区段终点标志divided highway ends sign
分馏终点end point of fractionation
到货终点receiving terminal
到货终点receiving end
到达终点destination terminal
匝道终点ramp terminal
半圆形终点semi-circular termination (站)
终点连接表single-ended list
可编程序销售点终端programmable point-of-sale terminal
终点速度velocity towards destination
售货点终端point-of-sale terminal
商业区交通终点shopping terminal
喷油终点fuel injection end
固定终点时间fixed terminal time
国际交通终点international terminal
国际航空终点international terminal
图的终点sink of graph
在渠道下游终点附近near the lower end of the canal
城市终点city terminal
多终端存取特点multiple terminal access feature
多角形终点polygonal termination
客车终点站火枢纽站limousine terminal
客运终点passenger terminal building
客运终点passenger terminal
电车道的尽头式终点tramway dead-end terminal
尽端终点stud terminal
岔段终点stub terminal
工作面终点face end
底层终点站平台bottom terminal landing
指向运输终点的运输terminal routing
指定终点selection terminal
接坡终点ramp terminal
曲线终点point of tangency
曲线终点point of tangent (P. T.)
曲线终点end of curve (E.C.)
曲线终点end of curve
曲线终点end of curve sign
曲线终点curve end post
未检波点线终了桩号end stake number of the last receiver line
标度终点end of scale
标度终点maximum scale value
水运终点marine terminal
永停终点dead stop end point method
汽车运输终点trucking terminal
泡沫终点lather end point
泡沫终点foam end point
浊度法终点检测nephelometric end-point detection
测定终点measurement endpoint
测线终点位置stopping position of survey line
测量终点tie point
海运终点coast depot
海运终点客运站marine terminus building
海运终点marine terminal
滴定终点end point of titration
生物学终点biological end point
生物学终点biologic end point
电导终点滴定法conductometric end-point titration
电车终点tramway terminal
矿体终止点ore terminal
破坏终点failure end point
碱度终点alkalinity end-point
稀释终点dilution end point
线路终点end of track
线路终点line-end station
终止地点ending place
终止节点terminal node
铁路分线的终点dead end
终点termination dead end
终点finishing point
终点交通terminal traffic
终点位置end position
终点作业terminal operation
终点信号terminal signal
机场终点停机坪terminal apron
终点停机坪terminal apron
终点停止滴定法dead stop process
终点冲量terminal impulse
终点制动end brake
终点destination zone
终点压力terminal pressure
终点反向进位final negative carry
终点反应terminal reaction
终点和距离标志destination and distance sign
终点地址end address
终点terminal field
终点容量terminal capacity
终点开关terminal switch
终点指挥部terminal command
终点控制end point control
终点方向及距离标志destination and distance sign
终点时间指示器terminal-time indicator
终点terminal rod
终点条件end condition
终点end dep
终点比率法termination rate method
终点气象预报terminal area forecast
终点汽油end point gasoline
终点油库terminal tank
终点油库final tank
终点油量terminal impulse
终点end point method
终点泵站terminal pump station
终点消毒站terminal sterilization facility
终点温度end point temperature
终点storage port
终点terminal port
终点shipping terminal
终点last port
终点环线terminal loop
终点电压end-point voltage
终点突变end point mutation
终点end tank farm
终点reversing station
终点stub-end station
终点terminal station
终点terminal area (机场)
终点end depot
终点end bull station
终点end bull plant
终点站候车室terminal building
终点站候车室passenger terminal building
终点站停车时间layover time
终点站建筑terminal building
终点站建筑principal terminal building (铁路)
终点站房terminal building
终点站房passenger terminal building
终点站房屋terminal building
交通终点站百货商店terminal department store
终点站百货商店terminal department store
终点站设备terminal facility
终点站通过能力terminal throughout capacity
终点能量end point energy
终点terminal airport
终点home airport
终点destination airport
终点end line
终点装配end assemblage point
终点terminal angle
终点设施terminal facility
终点起爆final mass
终点转换开关travel-reversing switch
终点辨认recognition of end-point
终点过滤器ultimate filter
终点迟滞terminal delay
终点飞机场terminal aerodrome
终点馏分end point of fraction
终端地区弹着点terminal area impact point
终端触点terminal contact
航程终点point of destination
航运终点navigation head
航运终点设施ship-terminal utilities
船到终点bring up
船运终点shipping terminal
行程终点trip end
行程终点stroke end
补机牵引始终点helper station
设计终点end of design
评价终点assessment endpoint
贝氏体转变终了点bainite finish point
货运终点loading terminal
货运终点cargo terminal
货运终点cargo-handling terminal
终点调查origin-destination survey
终点调查origin-destination study
路线终点end of route
路线终点termination of railway
路线终点end of railway
车速限制区终点标志end speed zone sign
输油终点terminal station
过滤终点filtration end point
运油车的终点bulk-oil terminal
运行终点end of run
运货汽车终点truck terminal
运货汽车终点lorry terminal
运输终点transport terminal activity
运输终点transportation terminal
进口终点entrance terminal
连接终点connection terminal
连接终点connection endpoint
通航终点head of navigation
通道终结点path termination point
道路终点枢纽terminal interchange
遮光栅终点end of sun screen
醇解终点end point of alcoholysis
铁路终点railroad terminal (站)
铁路终点rail terminal (站)
铁路终点railway terminal (站)
铁路终点end of track (站)
铁路终点end of railway (站)
铁路终点储备的物品railhead reserves
铁路终点railroad terminal
铁路终点terminal railway station
铁路终点dead-ended railroad station
铁路到港口的终点railroad connection
销售点终端机point-of-sale terminal
销货点终端机point-of-sale terminal
首检波点线终了桩号end stake number of the first receiver line
马氏体转变终止点martensite finishing point
马氏体转变终止点martensite finish point
高终沸点high end point