
Terms for subject Electronics containing 管壳 | all forms | in specified order only
包壳管内侧【核】cladding tube internal side
包壳管内侧【核】clad tube internal side
包壳管壁厚【核】cladding tube wall thickness
包壳管壁厚【核】clad tube wall thickness
包壳管损伤cladding tube defect
包壳管损伤clad tube defect
包壳管损坏【核】clad damage
包壳管横截面积【核】cladding tube cross-sectional area
包壳管横截面积【核】clad tube cross-sectional area
包壳管温度系数【核】cladding tube temperature coefficient
包壳管温度系数【核】clad tube temperature coefficient
包壳管破裂【核】cladding tube rupture
包壳管破裂【核】clad tube rupture
包壳管缺陷【核】cladding tube defect
包壳管缺陷【核】clad tube defect
包壳管膨胀【核】cladding tube expansion
包壳管膨胀【核】clad tube expansion
包壳管表面温度【核】cladding tube surface temperature
包壳管表面温度【核】clad tube surface temperature
增殖棒包壳管【核】breeder rod cladding tube
增殖棒包壳管【核】breeder rod clad tube
壳侧疏水接管shell drain nozzle
壳管式热交换器tube in shell heat exchanger
壳管式热交换器shell-and-tube heat exchanger
壳管式蒸发器shell-and-tube evaporator
排管容器外壳【核】calandria shell
晶体管外壳transistor outline package
源棒包壳管【核】source rod cladding tube
源棒包壳管【核】source rod clad tube
燃料元件包壳管fuel cladding tube
燃料元件无缝包壳管seamless fuel cladding tube
燃料棒包壳管【核】fuel rod cladding tube
燃料棒包壳管【核】fuel rod clad tube
燃料组件包壳管【核】fuel-assembly tube
立式U形壳管蒸汽发生器【核】vertical shell and U tube steam generator
立式自然循环壳管式蒸发器【核】vertical natural circulation type shell and tube evaporator
管壳温度case temperature
管壳-环境温升case-to-ambient temperature rise
管束罩壳[套筒]tube bundle shroud
纵向焊缝的包壳管longitudinally welded cladding tube
结-管壳热阻junction-to-case thermal resistance
结对管壳温升junction-to-case temperature rise
绝缘晶体管外壳isolated transistor outline package
钢包壳管steel cladding tube
钢包壳管steel clad tube
错合金包壳管局部氢化【核】local hydriding of zircaloy cladding tubes
错锡合金包壳管【核】zircaloy cladding tube