
Terms for subject Economics containing 筹措 | all forms | in specified order only
筹措房租而举行的舞会rent party
他们难于为其目前的发展计划筹措资金They have difficulty in financing their current expansion programme
企业往往向银行借贷以筹措进口业务资金Often companies borrow money from banks to finance importing
优先筹措工业结构改造资金preferential financing for reshaping industrial structure
筹措资金货款refinance credits
初步筹措资金构架范围preliminary financing framework
向内筹措资金fund secured from internal sources
向夕卜筹措资金fund secured from external sources
囤贮资金筹措the stockpile financing
固定基金筹措procurement of funds
国内外资金的筹措mobilization of domestic and foreign capital
城市政府的资金筹措financing of urban government
对外筹措资金external financing
工业资金筹措industrial financing
应收帐款的资金筹措accounts receivable financing
应收帐款的资金筹措account receivable financing
应收账款的资金筹措account receivable financing
投资资金的筹措financing investments
根据合同文件规定,我方自然有权筹措这笔额外资金We certainly have the right to procure such an additional sum of money in accordance with the contract documents
海外业务的资金筹措financing of overseas business
海外投资和海外企业的资金筹措financing of overseas investment and overseas enterprise
混合筹措资金mixed financing
现金筹措计划cash financing programme (方案)
筹措偿还债务的资金refinance service payment on debt
筹措批发资金wholesale financing
筹措资金raise funds
筹措资金fund raising
筹措资金的方法methods of financing
筹措资金的方法method of financing
筹措资金的活动fund raising activities
筹措资金能力fund raising capacity
联合致力于销售,勘探、加工和资金筹措joint efforts for marketing, exploitation, processing and financing
补偿筹措办法compensatory financing scheme
补偿性资金筹措compensatory financing
贸易资金的筹措the financing related to trade
资本化筹措资金费用capitalized financing costs
资金筹措raising of money
资金筹措capital financing
资金筹措the mobilization of resources
资金筹措raising of funds
资金筹措方式the mode of financing
资金筹措结构funding structure