
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
亚利桑那州大学Arizona State University
佐治亚州大学Georgia State University
佐治亚州大学Georgia State University
体心方系统body centered cubic system
佛罗里达州大学Florida State University
作图体几何法constructive solid geometry
俄亥俄州大学Ohio State University
俄克拉何马州大学Oklahoma State University
俄勒冈州大学Oregon State University
方最紧密堆积pseudo-cubic close packed
方英尺trillion cubic feet
兆卡每方米megacalorie per cubic metre
克 /方厘米grams per cubic centimeter
克每方厘米gram〔me〕 per cubic centimetre
全国独石油协会理事会National Council of Independent Petroleum Association
加仑/方码gallons per cubic yard
加仑/千方英尺gallons per mile cubic feet
动力节点建准则dynamic node creation
北卡罗来纳州大学North Carolina State University
方英尺/日mille cubic feet per day
方英尺/日mille cubic feet per calendar day
千克每方米kilogram per cubic meter
千卡每方米kilocalorie per cubic metre
千摩尔每方米kilomole per cubic metre
千标准方英尺mille standard cubic foot
半独式房屋semidetached house
单目光电体扫描仪monocular electro-optical stereo scanner
南科达他州大学State University of South Dakota
南达科他州大学South Dakota State University
南达科他州大学South Dakota State University
印尼-美国独石油公司Independent Indonesian American Petroleum Company
双独制图编码系统dual independent mapping encoding system
周期独残差periodic independent residual
四边球面方体卫星quadrilateralized spherical cube
布鲁克黑文实验室Brookhaven National Laboratory
极地研究所日本National Institute of Polar Research Japan
极地研究所日本National Institute of Polar Research
海洋研究所印尼National Institute of Oceanology
海洋研究所印尼Lombaga oceanologi nasional
西南联合大学National South-West Associated University
防灾研究中心日本National Research Center for Disaster Prevention
国际发展问题独委员会Independent Committee for International Development Problems
图像处理独软件装置device-independent software for image processing
土地体开发vertical development of land
土地land legislation
圣何塞州大学San Jose State University
地理基础文件/双独地图编码系统geographic base file/dual independent map encoding system
地质孤效应评价assessment of effectiveness of geologic isolation
地质软独模型试验geological soft independent modelling
墨西哥国自治大学National Autonomous University of Mexico
多效式长管蒸发器multiple-effect long tube vertical evaporator
季节性周期正态独分布normal independent with seasonal cycle
宾夕法尼亚州大学Pennsylvania State University
宾夕法尼亚州大学电离层研究实验室Pennsylvania State University-Ionosphere Research Laboratory
密执安州大学Michigan State University
密西西比州大学Mississippi State University
对数正态独log normal independent
居里/方厘米curie per cubic centimeter
平均年方米cubic meters average year
微米/方英尺 • 小时压力升高单位micron cubic feet per hour
新墨西哥州大学New Mexico State University
晶体管自动计算机Hitachi transistor automatic computer
日本国放射学研究所National Institute of Radiological Science (Japan)
智利国海洋学资料中心Chilean National Oceanographic Data Center
最小二乘least squares cubic
标准方英尺/小时standard cubic foot per hour
标准方英尺/日standard cubic feet per day
标准温压下的方厘米cubic centimeters at standard temperature and pressure
森林forest site
模块式光电子多谱段体扫描器modular optoelectronic multispectral stereo scanner
橡树岭国实验室研究性反应堆oak ridge research reactor
正态独分布normal independent
方厘米颗粒数空气中的尘末particles per cubic centimeter
方米per cubic metre
方英尺英热单位British thermal units per cubic foot
每日产气方英尺数cubic feet gas per day
温度独谱指数temperature independent spectral index
澳大利亚国大学堪培拉Australian National University Canberra
焦耳每方米joule per cubic metre
爱尔兰国大学National University of Ireland
爱达荷州大学Idaho State College
犹他州大学Utah State University
犹他州大学University of Utah
交会高程点elevation point by independent intersection
住宅single-family house
勘探开发independent exploratory development
历时independent duration
恒等分布的independent and identically distributed
恒等分布随机变量independent identically distributed random variables
水轮机测试中心Independent Turbine Testing Facility
混合模型independent mixture models
物理化学污水处理系统independent physical chemical treatment systems
空中三角测量模型aerotriangulation by independent model
系统操作员independent system operator
经纪人independent broker
职业地球科学家协会Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists
职业地质学家协会Association of Independent Professional Geologists
长距离导航和控制系统autonomous long range navigation and guidance system
环境保护environmental protection legislation
百万方码million cubic yard
百万方米million cubic metres
百万标准方英尺million standard cubic foot
式海洋观测平台perpendicular oceanographic platform
植被指数perpendicular vegetation indices
矿业学院Provincial Institute of Mining
磅 /方英尺pounds per cubic foot
井感应高程测量induction height survey through shaft
体图像转换器stereo-image alternator
体图解block diagram
体地形测量stereo-topographic survey
体地震法stereoscopic seismic method
体摄像摄影stereo camera
体视行扫描仪stereo line scanner
地描述site description
地条件site condition
地类型site type
cubic angstrom
式流量计vertical current meter
式钻机upright drilling machine
方体容量cubic contents
方公里cubic kilometers
方厘米复数cubic centimeters
方厘米每克cubic centimeter per gram
方厘米每分钟cubic centimeters per minute
方厘米每小时cubic centimeters per hours
方厘米每秒cubic centimeter per second
方厘米每秒cubic centimeters per second
方埃cubic angstrom
方百米cubic hectometers
方码= 0.7646 立方米cubic yards
10方米cubic dekametre
方米cubic meters
方米/秒cubic metres per second
方英尺/秒•平方英里cubic feet per second per square mile
方英尺/分cubic foot per minute
方英尺/日cubic feet per day
方英尺/月cubic feet per month
方英尺/磅cubic foot per pound
1000 方英尺/秒1000 cubic feet per second
方英里cubic mile
权人option writer
管水马力hydraulic horsepower at standpipe
cubic meter
缸油泵pump vertical
轴下轴承footstep bearing
臼形轴承footstep bearing
陶宛地质调查所Geological Survey of Lithuania
陶宛科学院Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
纽约州大学State University of New York
美国独实验室理事会American Council of Independent Laboratories
美国衣阿华州学院Iowa State College
多元方差分析simultaneous multivariate analysis of variance
方差分析simultaneous analysis of variance
simultaneous solution (method)
聚晶方氮化硼polycrystalline cubic boron nitride
自动体测绘系统automatic stereo mapping system
莫斯科国大学Moscow State University
蒙大拿州大学Montana State University
衣阿华州大学State University of Iowa
衣阿华州大学Iowa State University
衣阿华州科技大学Iowa State University of Science and Technology
规划planning legislation
计算机辅助环境法数据系统computer-aided environmental legislative data system
尼-托西无线电定向发射系统Bellini-Tost System
路易斯安那州大学Louisiana State University
路易斯安那州大学固体控制及环境保护实验室Louisiana State University Solids Control Environmental Laboratory
里约热内卢国大学盆地分析和地质对比实验室巴西Laboratory of Basin Analysis and Geological Correlation of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
long tube vertical
阿贡国实验室Argonne National Laboratory
雷达radar beacon
面心方体晶格face-centered cubic (lattice)