
Terms for subject Genetics containing 突变 | all forms | in specified order only
一次突变primary mutant
一碳断片突变one carbon fragment mutant
三级突变tertiary mutant
上升突变up mutation
下降突变down mutation
不发育突变rudimentary mutation
不可诱导突变uninducible mutant
不可逆突变条件下的基因频率分布gene frequency distribution under irreversible mutation
不活动突变silent mutant
不稳定的转化突变unstable transformant
两次突变假说一种癌发生假说two-mutation hypothesis
两次突变假说double mutation hypothesis
严谨突变stringent mutant
中性突变假说neutral mutation hypothesis
中性突变随机漂变假说neutral mutation-random drift hypothesis
中性突变随机漂变学说neutral mutation- random drift theory
乳白突变opal mutation
乳白密码子突变umber mutation
互补突变complementary mutation
亚生活力突变subvital mutation
亚生活力突变subvital mutant
亚硝酸突变nitrous acid mutant
亚致死突变sublethal mutation
亚致死突变sublethal mutant
人为突变artificial mutation
人工突变artificial mutant
代谢突变mutant in metabolism
低生活力突变subvital mutation
体细胞突变somatic cell mutation
体细胞突变somatic mutation
体细胞二次突变secondary somatic mutation
体细胞超突变somatic hypermutation
侏儒突变dwarf mutant
依赖突变dependent mutation
依赖突变dependent mutant
先天性突变pre-existing inherited mutation
内含突变included mutation
冷敏感突变cold sensitive mutation
冷敏感突变cold sensitive mutant
冷适应突变cold-adapted mutant
冷适应突变cold-adapted mutant
分离突变segregational mutant
分解代谢功能突变catabolic functional mutant
切补修复缺陷突变excision repair deficient mutant
刚毛突变bristle mutant
DNA 制动突变DNA-arrest mutant
突变premutation phase
突变状态premutation state
前适应突变preadaptive mutation
前适应突变preadaptation mutant
剪切突变splice mutation
包装缺陷突变package defective mutant
突变half mutation
半组成突变semiconservative mutant
华根突变Waagen mutation
突变single mutation
单一位点突变single site mutation
单亲突变uniparental mutation
单点突变one-point mutation
单相致死突变monophasic lethal mutation
单相致死突变monophasic lethal mutant
卷缩菌丝突变crisp mutant
原养型恢复突变prototrophic revertant
原来存在的被遗传的突变pre-existing inherited mutation
双重突变double mutation
双重反应突变dual effect mutation
双重效应突变dual-effect mutant
发酵突变fermentation mutant
突变性图谱mutability spectrum
可接受点突变百分率percentage of accepted point mutation
可校正突变suppressible mutation
可见突变visible mutant
叶节突变knotted mutant
合子致死突变zygotic lethal mutation
合子致死突变zygotic lethal mutant
合成代谢突变anabolic mutant
合成代谢功能突变anabolic functional mutant
吉皮突变Jimpy mutation
同义突变samesense mutant
同源异型突变homeotic mutation
同源异性突变homeotic mutant
启动子突变promoter mutant
启动子上升突变promoter up mutation
启动子下降突变promoter down mutation
启动子减效突变down promoter mutation
启动子增效突变up promoter mutation
启动子增效突变up promoter mutant
呼吸缺陷突变respiratory deficient mutant
器官芽内突变intradisc mutant
器官芽间突变interdisc mutant
噬菌体抗性突变phage resistant mutant
噬菌斑突变plaque mutant
回复突变back mutant
回复突变分析reversion analysis
回复突变back mutant
回复性温度敏感突变reparable temperature-sensitive mutant
圆形突变biscuit mutant
基因突变genic mutation
基因突变信息资源gene mutation information resources
基因突变假说hypothesis of gene mutation
SRY 基因突变所致XY female due to mutation in the SRY gene
基因内抑制基因突变intragenic suppressor mutation
基因内校正基因突变intragenic suppressor mutation
基因外抑制突变extragenic suppression mutation
基因诱导的基因突变radiation-induced gene mutation
基因间无义抑制突变intergenic nonsense suppressive mutation
基因间校正基因突变intergenic suppressor mutation
基因间移码抑制突变intergenic frameshift suppressive mutative
基因间错义抑制突变intergenic missense suppressive mutation
基因间间接抑制突变intergenic indirect suppressive mutation
增变基因突变mutator mutant
增效突变up mutation
复制错误突变copy error mutation
多向突变polydirectional mutation
多点突变multiple point mutation
多点突变multiple mutation
多相致死突变polyphasic lethal mutation
多相致死突变polyphasic lethal mutant
多肽终止突变polypeptide terminating mutation
突变large mutation
奎金突变Quaking mutation (Q 突变)
完全突变full mutant
完全致死突变complete lethal mutant
定向突变target mutation
容许突变permissible mutation
寄主细胞复活缺陷突变host cell reactivation deficient mutant
突变small mutation
小噬菌斑突变minute plaque mutant
酵母菌小菌落突变petite mutant
差别突变differential mutation rate
平行突变parallel mutation
幼体致死突变juvenile lethal mutation
幼体致死突变juvenile lethal mutant
DNA 延迟突变DNA-delay mutant
延长突变elongation mutation
弱致死突变quasinormal lethal mutation
弱致死突变quasinormal lethal mutant
形态突变visible mutation
形态突变visible mutant
形态突变morphological mutant
德弗索伯斯基突变Defrisobski mutation
快停突变fast stop mutation
快停突变quick stop mutation
快停突变fast stop mutant
性染色体致死突变sex chromosome lethal mutant
性连锁致死突变方法sex-linked lethal method
慢停突变slow stop mutation
慢停突变slow stop mutant
成体致死突变adult lethal mutation
成体致死突变adult lethal mutant
成熟缺陷突变maturation-defective mutant
扇形突变sector mutation
扩增阻遏突变体系amplification refactory mutation system
扭曲突变ropy mutant
抑制突变suppressive mutation
抑制突变suppressive mutant
抑制型突变inhibition form mutation
抑制基因增强突变suppressor enhancing mutation
抑制基因敏感突变suppressor-sensitive mutation
抑制基因敏感突变suppressor-sensitive mutant
突变基因 DNA 聚合酶antimutator DNA polymerase
结构类似物突变analogue resistent mutant
抗性突变resistance mutation
抗性突变mutation to resistance
抗性突变resistance mutant
抗药性突变drug-resistant mutation
抗药性突变drug-resistant mutant
抗辐射突变radiation resistant mutant
抗阻遏突变repression resistant mutation
接合型等位基因突变mutant in mating-type allele
接头分区突变linker scanning mutation
控制基因突变controlling gene mutation
控制基因突变controlling gene mutant
插人突变insertional mutant
插入突变insertional mutation
插入突变insertion mutant
插入极性突变polar insertion
操纵子失效突变operon negative mutation
pH 敏感突变pH-sensitive mutant
散发性突变sporadic mutation
整合缺陷突变integration deficient mutant
整码突变codon mutation
新生突变fresh mutation
突变parallel mutation
无义突变nonsense mutant
无义抑制基因突变nonsense suppressor mutation
无孢子形成突变asporogenous mutant
无效突变null mutant
无效突变null mutant
无核仁突变anucleolate mutant
无相致死突变aphasic lethal mutation
无相致死突变aphasic lethal mutant
无胸腺突变athymic mutant
无胸腺嘧啶突变thymineless mutant
无透性酶突变permeaseless mutant
显性失活突变dominant negative mutation
显性失活突变dominant negative mutant
显性致死突变dominant lethal mutant
替换突变substitution mutation
有利突变favorable mutation
有害突变pernicious mutation
束状突变cluster mutation
松弛突变relaxed mutant
突变dual effect mutation
染色体组突变genome mutation
校正基因突变suppressor mutation
校正基因 tRNA 突变suppressor tRNA mutant
校正基因突变suppressor mutant
棕土突变umber mutation
植物突变细胞系plant mutational cell line
突变positive mutation
突变direct mutation
正向突变检测forward mutation assay
正负突变sign mutant
母体效应突变maternal effect mutant
毒性突变mutation to virulence
沉默位点突变silent site mutation
混浊噬菌斑突变turbid plaque mutant
添加突变addition mutation
温度敏感突变temperature-sensitive mutation (ts 突变)
温度敏感突变temperature-sensitive mutant (ts 突变型)
温度敏感突变型细胞temperature-sensitive mutant cell
温度敏感抑制突变temperature-sensitive suppressive mutation
温度敏感致死突变temperature-sensitive lethal mutant
溶菌酶突变lysozyme mutant
突变激活point mutation activation
烈性突变virulent mutation
热敏感突变heat sensitive mutation
热敏感突变heat sensitive mutants
热敏感突变heat sensitive mutant
α-球蛋白基因突变所致血红蛋白病hemoglobinopathies due to mutation of the α-globin gene
琥珀突变amber mutant
琥珀抑制基因突变amber suppressor mutation
琥珀校正基因突变amber suppressor mutation
生化缺陷突变biochemically deficient mutant
生殖细胞突变germinal mutation
生殖细胞突变genital cell mutation
生活力突变vitality mutant
白色突变albino mutant
直接抑制突变direct suppression mutation
突变eye mutant
矛盾的突变作用ambivalent mutation
碱基对突变base-pair mutation
秋水仙碱诱发雄性不育突变colchicine-induced male sterile mutant
移码突变frame-shift mutant
移码抑制基因突变frame-shift suppressor mutation
移码校正基因突变frame-shift suppressor mutation
突发变种emergency sport
tRNA 突变tRNA mutation
DNA 突变DNA mutation
突变互补mutation complementation
突变位点mutational site
R 突变R mutant
突变体浓缩法mutant concentrate method
突变协同作用mutational synergism
突变同等位基因mutation isoallele
突变启动mutation initiation
突变型 RNAmutant RNA
突变mutated form
G₆PD 突变G₆PD mutant
突变型 DNAmutant DNA
SOS 突变SOS mutant
tRNA 突变tRNA mutant
DNA 突变DNA mutant
突变型代换mutant substitution
突变型位点mutant site
突变型基因mutant gene
突变型基因寿命age of mutant gene
突变型寡核苷酸延伸扩增mutant oligonucleotide extension amplification
突变型性状mutant character
突变型等位基因mutant allele
突变型细胞选择mutant cell selection
突变型蛋白质mutant protein
突变型血红蛋白mutant hemoglobin
突变型谱mutant spectrum
突变型集落mutant colonies
突变型频率mutant frequency
突变平衡学说mutation equilibrium theory
突变表型延迟mutational lag
突变延迟mutational delay
突变异源双链mutational heteroduplex
突变性杂种优势mutational heterosis
突变性预先适应mutational preadaptation
突变扇形体mutated sectors
突变指纹mutational fingerprint
突变曲线mutation curve
突变机制mutation mechanism
突变检测mutation detection
突变热点mutation hot spot
突变热点hot spot of mutation
突变生物合成mutational biosynthesis
突变的表型mutant phenotype
突变稳定作用mutation stabilization
突变繁殖mutation breeding
突变范围mutational range
突变趋向mutation trend
突变选择学说mutation selection theory
突变遗传学mutation genetics
突变错配扩增检验mismatch amplification mutation assay
突变集落mutational colony
突变频率下降mutation frequency decline
突性结肠癌基因 MCC 基因mutated colorectal cancer gene
符合读框的突变in-frame mutation
第二位点突变second site mutation
簇状突变cluster mutation
粗糙突变mat mutant
紫外突变ultraviolet mutation
累进辐射诱导突变progressive radiation induced mutation
纤细突变delicate mutant
线粒体 DNA 突变mitochondrial DNA mutation
组成型操纵基因突变operator-constitutive mutant
组成性突变constitutive mutation
细胞质突变cytoplasmic mutation
细菌重组缺陷突变recombination deficient mutant of bacteria
终止密码子突变termination codon mutation
结构突变structure mutation
结构基因突变structural gene mutation
结构基因突变structural gene mutant
综合突变syndrome mutant
缓慢生长突变poky mutant
缺嘧啶突变pyrimidine-deficient mutant
缺失突变deficiency mutation
缺失突变depletion mutant
缺失突变deficiency mutant
缺欠突变less mutant
突变wing mutant
耐大肠杆菌素突变colicin tolerant
聚合酶突变polymerase mutant
胚胎致死突变embryonic lethal mutation
胚胎致死突变embryonic lethal mutant
胞芽突变gemma mutation
胞质突变plasmatic mutant
自发突变spontaneous mutant
自发突变生成spontaneous mutagenesis
自发正向突变spontaneous forward mutation
自然感受态缺陷突变natural competence-deficient mutant
致死突变模式lethal mutation model
突变bud mutation
菌落突变colonial mutation
菌落突变colonial mutant
营养突变vegetative mutant
营养缺陷突变auxotrophic mutant
葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶突变glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase mutant (G₆PD 突变型)
融合突变fusion mutation
诱发突变induced mutant
诱导突变induced mutation
调控基因突变regulator and control gene mutation
调控基因突变regulator and control gene mutant
调节突变regulatory mutation
调节物组分突变regulator-constitutive mutant
DNA 负突变DNA negative mutant
质量突变quality mutant
赭石抑制基因突变ochre suppressor mutation
赭石校正基因突变ochre suppressor mutation
突变hypermutation (hypermutatio)
超生活力突变supervital mutation
超阻遏突变superrecession mutant
跃高突变high hopper mutation
转座子突变形成transposon mutagenesis
转换突变transition mutant
辐射敏感突变radiation sensitive mutant
运输失效突变transport-negative mutant
适应性突变adaptive mutation
逃避中和突变neutralization escape mutant
遗传突变genetic mutation
配子致死突变gametic lethal mutation
配子致死突变gametic lethal mutant
重组缺陷突变recombinationless mutant
重组缺陷突变recombination deficient mutant
链孢霉突变Neurospora mutant
链终止突变chain termination mutation
链终止突变chain terminating mutation
链终止突变chain termination mutant
链终止突变chain terminating mutant
链起始突变chain initiating mutation
链霉素依赖突变streptomycin dependent mutant
链霉素抗性突变streptomycin resistant mutant
错义突变missense mutant
错义抑制突变 tRNAmissense suppressive mutation tRNA
错义抑制突变missense suppressive mutation
间接抑制突变indirect suppressive mutation
阻断突变blocked mutant
限制突变restriction mutant
限制突变restricted mutant
限制缺陷突变restrictionless mutant
隐性突变recessive mutation method
隐性致死突变recessive lethal mutant
隐蔽突变cryptic mutant
需要辅因子的突变cofactor-requiring mutant
非条件突变non-conditional mutation
非条件突变non-conditional mutant
靶向突变target mutation
颜色突变color mutation
颜色突变color mutant
颠换突变transversion mutant
高重组率突变hyperrec mutant
黄绿叶突变yellow green leaf mutant
龟裂突变fissure mutant