
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 硬化 | all forms | in specified order only
一次硬化primary hardening
不同深度的硬度变化曲线hardness-depth curve
不烘焙自硬化粘结剂no-bake self-curing binder
丛聚硬化cluster hardening
原子丛聚硬化cluster hardening
二次硬化secondary hardening
二次硬化材料secondary hardening material
水玻璃二氧化碳硬化砂法carbon dioxide process
二氧化碳硬化砂法carbon dioxide process
二氧化碳一水玻璃砂型硬化CO2 process (CO2法)
二氧化碳-水玻璃硬化砂造型法CO2 sodium silicate process
二氧化碳-水玻璃砂型硬化CO₂ process (【技】用3% -5%的水玻璃润湿型砂,制成砂型后用二氧化碳吹喷,使之粘结成坚固的砂型。)
低温硬化hardening at low temperature
低温退火硬化low temperature annealing hardening
使时效硬化age-harden (In the late 1950s a new series of alloy steels was developed, all of them containing about 18 per cent nickel, between 8 ~ 12 per cent of cobalt, from 3 ~ 5 per cent molybdenum and smaller additions of titanium and aluminium. Because their structure is similar to that of martensite discussed on page 176 and because they can be age-hardened they are called Maraging steels. 20 世纪 50 年代末,人们开发出一个新的合金钢系列。这个系列的所有钢种都含有约 18% 的镍、8% -12% 的结和 3%~5% 的钼及少量的钛和铝。由于这种合金钢的结构与本书176页论述的马氏体相类似,同时又可以时效硬化,故称为马氏体时效硬化钢。)
使金属或合金硬化的元素hardenable element
偏聚硬化cluster hardening
催化硬化涂层catalyst-cured coating
硬化through-hardening steel
硬化fully hardened steel
全部硬化through hardening
轴承内外座圈表面硬化out and inner race case-hardening
硬化chill harden
冷作硬化mechanical hardening
冷作硬化work hardening
冷作硬化work harden
冷作硬化flow harden
冷作硬化cold work hardening
冷作硬化金属strain-hardening metal
冷作硬化金属cold-worked metal
冷加工硬化cold-working hardening
冷加工硬化work hardening
冷加工硬化硬度strain hardness
冷却硬化hardening by cooling
冷处理硬化subzero hardening
冷轧硬化hardened rolled zinc
冷轧加工硬化work-hardening after cold rolling (In order to eliminate work-hardening after cold rolling, heat-treatment by annealing is frequently applied. 常常采用退火热处理来消除冷轧加工硬化。)
切变硬化shear hardening
加工硬化work harden
加工硬化work hardening (【技】钢件经过冷变形后塑性降低,强度和硬度增高的现象。为消除加工硬化需进行中间退火。)
加工硬化区加工硬化范围work-hardening range
加工硬化参数work-hardening parameter
加工硬化合金work-hardening alloy
加工硬化带钢work-hardened steel strip
加工硬化性能work-hardened property
加工硬化性能strain-hardened property
加工硬化指数work-hardening exponent
加工硬化效应work-hardening effect
加工硬化曲线work-hardening curve
加工硬化曲线取向关系orientation dependence of work-hardening curve
加工硬化曲线的取向关系orientation dependence of workhardening curve
加工硬化曲线第 III阶段的β蠕变β-creep of stage m of work-hardening curve
加工硬化特性work-hardening characteristics
加工硬化特性work-hardening behaviour
加工硬化状态in work-hardened condition
加工硬化状态work-hardened condition
加工硬化rate of work-hardening
加工硬化rate of work hardening
加工硬化的耗竭假说exhaustion hypothesis of work-hardening
加工硬化程度work-hardening capacity
加工硬化粉末work-hardened powder
加工硬化系数work-hardening coefficient
加工硬化系数coefficient of work hardening
加工硬化系数coefficient of work-hardening (CO2 enclosed-arc welding CO2 保护电弧焊)
加工硬化耗竭假说exhaustion hypothesis of workhardening
加工硬化范围work-hardening range
加工硬化速率work-hardening rate
加工硬化速率work hardening rate
加工硬化钢板work-hardened steel plate
加工硬化青铜work-hardened bronze
加工时效硬化strain age hardening
化学硬化chemical hardening
化学硬化型砂chemical-solidifying moulding sand
化学硬化型芯chemical-set core
化学表面硬化chemical surface hardening
区域硬化zone hardening
硬化物质semisolid mass
卡渤洛伊碳化钨硬质合金carboloy metal
压制硬化rolled hardening
变形硬化strain hardening
硬化不锈钢hardenable stainless steel (Typical applications where a hardenable stainless steel is sometimes preferred are plastic injection molds: here the high chromium content allows the steel to be highly polished and prevents the cavity property from deterioration due to heat and corrosion. 注塑模具常常是可硬化不锈钢优先选择的典型应用,因为这种钢含铬量高,可进行高度抛光,并可防止高温和腐蚀所引发的模膛性能变差。)
可使金属或合金硬化的元素hardenable element
可时效硬化age hardenable
合金硬化alloy hardening
合金硬化alloy hardener
吹 CO₂ 硬化精密铸造法CO₂ gas process
吹二氧化碳气硬化精密造型法CO2 gas process
哈维固体渗碳硬化Harvey steel
喷丸硬化peen hardening
喷丸硬化shot ball peening
喷丸硬化ball peening (处理)
喷丸硬化处理ball peening
喷丸硬化处理shot peening
喷丸硬化效应peening effect
喷丸硬化设备shot peening installation
喷丸硬化试验cloud bursting test
喷丸硬化试验cloud burst test
回火硬化temper hardening
回火硬化镍铝黄铜temper hardening brasses
固溶硬化solution hardening
固溶硬化solid solution hardening (【技】固溶强化:将合金元素加人到基体金属中形成固溶体以强化基体金属的过程。固溶强化理论主要分为:①位错钉扎机制;②摩擦机制;③结构机制。)
基本加工硬化basic work hardening
外壳硬化skin solidification
多元碳化物硬质合金cemented multiple carbide
多元碳化物硬质合金multiple carbide hard metal
多元碳化物硬质合金cemented multicarbide
多元碳化物硬质合金刀具cemented multicarbide tool
多晶体加工硬化曲线polycrystal work-hardening curve
完全硬化组织completely hardened structure
完全硬化组织completely hardened structure
局部硬化point hardening
局部硬化partial hardening
局部硬化组织partially hardened structure
局部硬化结构partially hardened structure
干涉硬化interfering hardening
干涉硬化interference hardening
应变硬化strain-hardening (【技】当外应力超过屈服强度,材料进人塑性变形后,继续塑性变形所需外应力随塑性变形量的增大而增加的现象。)
应变硬化strain-hardening range
应变硬化强度strain-hardening strength
应变硬化strain hardenability
应变硬化性能strain-hardened property
应变硬化指数strain-hardening exponent
应变硬化模数modulus of strain hardening
应变硬化系数strain-hardening coefficient
应变硬化系数coefficient of strain hardening
应变硬化范围strain-hardening range
应变硬化金属strain-hardening metal
应变时效硬化strain age hardening
弗洛硬化Fluo-Hard (Mg.Zn 的氟硅酸盐)
弥散硬化合金dispersion-hardened alloy
弥散硬化型金属陶瓷材料dispersion-hardened compact
弥散硬化材料dispersion-hardened material
弥散硬化dispersion-hardened steel
弥散硬化precipitation-hardening steel
弥散硬化铁合金dispersion-hardened iron alloy
弥散硬化铁合金dispersion hardened iron alloy
弥散硬化dispersion strengthed copper
弥散相硬化dispersed phase hardening
弹射锤击,喷射硬化peen hardening
弹射硬化peen hardening
快速硬化rapid hardening
硬化slow setting
扩散硬化hardening by diffusion
扩散硬化diffusion hardening
扩散反应硬化diffusion-reaction hardening
拉床拉拔硬化bench hardening
拉床加工硬化bench hardening
摩擦硬化friction hardening
放射线辐照硬化现象thermal spike
放电加热硬化electric discharge hardening
无碳化钨硬质合金tungsten carbide-free hard metal
时效经久,时退,扩散硬化age hardening
时效硬化precipitation hardening
时效硬化age hardening
时效硬化元素age-hardening element
时效硬化元素age hardening element
时效硬化区域age hardening region
时效硬化合金age hardening alloy
时效硬化合金钢age-hardened alloy steel
时效硬化合金钢age-hardening alloy steel
时效硬化合金钢age hardened alloy steel
时效硬化感受性age hardening response
时效硬化析出age-hardening precipitation
时效硬化析出age hardening precipitation
时效硬化沉淀age hardening precipitation
时效硬化特征age-hardening characteristic
时效硬化特性age-hardening characteristic
时效硬化范围age hardening region
时效硬化温度范围age hardening range
时效硬化age-hardening steel
时效硬化age-hardened steel
时效硬化age hardening steel
晶粒硬化grain size hardening
最终硬化final induration
有序硬化ordering induced hardening (【技】合金从无序状态转变为有序状态时伴随有强度和硬度增加的现象。)
有序化硬化order hardening
机加工硬化bench hardening
杂质硬化impurity hardening
氰化硬化cyanide case-hardening
氰化硬化cyanidation hardening
氰化淬硬cyanide case hardening
氰化物硬层cyanide case
沉淀硬化precipitation strengthening
沉淀硬化precipitation hardening (By adding elements such as 3 per cent copper or aluminium with about 1 per cent titanium to steels containing 17 per cent chromium and 4 to 8 per cent nickel, heat-treatment involving precipitation hardening and / or refrigeration at - 70°C can be applied, and strengths of up to 1500 newtons per sq. mm can be obtained. 通过向含有17% 的铬和4% ~8% 的镍的钢中加人3%的铜或铝以及约 1%的钛,还可以进行包括沉淀硬化在内的热处理和/或在 -70°C 下致冷,由此可获得强度高达1500 N/ mm² 的钢。)
沉淀硬化precipitation hardening
沉淀硬化合金precipitation-hardening alloy
沉淀硬化型不锈钢PH stainless steel
沉淀硬化型不锈钢precipitation hardening stainless steel (【技】通过加人沉淀硬化元素或沉淀硬化处理,获得高强度'、高韧性、高耐蚀性的一类不锈钢。分为四种类型:马氏体沉淀硬化不锈钢、马氏体时效不锈钢、半奥氏体型即过渡型沉淀硬化不锈钢和奥氏体沉淀硬化不锈钢。)
沉淀硬化型不锈钢PH steel
沉淀硬化型超级耐热合金precipitation-hardening superalloy
沉淀硬化precipitation-hardening steel
沉淀硬化镍基合金precipitation-hardening nickel-base alloy
沉淀硬化阀门钢precipitation hardenable valve steel
流态化自硬砂型法FS process
消除冷作硬化release of work hardening
消除冷作硬化效应removal of work hardening effects
消除冷作硬化效应removal of work-hardening effect
消除加工硬化release of work hardening
消除加工硬化效应removal of work hardening effects
消除加工硬化效应removal of work-hardening effect
淬火硬化quenched steel
淬火硬化hardened steel
淬火硬化chilled steel
淬火时效硬化quench age hardening
淬硬性:硬化能力hardening capacity
深度硬化deep hardening steel
深度-硬度变化曲线hardness-depth curve
渗氮硬化nitrogen hardening
渗氮硬化nitride hardening
渗碳硬化cementing process
渗碳钢,表面硬化case hardening steel
滑移硬化slip hardening
滚压硬化hard rolling
滞后硬化after hardening
潜在硬化latent hardening
潜在加工硬化latent work hardening
激光硬化处理laser-hardening treatment
激光表面硬化laser surface hardening (One of the latest surface treatment techniques is laser surface hardening which has the big advantage that selected areas can be hardened without treating the whole part. 激光表面硬化是最新发明的表面处理技术之一。其最大优点是不必对整个部件而只对所选定的区域进行硬化处理。)
激冷硬化chill strengthening
激冷硬化chin-chin hardening
激冷硬化chill hardening
火花放电硬化spark discharge hardening
火花放电硬化electrospark hardening
烘烤硬化bake hardening
烘烤硬化bake-hardening steel
烘烤硬化钢板bake-hardening steel sheet
硬化warm aging
硬化warm hardening
硬化heat hardening
硬化球团thermal hardening pellet
热喷丸硬化hot peening (处理)
热喷丸硬化处理hot peening
焊接硬化weld hardening
爆炸硬化explosion hardening
爆炸表面硬化explosive surface hardening
球团热硬化thermal hardening of pellet
电火花硬化spark discharge hardening
电火花加热硬化electrospark hardening
电火花加热硬化electric discharge hardening
疲劳硬化fatigue hardening (疲劳过程中因塑性变形抗力增加而硬化)
相变硬化transformation hardening
硬化hard setting
硬化chin-chin hardening
FHP 硬化FHP hardening
硬化hardening bin
硬化元素hardening element
硬化元素hardenable element
硬化冷轧机tempering mill
硬化hardening compound
硬化淬火hardening agent
硬化压力衬垫hardened pressure pad
硬化后透气性baked permeability
硬化外壳solid outer skin
硬化淬硬hardened layer
硬化层深度-断口晶粒度淬透性试验法penetration-fracture method P-F
硬化性增强硼合金needling agent
硬化性能ability to harden
硬化指数cementation index
硬化效应效果hardening effect
硬化时间curing time
硬化凝结,淬火, 渗碳hardening machine
硬化机理hardening mechanism
硬化橡胶vulcanized rubber
硬化petrifying water
硬化hardening method
硬化凝结,淬火,渗碳hardening method
硬化深度depth of hardening
硬化深度depth of hardening
硬化source of hardening
硬化特性hardening characteristics
硬化淬火特性hardening characteristics
硬化程度extent of hardness
硬化系数hardening coefficient
硬化系数coefficient of hardening
硬化淬火能力hardening capacity
硬化能力capacity for hardening
硬化能力ability to harden
硬化表皮solid outer skin
硬化表面层hardened case
硬化速率rate of hardening
硬化quenched steel
硬度变化variation in hardness
硬结氧化物rock oxide
硬质合金化合物hard metal compound
硬质氧化铝膜处理法alumilite method
硬质碳化物hard carbide
硬质表面钝化铝hard alumite
硬阳极氧化处理法hard anodizing
碳化钛基硬质合金titanium carbide-base alloy
碳化钨硬质合金cemented tungsten carbide
碳化钨硬质合金diamondite (95.6W,3.9C)
碳氮共渗硬化cyanidation hardening
表面碳氮共渗硬化nicarbing process
空气硬化型砂air-setting sand
空气硬化型芯air-set core
空气硬化洋火air hardened
空气硬化粘结剂air curing binder
等温热处理硬化hardening by isothermal heat-treatment
等温转变表面硬化处理isothermal transfonnation case hardening
线性硬化linear hardening
组织硬化structural hardening
织构硬化texture hardening
经久时效硬化age hardening
缺陷硬化defect hardening
聚合硬化cluster hardening
硬化型砂self-hardening sand
硬化本领self-hardening capacity
硬化粘结剂self-set binder
莫特金属应变硬化理论theory of Mott
表层硬化用渗碳剂case-hardening carburizer
表皮硬化处理skin hardening
表面硬化shell hardening
表面硬化superficial hardening
表面渗碳硬化case harden
表面硬化淬火hard facing
表面渗碳硬化case hardening
表面硬化face hardening
表面硬化case harden
表面硬化case-hardening compound
表面硬化处理surface-hardening treatment (【技】采用表面处理的方法,改变工件表面的成分、组织结构等以提高工件表层硬度的处理方法。例如:渗碳、渗氮、感应淬火等均属表面硬化处理。)
表面硬化机理mechanism of cementation
表面硬化method of case-hardening (In the simplest method of case-hardening the steel articles are packed in boxes containing charcoal and other substances; they are then heated gradually to about 925°C, and maintained at that temperature for several hours. 最简单的表面硬化法是将钢件放人盛有木炭和其他材料的箱子中,然后逐渐加热到大约 925°C, 并在此温度下保持几小时。)
表面硬化深度case depth
表面硬化case-hardening furnace
表面硬化能力capability to harden surface
表面硬化能力capability to surface-harden
表面硬化薄层shallow case
表面硬化金属hard surfaced metal
表面硬化case-hardening steel
表面硬化case steel
表面硬化surface-hardened steel
表面硬化case-hardened steel (Armor plate and parts of rifles, typewriters and automobile engines are a few of the multitude of case-hardened steel components. 装甲钢板,步枪、打字机和汽车发动机的零部件是诸多表面硬化钢零部件中的几例。)
表面硬化case-hardened steel
表面硬化钢产品face-hardened steel products
表面硬化钢棒face-hardened steel bar
表面硬化钢零件surface-hardened steel parts
表面硬化铸件case-hardened casting
表面硬化零件face-hardened part
表面喷丸硬化处理cloudburst treatment
表面喷丸硬化处理cloudburst process
表面喷丸硬化试验cloud bursting test
表面渗氮硬化nitrogen case-hardening process
表面渗氮硬化nitrogen casehardening process
表面碳氮共渗硬化nicarbing process
费希尔-哈特-普里硬化FHP hardening (【技】费希尔、哈特和普里三人认为,退火碳钢具有高硬度系因含有弥散粒子和硬质化合物所致,故该种硬化由此得名。)
超碳量表面渗碳硬化hypercarb hardening
超碳量表面渗碳硬化hypercarb hardening (法)
超高速硬化水泥super-rapid hardening cement
轧制的加铜硬化锌基合金copper-hardened rolled zinc
轧辊硬化淬火处理roll hardening quench treatment
辐照硬化radiation hardening
辐照硬化irradiation hardening
过早硬化premature hardening
连续硬化continuous hardening
重新硬化轧辊rehardened roll
钢的固体渗碳硬化harveyizing (法)
钴结碳化钛硬质合金cobalt-cemented titanium carbide
钴结碳化钨硬质合金cobalt-cemented tungsten carbide
铁结碳化钨硬质合金iron-cemented tungsten carbide
铝的硬阳极氧化处理aluminium hard coating
铝的硬阳极氧化层aluminium hard coating
银铜合金特殊时效硬化Mitsche's effect
表面锤击硬化处理hammer peening
锤击硬化处理hammer peening
锤击硬化效应peening effect
锤击硬化hammer-hardening process
锤锻硬化hammer-hardening method
锤锻硬化hammer-hardening process
锤锻锤击硬化hammer-hardening process
锤锻锤击硬化hammer-hardening technique
锤锻锤击硬化hammer-hardening method
镀铬硬化角钢chromium-hardened steel angle
镀铬硬化钢板chromium-hardened steel plate
镀铬硬化钢棒chromium-hardened steel bar
镍结碳化钽硬质合金nickel-cemented tantalum carbide
阿姆柯不硬化armco stabilized steel
阿尔尼克铝镍沉淀硬化型永磁合金Alnic alloys (25Ni, 12Al,余量 Fe)
阿贝尔极限深冲比与加工硬化指数关系曲线Arber curve
零下硬化处理subzero hardening
静力加工硬化曲线static work-hardening curve
硬化作用prehardening reaction
硬化反应prehardening reaction
硬化团块prehardened briquette
硬化prehardened steel (【技】预先由钢生产厂家淬火硬化处理的钢材。在热轧或锻造等生产过程中,利用高温状态下的余热进行淬化硬化处理,如轧制淬火、锻造淬火等。)
高于室温的时效硬化warm hardening
高压釜硬化autoclaving wagon
高速冲击硬化velocity impact hardening
高速钢二次硬化progressive hardening of high-speed steel (【技】高速钢淬火后硬度升高是第一次硬化。其后分别在 350°C 以下、350° C 以上回火,最终在520 ~ 580°C 温度范围内回火出现第二个硬度高峰,并且超过淬火硬度,即为二次硬化。)