
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing 矿区 | all forms | in specified order only
三面采空矿柱的应力集中区peninsula abutment
上游原材料供应和硝酸铵生产、以及炸药在矿区的最终用途、是考虑的内容Upstream raw material supply and ammonium nitrate manufacture are considered, together with the end-use of explosives on mine sites
大面积矿柱的应力集中区continent abutment
孤立矿柱的应力集中区island abutment
已探明矿区proved mining area
带状矿柱的应力集中区strip abutment
弧形矿柱的应力集中区arch abutment
残留矿柱的应力集中区remnant abutment
爆破人员在采矿及建筑拆除爆破过程中所面临的一个最大难题、是准确算岀爆破安全区的范围One of the greatest challenges, which a blaster faces in mining and contruction blasting, is to accurately determine the bounds of the blast safety area
矩形矿柱的应力集中区cape abutment
矿区地形地质图详细表示矿区地形、地层、岩浆岩、构造、矿体、矿化等基本地质特征与相互关系的地质图件topographical map of mining area
矿区平面直角坐标系以矿区任意子午线作为中央子午线,或〈和〉以任意高程基准面作为矿区投影高程基准面的高斯-克吕格〈Gauss-Kruge〉平面直角坐标系coordinate system of mining area
矿区控制测量建立矿区平面控制网和高程控制网的测量工作control survey of mine district
矿区控制测量建立矿区平面控制网和高程控制网的测量工作control survey of mining area
矿区水文地质图反映矿区地下水形成和分布及其与自然地理、地质因素相互关系的综合性水文地质图件hydrogeological map of ore field
矿柱的应力集中区pillar abutment
矿柱的钝角应力集中区obtuse abutment
矿柱的锐角应力峰值区acute peak abutment
矿田区域地形图反映矿田范围内地貌和地物的平面图topographic rnap of mine field
经流雨水冲刷矿区地面破碎岩石堆而引起的污染Pollution from run-off rain water from surface dumps of broken rock at mines
矿区low-grade area
鉴于这一点、为了研究爆破飞石、我们在挨着居民区的磷矿作了实地考察Keeping this in view, field investigations were conducted at a phosphate mine to study the flyrock from blasting