
Terms for subject Business containing 短期 | all forms | in specified order only
不规则短期波动irregular short-term fluctuations
短期专项贷款middle and short-term special loan
短期信贷medium or short-term credit
短期设备贷款medium or short-term loan for equipment
短期贷款medium or short-term loan
临时与短期资金指英国商业银行发放的不超过 14 天的贷款money at call and short notice
银行临时性短期通知放款money at call and short notice
使用期缩短loss of service
债券短期买入short-term purchase of securities
公认短期信用official short-term credit
商业短期抵押汇票documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight
国外短期债权foreign short-term claim
国外短期资产指外币及国外存款等foreign short-term assets
在通知的短时期内at short notice
均衡化短期资本equilibrating short-term capital
对外短期负债external short-term liability
对外国人短期债权short-term claim on foreigners
对外国人的短期债权short-terms on foreigners
工商短期放款commercial and industrial short term loan
工商短期放款市场commercial and industrial short term loan market
应付短期借款short-term loan payable
应收短期借款short-term loan receivable
抵押短期融资secured short-term financing
摊销短期投资amortization short-term investment
短期short period
短期short date
短期不足货物short shipping goods
短期业绩毛利short-run performance margin
短期乘数short-term multiplier
短期交易short-term transaction
短期任务short-time duty
短期企业贷款short-term business loan
短期估计short-term estimate
短期供应short-run supply
短期供应价格short-period supply price
短期供应函数short-run supply function
短期供给曲线short-period supply curve
短期保险short-period insurance
短期信贷信用short-term credit
短期信贷市场short-term credit market
短期借入borrowing short to lend long
短期借款money borrowed for short term
短期借款经纪人money broker
短期借款通知money short notice
短期借贷short-term loan
短期债券short-term bonds
短期债务quick liability
一年以内的短期债务floating debt
短期债务整理consolidation of short-term debt
短期债务清理consolidation of short-term debt
短期债权如活期存款户有随时向银行提款权利short-term claim
短期倾销short-period dumping
短期偏移short-term drift
短期偿还债务liquidation of shorts
短期公债short tap
短期公债short public loan
短期公司债券short-term debenture
短期决策near term decision
短期分析short-term analysis
短期利润near-term profit
短期利率short-period rate
短期利益投资行为investment behavior of pursuing short-term interests
短期可上市资产可在市场买卖的资产marketable short-term assets
短期可变现证券securities realizable at short notice
短期可变现资产marketable short-term asset
短期合伙企业joint venture partnership
短期同行抵押拆借call loan secured
短期同行拆借市场call market
短期周转贷款bridging loan
短期商业信贷short-term commercial credit
短期商业跟单汇票document commercial bill drawn at short sight
短期商业跟单汇票documentary commercial bill drawn at short sight
短期国库债券treasury bill
短期国际投资foreign short loans made here
短期均衡short-period equilibrium
短期培训short-term training
短期外汇贷款short-term foreign exchange loan
短期存款short-term deposit
短期定价行为short-run pricing behavior
短期定额short-time rating
短期实验short-term experiment
短期展望short-range prospect
短期展望short-range outlook
短期工作short-run job
短期工商贷款short-term commercial and industrial loans
短期工程short-time work
短期工程short-run work
短期性作业process of short duration
短期投机venture account
短期投机买卖账簿adventure book
短期投资short-period investment
短期投资主要指有价证券的投资temporary investment
短期拆息率call rate
短期拆放周转率call turnover
短期拆放和贴现市场call money and discount market
短期拆放经纪人call loan broker
短期损益short-term revenue and loss
短期排程short-interval scheduling
短期收益short-term gain
短期政府债券unfunded debt
短期效果short-run effect
短期方案short-term project
短期暴露试验short-term exposure
短期暴露试验short exposure
短期有价证券short-term securities
短期期货外汇forward exchange for short period
短期模型short-run model
短期正常价格short-term normal price
短期毛利short-run margin
短期汇率sight rate
短期汇率short period rate
短期汇率short exchange
短期汇票short exchange
短期汇票10天内兑付short bill
短期流动资金过多造成的压力accumulating liquidity pressure
短期消费函数short-run consumption function
短期消费品consumer disposable
短期生产计划short-term production plan
短期short run
短期目标short-run target
短期票据call loan dealers bill
短期票据bill short
短期租凭short lease
短期租赁short-period lease
短期管理short-term management
短期经济政策short-run economic policy
短期经济预测short-term economic forecast
短期经济预测模式short-term economic forecast model
短期结算费率in-and-out rates
短期美元债权foreign claims against U.S. gold
短期耐用消费品consumer durable in short supply
短期行为short-term behavior
短期行为near-term action
短期规划short-term program
短期计划short-range program
短期计划short-range plan
短期责任short-time duty
短期质量管理short-run quality control
短期贷款short-period loan
短期贷款at call
短期资产short-lived assets
短期资产负债short-term assets and liabilities
短期资本如短期票据等short-term capital
短期资本利得short-term capital gains
短期资本差额short-term capital balance
短期资本损益short-term capital gain or loss
短期资本的国际流动international movement of short-term capital
短期资金国际流转international transfer of shore-term fund
短期资金的国际流动international transfer for short-term fund
短期资金调节管理control of short-term capital
短期资金调节管理法control method of short-term capital
短期赊销short-term credit sales
短期趋势short-time trend
短期转期偿还junior refunding
短期边际成本short-range margin cost
短期进度表short interval scheduling
短期金融市场short-term money market
短期银行贷款short-term bank loan
短期项目short-run project
短期项目short-term item
短期项目short-range project
短期项目short-period project
短期预支bridging advance
短期预测short-range forecast
短期预算near-term prospects
短缺期货指卖出期货量大于买进期货量short position
稳定短期资本流动stabilizing short-term capital movement
级内最短服务期条件minimum time-in-grade requirement
短期限承兑汇票rebated acceptance
缩短交货期curtailment of the delivery time
进取性短期投资法aggressive short-term investment technique
银行短期商业贷款利率bank rate on short-term business loan
银行短期融资部money desk
银行短期贷款bank accommodation
银行短期贷款利率bank rate on short-term loan
短期利率操作operation nudge
长、短期目标平衡调整balance between short range and long range goals
短期经营计划制business planning based on long-term and short-term interests
长期世界美元短绌chronic world dollar shortage
长期商品短缺chronic shortage of commodities
长期资本短细deficit in long-term capital
预期短缺expected shortage