
Terms containing 电源线 | all forms | in specified order only
risk.man.不可拆卸电源软线non-detachable power supply cord
proj.manag.为避免损坏电线或插头、 断开电源插座时、 请用手握紧插头Grip the plug to disconnect from the power outlet to avoid damage to the cord or the plug
tech.电源线principal wire feeder
avia.主要电源线main supply line
tech.事故电源线emergency feed line
el.事故电源母线essential bus
tech.交流电源线alternating current power cord
el.共源引线电感common source lead inductance
dril.切断电源线deenergizing circuit
el.劈开电源导线内信号线结构signal inside a split power conductor (IMPS 解法之一)
el.叠层电源线结构laminated power structure
avia.合闸电源母线closing power source bus
el.外围设备互连总线电源管理接口PCI power management interface
tech.多层电源配线电路laminate power bus
telecom.市电电源线supply main
earth.sc.干线〔市电〕电源mains supply
oil干线电源main supply
el.干线电源mains supply
el.恒定电压线路电源constant-potential line supply
space指令电源母线instruction power bus
el.无源无线电识别passive radio identification
IT无线电干扰源radio interference source
tech.无线电干扰源radio noise source
space无线电资源管理radio source management
tech.无线电频率资源radio frequency resource
China, law无线电频谱资源resources of radio-frequency spectrum
mil., air.def.有源电扫描阵列天线active electronic scanning array antenna
el.架空电源线aerial power line
agric.次电源引线secondary power lead
met.照明电源干线lighting mains
tech.照明电源引出线lighting outlet
avia.独立感应线圈电流源independent inductor current source
el.电[动]力线有源调节器active power line conditioner
auto.电源馈电线supply lead
tech.电源线supply cord
el.电源线supply lead
el.mach.电源引入线power lead
oil电源动力线power line
tech.电源溃电线supply lead
commun.电源溃电线power lead
auto.电源与地线连接power & ground connection
auto.电源与地线连接power and ground connection
space电源地线[接地]power ground
telecom.电源地线power ground
avia.电源小母线power supply miniature bus
el.mach.电源干线electric mains
el.电源引入线power lead
avia.电源总线power bus
tech.电源接线power supply wiring
el.电源接线power wiring
tech.电源接线power-line connection
tech.电源接线柱power-line terminal
auto.电源接线盒power junction block
tech.电源接线端supply terminal
auto.电源控制式电磁线圈solenoid controlled by power
dril.电源正极引线positive wire
space电源母[总]线power bus
el.电源母线power bus
tech.电源电压输送线supply voltage line
tech.电源电压输送线power voltage line
environ.电源线supply line
met.电源线main lead
telecom.电源线electric main
el.mach.电源线electric supply line
oil电源线power conductor
nucl.pow.电源线power cord
eng.geol.电源线power lead
oil电源线power line
auto.电源线hot cable
tech.电源线electrical feeder
tech.电源线power supply cord
tech.电源线electric feeder
tech.电源线drop wire
CNC电源线power wire
el.电源线与接地线层间信号线结构IMPS 解法之一signal between power and ground conductors
space电源线天线mains aerial
tech.电源线天线mains antenna
tech.电源线挂钩flex hook
IT电源线滤波器power line filter
IT电源线电阻器line cord resistor
el.电源线瞬态power line transient
IT电源线power circuit
tech.电源负极引线negative wire
tech.电源软线power cord
telecom.电源软线line cord
tech.电源软线mains cord
tech.电源软线电阻器line-cord resistor
tech.电源输电线electrical supply line
tech.电源输电线electric supply line
hydroel.st.电源进线incoming line
telecom.电源馈线power feeder
oil电磁线源electromagnetic line source
tech.移动式无线电机用电源power plant for mobile radio apparatus
el.移动无线电资源控制mobile radio resource control
el., sec.sys.线性电源linear power supply
IT线性调节电源linear-regulated power supply
earth.sc.线路采集电源line acquisition supply
el.网状电源线meshed power line
tech.电源线来的干扰conducted interference
tech.近场源激电曲线curve of induced polarization at near source
railw.进线电源incoming source
el.通用线性电源模块universal linear power module
met.阳极电源引线anode power lead
met.阴极电源引线cathode power lead
el., sec.sys.非线性电源non-linear power supply