
Terms for subject Economics containing 生动的 | all forms | in specified order only
一定劳动生产率的劳动量amount of labour expended with a certain labour productivity
劳动力的再生产reproduction of labour-power
劳动力的再生产reproduction of labor power
劳动在总生产中所占的份额labour share of output
劳动的边际生产力marginal productivity of labour
劳动的边际生产率marginal productivity of labor
双方之间的整个合同如有变动,需有双方共同签署的备忘录,方可生效The whole contract between the parties may be altered only by memorandum signed by both parties
按经济活动种类分列的国内生产总值gross domestic product by kind of economic activity
物质的生产活动activity in material production
生产工人的劳动direct labour
生产性资源的流动flow of productive resources
生产活动的内在要素internal moment of productive activity
生产要素的流动性mobility of factor of production
生产要素的流动性factor mobility
谢谢6月18日来函时对TB₄₄₆型电动锯的询价,但我方现已不再生产这一型号Thank you for your inquiry of June 18 for our electric saws TB₄₄₆ but we are not manufacturing this type any more
货币金属的劳动生产率labour productivity of the currency metal
长期劳动在总生产中所占的份额labour share of output for long run