
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不断完善的法制constantly improving legal environment
不良境影响adverse effect on the environment
严格执行节能保法规和标准strictly comply with laws, regulations and standards for energy saving and environmental protection
中华保世纪行the China Environmental Protection Program
为中国改革开放和现代化建设创造良好的国际creat a favorable international environment for China's reform and opening up and its modernization drive
为和平发展营造良好的国际create an excellent international environment for peaceful development
争取和平的国际境发展自己strive for a peaceful international environment to develop itself
亚太议员境与发展大会the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Conference on Environment and Development
人口资源境委员会Committee of Population, Resources and Environment
从最容易发生问题的岗位和节入手start with work positions and links where problems often occur
仓造公平竞争的税收法制foster a legal taxation environment for fair competition
保护protection of environment
保护和改善protect and improve the environment
保护大气境的义务obligation to protect the atmospheric environment
保护水域生态protect the ecological environment of the waters
保护海洋境及资源protect the marine environment and resources
保护生态protect the ecosystem
候船environment for waiting to board a ship
公众境权益rights and interests of the public of the environment
关于境保护的南极条约议定书Protocol on Environment Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
关键crucial links
农业生态agricultural ecological environment
创造境和条件create the environment and conditions
创造公平就业的create an environment for fair employment
创造良好的国际creat a favorable international environment
加强境和生态保护执法检查strengthen law enforcement and improve inspections to monitor environmental and ecological environment
加强节能保工作increase energy conservation and environmental protection
加强薄弱shore up weak links
向薄弱节倾斜give more preference to weak links (in)
固体废物污染境防治法the Law on the Prevention and Control of Solid Waste Environmental Pollution
国内外经济domestic and international economic environments
国家境保护总局State Environmental Protection Administration
国家境噪声排放标准national limits for environmental noise emission
国家声境质量标准national standards for acoustic environmental quality
国家大气境质量标准national standards for atmospheric environment quality
地震观测environment for seismicity observation
境保护protection of the acoustic environment
境质量acoustic environmental quality
大气境质量atmospheric environment quality
大气境质量状况公报report on the quality of the atmospheric environment
就业environment for employment
工业企业厂界境噪声environmental noise within the boundary of an industrial enterprise
市容境卫生appearance and environmental sanitation of urban area
建筑施工场界境噪声environmental noise within the boundary of a construction site
建设资源节约型、境友好型社会build a resource-conserving and environmentally friendly society
建设资源节约型、境友好型社会build a conservation-minded and environmentally friendly society
使用cyclical use
经济recycling economy
经济法the Circular Economy Law
恶性循a vicious circle
排放境噪声的单位unit that emit environmental noise
改善improve the environment
无障碍accessible environment
构成境污染损害危险threaten pollution damage to the environment
境保护protection of water environment
水域生态ecological environment of the water
污染和破坏cause pollution or damage to the environment
污染海洋marine environmental pollution
海洋境污染损害pollution damage to the marine environment
海洋境的调查investigation over the marine environment
保旅游方式environmental ways of tourism
境与资源保护委员会The Environmental Protection and Resources Conservation Committee
境与资源保护委员会the Environmental and Resources Protection Committee
境保护义务duty of environmental protection
境保护法the Environmental Protection Law
境保护科学技术science and technology of environmental protection
境保护管理govern environmental protection
境保护行政主管部门competent administrative department for environmental protection
境保护规定regulations of environmental protection
境卫生environment and sanitation
境噪声值level of environmental noise
境噪声排放environmental noise emission
境噪声污染environmental noise pollution
境噪声监测制度system for monitoring environmental noise
境噪声监测机构environmental noise monitoring institution
境噪声监督管理权power of supervision and control of environmental noise
境影响评价evaluation of environmental effects
境影响评价资质qualification for evaluation of environmental effects
境效益environmental benefits
境污染事故accident of environmental pollution
境污染危害environmental pollution hazard
境污染防治prevention and control of environmental pollution
境状况environmental situation
境管理体系environmental management certification system
境质量标准standards for environment quality
破坏damage the environment
经济和法律economic and legal environment
能源消耗高、境污染重excessive energy consumption and serious environmental pollution
良好good environment
节约、保、文明的生产方式和消费模式conservation-oriented, environmentally friendly and civilized patterns of production and consumption
节能保型产业energy-conserving and environment-friendly industry
节能保型汽车energy-saving and environment-friendly automobile
节能和境保护energy conservation and environment protection
营造有利于发展中国家的国际create an enabling international environment for developing countries
营造良好的外部create a favorable external environment (for)
薄弱weak links (in)
负有境保护监督管理职责responsible for environmental protection
资源、境有偿使用制度a compensation system for the use of natural resources and for damage to the environment
进口 import link
进口节增值税import value-added tax
造成境噪声污染cause environmental noise pollution
造成境噪声污染的设备equipment that produces environmental noise pollution
重点领域和关键key areas and crucial links
防止污染prevent pollution of the environment
防止污染prevent environmental pollution
防治境噪声污染prevent and control environmental noise pollution