
Terms containing 特殊项目 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.扣除特殊项目前净收入net income before extraordinary items
tech.未付特殊项目前的收益income before extraordinary item
fin.未计特殊项目前之净利income before extraordinary item
busin.特殊偶发项目unusual and nonrecurring items
securit.特殊和偶发项目unusual and nonrecurring items
tech.特殊和偶然发生的项目unusual and non-recurring item
plann.特殊工程项目special project
econ.特殊工程项目设计程序special project program order
textile特殊扣除项目particular deduction
avia.特殊控制区项目special control area item
avia.特殊的与非标准的项目peculiar and nonstandard items
tech.特殊的和非标准的项目peculiar and non-standard items
fin.特殊项目exceptional item
skiing特殊项目special event
fin.特殊项目extraordinary items
econ.特殊项目工程special project
tech.特殊项目extraordinary item
busin.特殊项目条款specific items
busin.特殊项目unusual loss
fin.特殊项目abnormal item
busin.特殊项目Special Project
tech.特殊项目special item
securit.特殊项目exception item
busin.特殊项目办公室Special Project Office
interntl.trade.特殊项目或批量识别鉴定identification of specific Item or lot method
sport.特殊项目接纳exceptional admission of a discipline or event
oil科学研究与特殊项目Research and Special Project Agency
fin.计算特殊项目前之净收益net income before extraordinary items