
Terms for subject United Nations containing | all forms
一等控制primary control
临界tipping point
为需要大于20千伏安电源的各营地、连队或较大分散地或专门单位例如医疗设施、保养车间提供主要电源main source generating power for base camps, company or larger dispersed locations, or specialist units requiring large power sources greater than 20 kVA e.g., medical facilities, maintenance workshops
亚太地区SDI数据结APSDI data nodes
从决定开始减免债务front-loading" of debt relief from Decision Point onwards
从科学和技术观确定和审查各种可能的核查措施特设政府专家组Ad Hoc Group of Governmental Experts to Identify and Examine Potential Verification Measures from a Scientific and Technical Standpoint BWC (科技审查组)
共深common depth point
共深acquisition of Common Depth Point CDP reflection data
关于能源与可持续发展的亚太观巴厘宣言Bali Declaration on Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Energy and Sustainable Development
决定Decision Point
发射Point of launch
发炮地查寻装备artillery locating equipment
变动最大一maximum maximorum
国家联络national focal points
坡度变动之处有多个局部变动最大之local maxima in the change of the gradient
基线转折turning point
大地基准geodetic datum
大地控制geodetic control point
大陆坡坡底坡度变动最大之point of maximum change in the gradient at its base
安哥拉政府提出的四和平纲领four-point agenda for peace proposed by the Government
完成Completion Point
fixed point
工作地duty station
工作地差价调整数post adjustment
工作地差价调整数乘数post adjustment multiplier
工作地差价调整数问题咨委会调整数咨委会advisory committee on post adjustment questions
弹着Point of impact
总部地headquarters locations
投票polling sites
方案重国家strategic programming country
无人守卫的据Unmanned positions
最外缘定outermost fixed points
来自无源的污染pollution from non-point sources
柱墩地pillar sites
"浮动"完成floating" Completion Points
海图基准chart datum
海图基准转换chart datum transfer
point source
point emission source
mantle hot spot
hot spot
爆发tipping point
爆破shot points
环境基金有关土地退化的重领域focal area on land degradation, GEF
生态系观ecosystems approach
生物多样性热biodiversity hot spot
疟疾重发病区malaria focus
病毒载量最低viral load nadir
病毒载量最低plasma HIV nadir
速度Terminal velocity
联络focal points
血浆病毒载量最低viral load nadir
血浆病毒载量最低plasma HIV nadir
转折turning point
边境跨越border crossing point
过境crossing point
远地Apogee trajectory with an apogee of 400 km
管理报告系统key item management reporting system
隔音、防弹的参观sound-proof and ballistically protected viewing points for visitors
驻纽约的常驻联合国代表团以及负责实施制裁措施的主要部委/机构的指定联络contact points at their permanent missions to the United Nations in New York and at the ministry/agency principally responsible for the implementation of the sanctions measures