
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
反弹bit of a rebound
一天内的最低intraday low
套利three-point arbitrage
套汇利用三个外汇市场间汇率的差异,三地同时进行买低卖高的交易three-point arbitrage
投资策略three-pronged investment strategy
上升段平衡upside breakeven
上市地listings venue
下降型顶descending tops
套利two point arbitrage
主要营业地principal place of business
买方焦buyer focus
亏损停业shutdown point
互换在外汇交易中,由于两种货币的利率并不相同,把这种利率差异转换成以汇率形态表示,便是 swap pointswap point
交割delivery point
交易盘transaction system
交易美国证券的试计划Pilot Programme for Trading U. S. Securities
产权疑cloud on title
付款购人实施毒丸反接管计划的公司的持股量kick-in point
以避险为出发的方法risk-based approach
价格回升至高/顶点rally top
价格顶blowing off (股票价格逐渐上涨后达到的顶峰)
传统观traditional view
估价valuation point
上升rising lows
低价股交易地bargain counter
保本分析break even analysis
倒复杂杠杆支形态技术分析inverse fulcrum reversal pattern
债券指美国证券交易所表示债券报价的点数bond point
兑换特conversion feature
全年最低year's low
全面盘wall to wall inventory
公司变动注册地move domicile
公正的观fairness opinion
关停shutdown point
关联peg point
关键卖key selling point
决策突破分析decision break point analysis
分散选择权fractional point discretion
分界投资所要求的最低回报率cutoff point
利润保本profit breakeven point
出售sell plus
证券畅销的关键之处selling point
双重交叉货币工具指数基quanto cross index basis
取消特knock-out features
取舍cutoff point
受企业欢迎的上市地subject of enterprises to welcome the listing
变化平均线交叉moving average crossovers
合并公司的特combining companies' attribute
吸收证券市场不再吸收有价证券的价格点absorption point
吸纳absorption point
商业周期最低bottom of business cycle
商议地place of negotiation
国债资金重项目责任制responsibility system for key projects funded by treasury bonds
国家能源交通重建设基金fund for important construction of state's energy and transportation
国家重建设债券priority construction treasury
国有重大型企业监事会State-owned Key Large Enterprise Regulatory Commission
国有重金融机构监事会State-owned Key Financial Institutions Regulatory Commission
坚固支撑技术分析strong point
培育新的经济增长tap new sources of economic growth
100个基点为 1%basis pointBP
利差basis point spread
基准起benchmark entry point
基准起薪benchmark entry point
基数1/10 000basis pointBP
基本100个基点为1%basis point
基本basic factors
基本价值price value of a basis point
基本的美兀价值证券价值变动一个基本点带来的收益率变动dollar value of basis point
基本的美元价值证券价值变动一个基本点带来的收益率变动dollar value of basis point
基本特fundamental nature
套利multiple point arbitrage
失效特knock-out features
存放记录或文件地的适宜性suitability of premises for keeping records or documents
付款payment domiciled
支付的票据domiciled bill
定期盘periodic inventory system
实体业务substantive business points
实时行情特stock screening feature
实质性业务网substantive business points
对冲基金包罗万象的特eclectic nature of hedge fund
崩溃breaking point
市价涨卖出者plus tick seller
市场热market focus
市场观market views
市场重marketing emphasis
年最高价位/annual high
当日内最低股市intraday low
彳亍业特比率industry-specific ratios
总评级gross rating points
成本函数交cusp point
截止cutoff point
执行特knock-in features
投资特investment feature
投资网outlet for investment
投资起minimum subscription fee
折扣discount points
抛售抛售点的特征是市场出现巨幅暴跌capitulation point
抵制resistance points
拆分split off point
指数以3500收盘index closed at 3500
损益平衡break even point
证券价格支撑support point (技术分析)
收益yield elbow
技术分析dot graph
标绘scattered plotting
新热股市中new hot point
新经济增长new sources of economic growth
预测point forecast
暂时性加征3个百分temporary loading of 3 percentage point
最低record low
最高record high
有效特knock-in features
有重报表pro forma statement
有重pro forma
有重的财务报表pro forma financial statement
有重的资本结构分析pro forma capital structure analysis
标准peg point
止损stop-loss points
波动利润tick profit
交易up tick
交易plus tick transaction
规则plus tick rule
涨停maximum price fluctuation
涨跌交易的比率uptick-downtick ratio
损失counting loss
击次数click through rate
击率hit rate
击诈骗click fraud
反转技术分析five point reversal 5
差交易spread betting
1800 股指已无法忍受enough is enough at 1800
数图技术分析point and figure chart
数数量技术分析的点数图中box size
方案thirty-point plan 30
滴利润tick profit
线图技术分析point and line chart
报告券商必须向证券交易所提交的月报和季报Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single report
现金流盈亏平衡cash flow break-even point
现金流量保本cash flow break-even point
盈亏平衡profit breakeven point
stock count
相反观adverse opinion
相等基互换even basis swap
票据付款地place of payment
票据出票地place of issue
管理重在投资回报management focus on return of investment
累积股利特cumulative dividend feature
红利积分loyalty point
终结交叉中期线下移与长期线相交之点dead cross
经济价值观economic value viewpoint
经济特economic trait
经营循环最低bottom of business cycle
综合指数停止下滑势头、升16、达到5000点composite stopped the declining momentum, gaining 16 points to 5000
综合指数飙升至10000composite index soared to 10000 points
美国证券交易所零额交易中佣金收费界限break point
股价跌到最低时买人bottom fishing
股份制试企业会计制度accounting system for stock companies on experiment
股市指数突破1000stock index breaking the 1000-point mark
股票基互换equity basis swap
能源交通重建设资金funds to build key energy and transport projects
营业地business premises
营销关注marketing emphasis
董事会观不统一split board
触发trigger point
触发中止touch off the stop
触发价格trigger point
认购起minimum subscription fee
证券组合贝塔portfolio beta score
企业pioneer enterprise
引人trial introduction
期间pilot period
计划pilot programme
计划证券pilot programme securities
计划造市庄家pilot programme market maker
财务报告重financial highlights
财政重financial highlights
账目要摘录abstract of account
购买金额警示收购者购买目标公司股票数量低于规定的申报标准toehold purchase
资产特assets specificity
资产组合的特characteristic of portfolio
资本取舍capital cut off point
资本周转销售额与资本额相同时的营业水平capital turnover point
资本市场不完善观capital market imperfection view
资本转移capital turnover point
资本转让capital turnover point
base price
转折销量breakpoint sale
总体兴旺市场中的soft spot
证券价格达到顶top out
远期forward points
远期汇率forward points
选择审计观opinion shopping
业务focused line of business
建设债券key construction bond
投资项目key investment project
推荐的股票名单focus list
监视keeping focus
银行prime bank
重复布duplicate projects
钉住peg point
销售point of salePOS
销售电子转账作业electronic funds transfer at point of sale
销售网上转账electronic funds transfer at point of sale
销售佣金优惠breakpoint sale
英国nil norm
零上升交易zero uptick
零上涨证券价格不变符号zero plus tick
零下跌zero minus tick
零下跌交易zero minus tick
零升zero uptick
零正zero plus tick
零负zero minus tick
非合理疑beyond reasonable doubt
爆发blowing off
风险回报特risk-and-return characteristic
首批试公司first batch of pilot company
鱼饵网互联网incentive site