
Terms for subject Ecology containing | all forms
二氧化碳补偿compensation point of carbon dioxide
工程well point works
人类感染评价human exposure assessment location
低沸液体low boiling liquid
倾斜样方法inclined point quadrat method
区域性非源流域环境响应模拟模型areal non-point source watershed environment response simulation
GPS 单定位absolute positioning of GPS
国家重保护野生植物名录list o£ wild plants of national priority protection
国家重科技公关项目national key scientific and technological project
垂直样方法vertical point quadrat method
进水曝气tapered aeration
进水曝气stepped aeration
尽力point of exertion
氯化breakpoint chlorination
数量性状位定位quantitative trait locus mapping
tourism point
stagnant point
毛细管电荷零electrocapillary zero
水体非源污染模型non-point sources pollution model of water body
水文过程特hydrological process characteristic
水污染point source of water pollution
河网径流节stream runoff node
flooding point
温度临界zero point
漏洞地location of leak
声源point source
样方法point quadrat method
point inspection
spot check
源入渗point source infiltration
源入渗infiltration from point source
源入渗特性point source infiltration character
源污染point source pollution
火药ignition powder
焊机spot-welding machine
set fire to
烃露测量measurement of hydrocarbon dew-point
特征characteristic point
环境黑black spot
“环境黑”政策“black spot” policy
理论virtual point source
生态系观ecosystem approach
生物多样性热地区biodiversity hotspot
电毛细零electrocapillary zero
监控monitoring point
监视monitoring point
矿产资源特character of mineral resources
絮凝floc point
缔合缺陷associated point defect
脂酸冻测定法titer method
电价法nodal pricing
虚拟污染源virtual point source
行使point of exertion
软化试验softening-point test
地区key region
水土流失区main soil and water losses area
研究领域key research issue
行动zero action
污染源non-point source pollution
non-point resource
nonpoint source
源氮non-point nitrogen
源污染控制non-point source pollution control
源污染负荷non point source pollutant