
Terms for subject Corporate governance containing 点点M | all forms
"一个联合国"试点One UN pilots
"一个联合国"试点UN pilots for delivering as one
下放地点decentralized location
不带家属工作地点non-family duty station
临时任职地点temporary duty station
乘数点multiplier point
以硬通货支付薪金的任职地点hard currency duty stations
任职地点duty station
任职地点分类classification of duty stations
任职地点旅行的改变change of duty station travel
任职地点的改变change of duty station
决策点decision points
决策结点decision nodes
办公地点official station
反曲点inflection point
可行的地点feasible area
国家重点country focus
实地项目点参见实地合同field project location re field contracts
实施地点implementation site
对应点matching point
工作地点work station
工作地点差价调整制度post adjustment system
工作地点差价调整指数PA index
工作地点差价调整指数post adjustment index
工作地点差价调整数冻结post adjustment freeze
工作地点差价调整数分类post adjustment classification
工作地点差价调整数点数points of post adjustment
工作地点差价调整数的加权平均数weighted average of post adjustment
工作地点差价调整数的统一consolidation of post adjustment
工作地点差价调整数类别post adjustment class
工作地点差价调整表post adjustment tables
工作地点生活条件报告post report
工作地点类别classification of duty stations
《工作计划和预算要点》Outline Programme of Work and Budget
影响重点领域impact focus areas
影响重点领域impact focus area
指数点数points of index
排在第七十五个百分点位seventy-fifth percentile
企业新起点理论fresh start theory
服务地点差价调整乘数post adjustment multiplier
根据地点所做的调整location-specific adjustment
永久任职地点permanent duty station
点数计算矩阵标准point rating matrix standard
决策点的价值position value
理想点分析法ideal point method
确定优先重点priority setting
级别点加权grade weighting
级别点加权grade point weighting
联合国一体行动试点One UN pilots
联合国一体行动试点UN pilots for delivering as one
联络点focal point
艰苦任职地点hardship duty stations
艰苦工作地点hardship duty stations
PERT 作业网的节点event
节点图activity-on-node diagram
负工作地点调整数negative post adjustment
财务要点financial highlight
起点/终点费用terminal expenses air terminal
轴点pivot element
部分工作地点差价调整数partial post adjustment
长期任职地点permanent duty station
非总部任职地点non-headquarters duty stations
项目地点project site