
Terms for subject Nuclear physics containing | all forms
个人体内照射监personal internal exposure monitor
个人外照射监personal external exposure monitor
γ 中子gamma neutron logging
中子通量密度法功率量装置power measuring assembly based on neutron flux density
中间区段监intermediate range monitor
临界事故监criticality accident monitor
事故惰性气体排出流监noble gas effluent monitor for accident conditions
事故监accident monitor
二辐射探two pi radiation detector
井型探well-type detector
井型闪烁探well type scintillation detector
π 介子剂量定法pion dosimetry
仪表监和控制instrumentation and control
伴生粒子探associated particle detector
低放射性探low-level detector
低能 γ 监low energy gamma fracture monitor
俘获射线探capture gamma ray detector
俘获截面capture cross-section determination
保护环半导体探guard-ring semiconductor detector
元件包壳破损探burst can detector
元件包壳破损探burst cartridge detector
充气式辐射探gas filled radiation detector
光子photon logging
光电辐射探photovoltaic radiation detector
光致发光探photoluminescent detector
α 光谱定法alpha spectrometry
全耗尽半导体探totally depleted semiconductor detector
全身辐射量计whole body radiation meter
共振中子resonance neutron measurement
共振中子探resonant neutron foil
共振探resonance detector
内放大半导体探amplifying semiconductor detector
内气源探detector with internal gas source
冷却剂总放射性监coolant gross activity monitor
冷却剂总活度监coolant gross activity monitor
冷却剂泄漏量装置coolant leakage measuring assembly
出入口辐射监radiation portal monitor
切伦科夫效应破损燃料元件监Cerenkov effect failed element monitor
切伦科夫辉光观Cerenkov glow observation
切连科夫效应破损燃料元件监Cherenkov effect failed fuel element detector
初次发射中子活化探primary emission neutron activation detector
利用电离辐射量装置measuring assembly utilizing ionizing radiation
剂量定法应用研究设施dosimetry applications research facility
γ 剂量探系统gamma dose detector system
动态过雇投料量dynamic process inventory determination
包镉探cadmium covered detector
区域控制探zone control detector
区域辐射监area radiation monitor
dE/dx半导体探differential dE/dx semiconductor detector
半导体探semiconductor detector
半导体探屏量计semiconductor detector dosemeter
半衰期half-life measurement
单晶矿物闪烁探monocrystal mineral scintillation detector
反冲质子探recoil proton detector
反冲质子探proton recoil detector
β 反散射厚计beta backscatter thickness meter
β 反散射量计beta backscatter gauge
反散射式量系统back-scatter measurement system
可移动堆内探系统travelling in core probe system
可移动堆芯内探traversing in core probe
可移动监系统mobile monitoring system
可裂变物质探fissionable material detection
同位素厚仪isotopic thickness gauge
同位素液面探isotopic level detector
同轴型半导体探coaxial semiconductor detector
同轴锂探coaxial Li detector
同轴锗探coaxial Ge detector
β 吸收量计beta absorption gauge
固有中子passive neutron counting
在束in-beam measurement
地下核爆炸探detection of underground nuclear explosion
地下核试验等级underground nuclear test magnitude determination
垂直通量监vertical flux monitor
基于活化的功率量装置power measuring assembly based on activation
堆内剂量in-pile dosimetry
堆芯量仪表in-core instrumentation
堆芯中子通量量系统in-core neutron flux mapping system
堆芯卸料监core discharge monitor
堆芯核探系统in-core nuclear detection system
堆芯温度量系统in-core temperature measuring system
堆芯温度探in-core temperature sensor
堆芯温度探in-core temperature detector
堆芯监手段in-core monitor means
堆芯通量探in-core flux detector
多晶体无机闪烁探polycrystal mineral scintillator detector
多结型半导体探multi-junction semiconductor detector
大气层微粒放射性探atmosphere particulate radioactivity detector
大气辐射监atmosphere radiation monitor
容瓢人物放射性量仪container load activity meter
γ 射线gamma ray logging
γ 射线剂量定法gamma ray dosimetry
γ 射线反散射量计gamma ray backscatter gauge
γ 射线吸收定法gamma ray absorptiometry
γ 射线和中子探gamma ray and neutron detector
γ 射线探gamma ray detector
β 射线照相法定年代beta radiography dating
屏蔽效率measurement of shielding effectiveness
带电点探charged point detector
平均放射性强度量计mean radioactivity meter
平面型半导体探planar semiconductor detector
平面型探planar type detector
径迹探track detector
微剂量microdose measurement
快中子谱学fast-neutron spectrometry
快中子探fast-neutron detector
快中性粒子探fast-neutral detection
α总潜能量仪total alpha energy meter detector
α总潜能量仪total potential alpha energy meter
α总潜能量仪potential alpha energy meter monitor
α总潜能量仪total potential alpha energy meter detector
α总潜能量仪total alpha energy meter
总能量吸收型探total energy absorption detector
慢中子slow neutron measurement
截面定活化法activation method of cross section determination
手动辐射探handled radiation detector
β 手污染监beta hand contamination monitor
α 手污染监alpha hand contamination monitor
扩散结半导体探diffused junction semiconductor detector
扩散结探diffused junction detector
信号detector signal
器效率detector efficiency
器灵敏度detector sensitivity
屏蔽detector shield
效率instrument efficiency
效率detection efficiency
threshold sensitivity
detection limit
接触式 β 射线照相法定年代contact beta radiography dating
放射radio well logging
放射定法radiometric determination
放射量仪器radiological survey instrument
放射性radioactive well log
放射性radioactive well logging
放射性定年代radiometric aging
放射性定年龄radioactive dating
放射性定法radiometric dating
放射性measurement of radioactivity
放射性量管道radioactivity measurement channel
放射性量计activity meter
放射性同位素包装物监radioisotope package monitor
放射性同位素微量radioisotopic microassay
放射性核素探detection of radioactive nuclide
放射性检剂量计radiac dosimeter
放射性检radiological monitor
放射性生物量仪radio-bioassay meter
放射性监radioactivity monitoring
放射性矿石探radioactive ore detector
放射性碳定年代radiocarbon dating
放射性示踪剂radioactive tracer leg
放射性表面污染量仪radioactive surface contamination meter
放射性表面污染监radioactive surface contamination monitor
放射性配体radioligand assay
放射性释放定法radio-release determination
放射性集中点监radioactive hot spot monitor
散射粒子定仪scattered particle meter
无壁探wall-less detector
无损nondestructive measurement
最小可活性minimum detectable activity
库存量unmeasured inventory
极化质子探polarized-proton detector
nuclear measurement
量仪器nuclear measurement instrument
核事故剂量定法nuclear accident dosimetry
核爆炸位置location of nuclear explosion
核爆炸威力determination of nuclear explosion yielding
核爆炸探detection of nuclear explosion
核爆炸探与定位系统nuclear explosion detection and location system
核爆炸探卫星nuclear blast detection satellite
核爆炸探用离子径迹仪器ion track instrument for nuclear explosion detecting
核爆炸探系统nuclear burst detection system
核爆炸爆心位置epicentre location of nuclear explosion
核爆炸闪光位置nuclear explosion flash location measurement
核物质nuclear material measurement
核监仪表nuclear instrumentation
核监仪表系统nuclear instrumentation system
核磁nuclear magnetic log
核试验试技术measurement technology of nuclear test
核试验探nuclear test detection
核试验探detection of nuclear testing
核试验探nuclear test gauge
区域surveyed area
正电子湮没寿命positron annihilation lifetime measurement
步行放射性on-foot radiometric survey
气体裂变产物监gas fission product monitor
气体质谱定法gas mass spectrometry
氚气监tritium air monitor
氚表面污染量计tritium surface contamination meter
氦 3 中子探helium 3 neutron detector
水放射性量计water activity meter
水放射性监water activity survey
水放射性监water activity monitoring
水放射性监water activity monitor
注入结探implanted junction detector
活化探activated detector
活化法功率量装置power measuring assembly based on activation
流出液放射性量计effluent activity meter
不准原理indeterminacy principle
定年代age determination
定废弃物measured discard
定截面透射法transmission method of cross section determination
定损失measured loss
定计beta gauge
温热电偶temperature thermocouple
量仪器探察仪survey meter
量仪器探察仪survey instrument
涂硼半导体探boron coated semiconductor detector
涂锂半导体探lithium coated semiconductor detector
液态废物监liquid waste monitor tank
源区段中子通量监source range neutron flux monitor
源区段监source range monitor
源区段监系统source range monitoring system
激光拉曼光谱定法laser Raman spectrometry
灰中子探grey neutron detector
热释光探thermoluminescent detector
物料检material presence gauge
环境监实验室environmental monitoring laboratory
生物组织放射性活度探tissue activity detector
生物组织等效闪烁探tissue equivalent scintillation detector
电子俘获探electron-capture detector
电离型辐射监ionization-type radiation monitor
电离截面探ionization cross section detector
电离探ionization detector
破损燃料元件监failed fuel element detector
破损燃料探failed fuel detection
破损燃料探和定位failed fuel detection and location
破损燃料探failed fuel detector
破损燃料细棒探burst pin detecting
硼中子监boron neutron detector
定年龄carbon dating
碳氚量计carbon tritium meter
示踪原子探tracer detector
离子量仪表压力计ion gauge
离子交换树脂监装置ion-exchange resin monitoring equipment
离子探ion detector
积算 γ 探intergrating gamma detector
空心同轴错探hollow core coaxial Ge detector
空气中氘和氚水监tritium/ tritium oxide in air monitor
空气放射性污染监air contamination monitor
空气等效闪烁探air-equivalent scintillation detector
等离子体辐射热bolometry of plasma
米利根宇宙线量计Millikan cosmic ray meter
粒子particle measurement
α 粒子剂量定法alpha particle dosimetry
粒子径迹探particle track detector
粒子探particle detector
粒子通量密度监particle flux density monitor
累积 γ 探integrating gamma detector
结型粒子探junction particle detector
缓发中子delayed neutron measurement
缓发中子型破损燃料元件监delayed neutron failed fuel element detector
缓发中子探delayed neutron detection
耦合器coupler measurement
耦合快速反应性量装置coupled fast reactivity measurement facility
聚合剂量定法polymerization dosimetry
能谱in-hole spectrometry
γ 能谱gamma spectrometry
能谱仪energy spectrometer measurement
能量不灵敏探energy insensitive detector
脉冲探pulse detector
脉冲电离探pulse ionization detector
脉冲能谱量法pulse spectrometer
脉冲计数率量装置pulse counting rate assembly
自动换样放射性量仪activity meter with automatic changer
自发裂变中子探detection of neutrons from spontaneous fission
自给能探self-powered detector
自给能探self powered detector
至量监系统primary dose monitoring system
航空放射量系统aerial radiological measuring system
航空放射性勘airborne radiometric reconnaissance survey
蒸发液体试样放射性量计evaporated sample liquid activity meter
衣服监clothing monitor
补偿中子compensated neutron logging
补偿半导体探compensated semiconductor detector
补偿型半导体探PIN detector
补偿型半导体探compensated semiconductor detector
表面势垒探surface barrier detector
表面放射性量计surface radioactivity meter
袖珍电池式辐射监pocket battery monitor
裂变产物分离型破损燃料元件监fission product separator failed fuel element detector
裂变产物分离式破损燃料监fission product separator failed element monitor
裂变产物监fission product monitoring
裂变产物监核素fission yield monitoring nuclide
裂变产物逸散监fission product break monitoring
裂变产物逸散监fission product break monitor
裂变倍增探fission multiplicity detector
裂变半导体探fission semiconductor detector
裂变径迹定年龄fission track aging
裂变径迹探fission track detector
裂变探fission detector
裂变探fission foil
裂变监fission monitor
裂变碎片探fission fraction detector
observed threshold
质子剂量定法proton dosimetry
质谱仪泄漏探mass spectrometer leak detector
辐射radiating measurement
辐射量仪器radiation meter
辐射量孔道radiation channel
辐射量平面图radiometric map
辐射量监测仪radiometric monitor
辐射量系统radioactivity detection system
辐射量装置radiating measurement equipment
辐射量装置响应response of a radiation measuring assembly
辐射光致发光剂量定法radiophotoluminescence dosimetry
辐射光致发光探radiophotoluminescent detector
辐射光致发光探radiophotoluminescence detector
辐射剂量定法radiating dosimetry
辐射探radiating detection
辐射探radiating detector
4π 辐射探four pi radiation detector
2π/4π辐射探2π or 4π radiation detector
辐射探radiation detector
辐射探照相法photographic method of radiation detection
辐射探装置radiation detector assembly
辐射检radiation survey meter
辐射法功率量装置power measuring assembly based on gamma radiation
辐射监radiation survey
辐射监radiation monitoring
辐射监radiating monitor
辐射监radiation monitoring instrument
辐射监radiation monitor
辐射监系统radiating monitoring system
辐射监装置radiating monitoring equipment
辐射线探detection of radiation
辐射通过监radiation passage monitor
辐射量radiometric gauge
辐射钻孔井仪radiation bore-hole logging meter
辐照掺杂半导体探radiation compensated semiconductor detector
过程辐射监radioactive monitor of process
透射式半导体探transmission semiconductor detector
γ 通量密度监gamma flux density monitor
释热元件损伤的探burst slug detection
释热元件损伤的探burst cartridge detection
量热探calorimetric detector
钵总量plutonium inventory determination
钵气溶胶监plutonium aerosol monitor
铀释放检和隔离系统uranium release detection and isolation system
锂漂移半导体探lithium drifted semiconductor detector
锂漂移错探lithium drifted germanium detector
锗探germanium detector
错半导体探germanium semiconductor detector
镶嵌式半导体探mosaic semiconductor detector
βγ 门口监beta gamma doorway monitor
闪烁探scintillator detector
闭路屏蔽和仪表监系统closed loop cover and instrumentation system
闭路覆盖气体监closed loop cover gas monitor
零点量法zero method
静电收集型破损燃料元件监electrostatic collector failed fuel element detector
非定向辐射探non-directional detector
非色散X射线光谱定法non-dispersive X-ray spectrometry
高分辨探high resolution detector
高灵敏度 γ 射线监high sensitivity gamma monitor
高纯半导体探high purity semiconductor detector
高能质子探试验high-energy proton detection experiments
黑体中子探black-body neutron detector