
Terms for subject Navigation containing | all forms
一次性投放式海洋含盐度、温度和深度量系统expendable ocean salinity, temperature and depth measuring system
世界定点海洋学观fixed oceanographic station of the world
中程量船medium survey ship
量设备primary meter equipment
仪表化的近海结构监instrumented monitoring of offshore structure
位置与方位定系统position and azimuth determining system
光电electro-optical distance ranging
反向倒置式回声深仪inverted echo sounders
可移动浮式油井试和采油系统mobile floating well test and production system
美国国家海洋探记录中心National Oceanographic Records Center
地磁电动流仪geomagnetic electrokinetograph
地面观surface observation station
声控和遥系统acoustic control and telemetry system
声波深仪acoustic depth finder
声波导航和sound operation navigation and ranging
声纳定位器声波深仪sonar locator acoustic depthometer
声纳阵列深系统sonar array sounding system
多普勒速和定位Doppler velocity and position
多普勒海流探Doppler current sensor
多普勒激光速仪laser Doppler velocimeter
多普勒激光风速风向量法laser Doppler anemometry
多普勒甚高频全向无线电Doppler very-high frequency omnidirectional radio range
多普勒甚高频全向无线电Doppler VOR
多波束反射深仪multibeam echo sounders
美国大西洋水下试与鉴定中心Atlantic Underwater Test and Evaluation Center
大西洋研究自动定位遥Atlantic research automatic position telemetering
太平洋海洋学观oceanographic observation of Pacific
定位指挥与遥location command and telemetry
导航卫星的计时与距全球定位系统navigation satellite timing and ranging global positioning system
带压力计的反向回声深仪inverted echo sounders with pressure gauges
美国底地形勘系统bottom topography survey system
廓影法水下探系统silhouetting underwater detecting system
、计程、观察航海安全三要素lead, log, look-out
、计程、观察、纬度、经度航海安全五要素lead, log, look-out, latitude, longitude
控制管缆试装置umbilical test set
紧急故障定控制装置abort sensing control unit
故障率failure rate test
数字式海洋学预numerical oceanographic prediction
新型综合距定时系统new integrated range timing system
无线电radio direction finding
无线电向仪radio direction finder
无线电距仪radio distance finder
水 道量摩托艇survey motor launch
水下试井口装置subsea test tree
美国海军水下声波距开发设施Subaqueous Sound Ranging Development Installation
水下定点观static underwater observation chamber
水下异常submarine anomaly detection
英国水下探研究所Underwater Detection Establishment
水下爆炸回声submarine explosive echo ranging
水下电视和检系统underwater television and inspection system
水道量精密扫描回声测深仪hydrographic precision scanning echo sounder
水道探海洋学数据表hydrographic oceanographic data sheet
沉没式电极探与测距submerged electrode detection and ranging
向设备direction finding equipment
depth sounding
风装置wind measuring device
海上原油试燃烧器crude oil supersea test burner
海上无线电maritime radio direction finding
海上维修和检Marine Maintenance and Inspection Machine
海军观naval observatory
海底地震量系统seafloor earthquake measurement system
海洋深导航系统bathymetric navigation system
海洋深导航设备bathymetric navigation equipment
海洋地球物勘marine geophysical survey
海洋探协调委员会Coordinating Committee on Oceanography
海洋空间探ocean space explorer
海洋观主数据集Master Ocean Observation Data Set
英国海洋观Marine Observer
海湾地区近海天气观gulf offshore weather observing network
深海光deep ocean optical measurement
温深探器记录仪thermal depth sounder recorder
漏泄探多谱系统leak detection multispectral system
激光速仪laser velometer
热带风观tropic wind observing ship
生产试船production testing ship
电子偏航设备electronic yaw equipment
电子斜仪electronic yaw equipment
电子潜水器探系统electronic diver detection system
距离judging distance
磁性记号探magnetic mark detector
国家海洋与大气局美国海岸与大地United States Coast and Geodetic Survey
联合回声距和测深combined echo ranging-echo sounding
自动激光距和定向仪automatic laser ranging and direction instrument
自动航道量系统hydrographic automated system
自由浮动波计free floating wave meter
船用角度距系统marine angle ranging system
船舶海洋量系统shipboard oceanographic survey system
计算机化的勘探技术水下量仪computerized exploration and technical underwater surveyor
超声波漏器ultrasonic leak detector
轻便式海洋量系统portable oceanographic survey system
近海无损检的相互校准intercalibration of offshore non-destructive testing
远程水下检装置remote underwater detection device
闪光flash ranging
集中式同步和centralized synchronization and ranging
非定向信标观non-directional beacon observation
风力量装置wind measuring device