
Terms for subject Biology containing | all forms
节钟草easter bells (Stellaria holostea L.,石竹科)
节钟草agworm-flower (Stellaria holostea L.,石竹科)
家独lamb's lettuce (Valerianella olitoria Moenth.,败酱科)
家独field salad (Valerianella olitoria Moenth.,败酱科)
家独cornsalad (Valerianella olitoria Moenth.,败酱科)
林独林白芷,Angelica sylvestris L.,伞形科wild angelica
植物生life cycle of a plant
植物生周期life cycle of a plant
沼独沼泽奥斯特,Ostericum palustre Hoffm.; Angelica palustre Hoffm.,伞形花科bog angelica
血丹field balm (Nepeta hederacea Trev.,唇形科)
血丹gill-over-the-ground (Nepeta hederacea Trev.,唇形科)
血丹ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea L.,唇形科)
血丹欧亚活血丹,Glechoma hederacea L.field-balm
血丹alehoof (Glechoma hederacea L.,唇形科)
血丹属ground ivy (Glechoma L.,唇形科)
血丹属连钱草属,Glechoma L.,唇形科field-balm
Notopterygium (Notopterygium incisium Ting)
Notopterygium (Notopterygium Boiss.,伞形花科)
花独花土当归,Heracleum lanatum Michx.,伞形科flowering cowparsnip