
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
一丁两顺砌筑Flemish double-stretcher bond
一位减single-order subtracter
一位加single-digit adder
一位加one column adder
一体式微波/紫外光照integrated microwave/ultraviolet-illuminati on method
一侧弹着观察unilateral spotting
一侧观察unilateral method
一列式拖带in-line barge transportation
一型多模铸造pattern grouping
一对一交换算one-for-one exchange algorithm
一揽子解决办package solution
一揽子解决办overall solution
一揽子调整方adjustable basket technique
一条鞭single tax in silver
一次once-through method
一次化学灌浆one-shot method
一次偿付现值计算single-payment present worth computation
一次回收方primary recovery method (石油)
一次完工completion contract method
一次完成one-shot method
一次开采方primary recovery method (石油)
一次微分first derivative method
一次性浇注式施工single-lift construction
一次总付lump-sum basis
一次投放sudden injection method
一次拨款lump-sum appropriation
一次注射润滑single-shot lubrication
一次浇注施工single-lift construction (混凝土)
一步树脂one stage resin
一步氨基甲酸酯泡沫涂层one-shot urethane coating
一步洗脱one-step elution
一步结晶one-step crystallization
一步醇酸合成one stage alkyd process
一浴one-bath method
测定土的最大干密度的一点one-point method
一点连续one-point continuous method
一种快速a rapid method
一种新式化学方a new chemical method
一种测样省时技术a timesaving technique for measuring
一等三角测量first-order triangulation
一米程差method of path difference of one meter
一粒传single-seed descent
一级化学强化处理方chemically enhanced primary treatment method
一级方one-level method
一级校准primary calibration method
一级污水处理方method of primary treatment of sewage
一级矩first-order second moment method
一维单元表示one-dimensional element representation
一维表示one-dimensional representation
一致consensus method
一致曲线Concordia method
一致近似uniform approximation
一致销售uniform sales laws
一般下标文general subscript grammar
一般利息折旧interest-in-general depreciation method
一般加定律price generally charged
一般加定理general addition theorem
一般印象人员选择overall impression method of selection
一般方general method
一般方最优化general method optimization
一般物价水平general price-level method
一般算general algorithm
一遍算one-pass algorithm
一阶导数分光光度first-order derivative spectrophotometry
一阶差分first difference method
一顺一丁砌接缝joint of Flemish bond
一顺一丁砌砖out-and-in bond
一顺一丁砌砖Flemish bond
丁二酮肟分光光度dimethyl glyoxime spectrophotometry
丁砖砌合header bond
丁顺砖逐层交替的砌合in-and-out bond
丁顺隔皮砌English bond
企业enterprise law
企业business law
企业business law and regulation
刀割试验knife test
刀口检验knife-edge method
刀挠检验knife test
刀边knife-edge method
各种会计方accounting alternatives
处理方treatment process
处理方treatment method
威洛图解Williot graphical method
威洛图解Williot graphic method
封头兰长度flange length of head
封舱压气抽水打捞salvage by sealing
封舱压气抽水打捞air-feeding and water-pumping
封舱抽水打捞salvage by patching and pumping
封闭分解decomposition in sealed vessel
封闭开挖enclosed excavation method
封闭方enclosure method
射圈ring shooting
射影projective method
射影线projective normal
射束剖析beam splitting
射束扫描beam-scanning method
射束转换lobe switching
射束转换beam switching
射水沉桩water jetting
射水jetting process
射水下沉sinking by water jet
射水打桩water-jet method of pile-driving
射水打桩sinking of pile by water jet
射水沉桩pile jetting
射水沉桩hydraulic jet piling
射水沉桩water-jet method of pile-driving
射水沉桩sinking pile by water jet
射水沉桩sinking by jetting
射水沉桩jetting piling
射水沉桩jet method of pile-driving
井点的射水沉没jetting method
射流钻进drilling by jetting method
射流打桩water-jet method
射流曝气气浮jet floatation
射流曝气气浮jet flotation
射流气浮jet floatation
射流气浮jet flotation
射流降水预压prepressing process of jet-drawdown
射电天文学测量radio astronomy measuring methods
X 射线分析X-ray testing
X 射线分析X-ray analysis method
X 射线吸收光谱X-ray absorption spectrometry
X 射线吸收限光谱X-ray absorption edge spectrometry
X射线探伤X-ray examination
X射线探伤X-ray inspection
X 射线探伤X-ray detectoscopy
X 射线显微分析X-ray microanalysis method
X 射线晶体照相X-ray crystal diagram method
X 射线测量密度X-ray absorption method
射线照相探伤radiographical inspection
射线理论方ray theoretical method
射线理论方ray theoretic method
X 射线粉晶衍射X-ray powdered crystal diffraction method
X 射线粉末X-ray powder method
X 射线荧光光谱X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
射线表示ray representation
X 射线透视检查radioscopy
射频共振radioresonance method
币值后进先出dollar value LIFO method
市价market price method (指联合成本的分配)
市价比较relative market values method
市场market regulation
市场价值market value method
市场价值评估market value approach
市场探测market survey method
布什比拟Bush's analogy
布儒斯特Brewster's process
布劳特兰不锈钢电解抛光Blaut Lang process
布尔Boolean method
布尔乘Boolean multiplication
布尔格斯人工设色Bourges process
布尔计算Boolean calculus
布局决策方location decision method
布巴诺夫一伽辽金方Bubnov-Galerkin method
布拉德雷光行差Bradley aberration method
布拉格Bragg method
布拉格转晶体Bragg rotating crystal method
布斯算Booth's algorithm
布朗方Brownian method
布洛姆Biomes method
布点method of distributing points
布线wiring method
布莱克利试验Blakely test (坯釉适应性)
布莱恩细度试验的透气Blaine's air permeability method
布莱恩比面测定Blaine test method
布莱恩渗透度Blaine permeability method
布莱恩细度粉末比表面积试验Blaine test method
布莱恩透气Blaine method
布莱恩透气性方Blaine air permeability method
布里兹曼Bridgman method (晶体生长法)
布里奇曼一斯托克巴杰坩埚移动Bridgman-Stockbarger method
布里奇曼坩埚下降Bridgman method
布雷德希电弧Bredig's arc process
布雷顿森林协定Bretton Woods Agreement Act
布鲁塞尔分类Brussels classification
布鲁塞尔十进分类Brussels classification
布鲁塞尔命名Brussels nomenclature
布鲁瑙厄•埃梅特•泰勒Brunauer Emmett and Teller
开一梯气化K-T gasification method
开业合证书official licence to do business issued by the local authority
开关网络综合算synthesis of switching network algorithm
开凿方drivage method
开勒Keller process
开口三角形接open delta connection
开口槽open tank method
开口沉箱open caisson method
开口沉箱施工open caisson method
开口编篮码open basket weave packing
开型open method
开床色谱open bed chromatography
开式三角形接open delta connection
开式级配路拌修筑的路面open graded road mix surface
土体冻胀试验等的开式试验open system test
开拓方method of opening
开拓方development method
开挖half section excavation method
开挖掉头开挖reversed head method
开挖方method of excavation
开挖方method of digging
开挖方digging method
开放吸入open inhalation
开放导液open drainage
开放引流open drainage
开敞式平面布置方open plan system
开散列open hash method
开方extraction of square root
开槽推土slot dozing
开槽施工trench cut method
开槽施工trench method
开涅尔表示Kellner's representation
开票记账bill and charge system
开窗windowing technique
开端式煤柱回采open-end pillar method
开管open tube process
开绳opening a new coil
开缝铺板open boarding
开路接circuit-opening connection
开路过渡open circuit transition method
开采动态分析analysis method of developing regime
开采方mining practice
开采方getting method
开采模数mining modulus analogy
开采模数比拟analogy method of mining modulus
开采泥炭爆破peat blasting
开采泥煤爆破peat blasting
开采试验mining-test method
异位差连接heterostatical method
异位差连接heterostatic method
异常特征分析anomaly characteristic analysis method
异径reduced flange
异步并行算asynchronous parallel algorithm
持久曲线method of persistent graph
持着分析retention analysis
持续曲线method of persistent graph
持续灭菌continuous sterilization
挂斗振浆hopper vibration method
挂瓦tile hanging
挂网screen method
挂重断裂试验hanging test
最优处理过程optimization procedure
最优分割optimal segmentation method
最优化optimizing method
最优化方optimization procedure
最优化方optimization approach
最优土optimum soil process
最优控制method of optimal control
最优控制method in optimal control
最优方best practice
最优检索算optimal searching algorithm
最优满足best-fit method
最优线性预测optimum linear prediction
最优路线critical path diagram
最低价格定价penetration pricing
最低住房minimum housing code
最低定价penetration pricing
最低总成本least total cost method
最低成本minimum-cost rule
最低成本估算与调度least-coat estimating and scheduling system
最佳估计算optimal estimation algorithm
最佳化方optimization methodology
最佳化算optimization algorithm
最佳实践方best practicable means
最佳接收optimum reception
最佳控制计算optimal control algorithm
最佳方best way
最佳检索optimal searching
最佳相似method of maximum likelihood
最佳符合optimum fitting method
最佳规划optimum programming
最佳解optimum solution
最佳解best solution
最偏差minimum deviation method
最偏差minimum deflection method
最可能数most probable number method
最后一笔金额特大的分期付款balloon repayment
最后进价last invoice price
最坏情况worst-case method
最大似然maximum likelihood method
最大似然判别maximum likelihood decision rule
最大似然量maximum likelihood method
最大信号maximum signal method
最大可能量maximum likelihood method
最大强度设计limit designing
最大强度设计limit design
最大承载力设计maximum load design
最大气泡压力maximum bubble pressure method
最大气泡压力maximum bubble method
最大荷载设计maximum load design
最小乘选配least square fitting
最小乘选配least square fit
最小二乘least squares
最小二乘least square procedure
最小二乘平差adjustment by the method of least squares
最小二乘滤波least square filtering
最小二乘理论least square theory
最小二乘相关least square correlation
最小二乘程序least square procedure
最小二乘线line of best fit
最小二乘least square solution
最小二乘速度滤波minimum least squares velocity filter
最小二乘逼近approximation by least squares
最小二乘推估least square estimation process
最小二乘方least square method
最小信号minimum signal method
最小偏差角minimum deviation law
最小势能原理method of minimum potential
最小外接圆minimum circumscribed circle method
最小平方method of minimum squares
最小成本least cost method
最小最大minimum maximum basis
最小最大后悔值smallest of largest regret value method
最小能量minimizing energy method
最少耕作机具minimum tillage machine
最快下降method of steepest descent
最河道流量算minimum instream flow algorithm
最短路径minimal path method
最短通路算minimum path-length algorithm
最终购入价格method of price of last purchase
最经济管理value engineering
最近邻域模式分类nearest neighbour pattern classification
最近邻域模式分类nearest neighbor pattern classification
最近邻近似nearest neighbour approximation
最近邻近似nearest neighbor approximation
最适线性预测optimum linear prediction
最速上升steepest ascent procedure
最速上升steepest ascent method
最速下降steepest gradient method
最速下降saddle-point method
最长作业时间探索longest-operation-time heuristic method
最陡上升steepest ascent procedure
最陡上升steepest ascent method
最陡下降steepest gradient method
最陡下降method of steepest descent
最陡下降近似steepest descent approximation
最高上诉court of last resort
最高价格highest price method
最高价订价skimming-the-cream price
最高额发行maximum issue method
漂悬焙烧suspension roast
漂悬焙烧flash roast
漂浮floating method
漂浮浓集floatation method
漂浮浓集flotation method
漂白bleach out process
漂移drift method
漂移率测量rate of drift method
marble process
拉丝工艺marble making process
拉丝法marble melt process
球印ball method
球印硬度试验ball method
球压滤pressure-filter-bulb method
球对称透射测量sphere transmission method measurement
室内照明计算的球带系数zonal factor method
球形探针globe probing method
球形泡沫色谱spherical foam chromatography
球形泡沫色谱spheric foam chromatography
球形爆破spherical explosion
球形爆破spheric explosion
球形电弧globule method of arcing
沥青软化点试验的球环ball-and-ring method
球环软化点测定ball-and-ring method
球谐函数spherical harmonic method
球谐函数spheric harmonic method
球面擦准spherical lapping
球面擦准spheric lapping
球面航迹计算spherical sailing
球面航迹计算spheric sailing
省工labour-saving device
省工labor-saving device
码磅度量衡yard pound method
码表测时stopwatch time study
码表计时stopwatch time method
砂井加固地基施工sand drain method
砂井加固sand compaction pile method
砂井加固地基sand compaction pile method
砂井排水sand drain method
砂井排水预压prepressing process of sand filled drainage well
砂井真空排水加固地基施工sand drain vacuum method
砂井真空排水sand drain vacuum method
测定密实度用的砂充calibrated sand method
砂光薄片sand polished thin section method
砂型离心铸造sand-spun process
砂型铸造sand-casting process
砂层积储sand method
砂柱加固sand compaction method
砂桩加固地基施工sand compaction pile method
砂桩加固soil strengthened by sand drains
砂桩加固sand pile method
砂桩加固consolidated method of sand drains
砂桩挤密extrusion method of sand pile
砂沉sand sink
砂流磨耗sand stream abrasion method
砂浆空隙mortar-void method
砂浆空隙配料mortar-void method
砂浆置换mortar replacement method
砂浆试棒mortar bar method
砂浮sand floatation
砂浮sand flotation
砂滤sand bed filtration
砂的真空试验vacuum method of testing sand
砂纸打磨sandpapering method
砂胶灌缝施工sand-mastic method
砂胶灌缝施工sand mastic method
砂轮兰盘grinding wheel flange
砂载sand-bearing method
稀垛open stacking method
稀有气体rare gas method
稀有气体聚集rare gas polymerization method
稀浆传运water-slurry transportation
稀空spacing loosened method
稀释method of dilution
稀释dilution approach
稀释与接种dilution and seeding method
稀释因子diluted factor approach
稀释处理method of dilution
稀释测流dilution gauging
稀释测流dilution gaging
老化aging process
老荷兰式方old Dutch process
考古archaeological method
考古archaeologic method
考绩征税办merit rating plan
脂肪酸fatty acid process
范围密度地图dasymetric map
萃取extraction process (处理)
萃取光度extraction spectrophotometric method
萃取分光光度extraction spectrophotometry
萃取火焰原子吸收extraction flame atomic absorption method
萃取石墨炉extraction graphite furnace method
萃取重量extraction gravimetric method
蜂窝式炼焦honeycombed coke process
蜂窝框架构筑cellular framing
调刀混合rub-out method
调制modulation method
调制副载波modulated subcarrier technique
调制型乘modulation type multiplier
调制式乘modulation type multiplier
调制方modulator approach
调制极谱modulation polarography
调和harmonic method
调和分析system of harmonic analysis
调整方regulation means
调整现值adjust present value method
调整现值adjustment value method
调查方surveying method
调查方method of investigation
调查方investigation method
调査表questionnaire method
调节兰盘spacer spool
调解court of conciliation
调试方adjustment method
调谐推潮harmonic method
调车方switching method
调金色gold toning
调零null method
退回计时flyback timing
退焊back welding
退磁方de-magnetization methods
送风冷冻air blast cooling system
送风管道的恒压计算equal friction method
适应性建模方adaptive modelling approach
适应算adaptive algorithm
适当使用免耕using free-cultivation properly
适时修正updating technique
适时校正updating technique
适时线上搜索partial linear search method
适点method of curve fitting
适用的governing laws
适用的applicable law
适线method of curve fitting
适线curve fitting
适线curve fit
销售人员综合市场预测sales-force-composite method
销售比较sales comparison approach
销售百分比percentage of sales method
销售百分比percentage of sales approach
销售额百分比预测percentage of sales forecasting method
销货sales system
销货净值net sales-value method
销货总额total sales method
销货毛利gross profit method
销除writing-off process
销除working-off process
锁定方method of dogging (闸门)
需求定价demand pricing
需求差异订价demand differential pricing
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