
Terms containing 油气田 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.不整合油气田unconformable oil-gas field
tech.世界巨型油气田world giant oil and gas field
tech.单斜油气田monoclinal oil-gas field
oil卫星油气田satellite field
tech.向斜油气田synclinal oil-gas field
busin.商业性油气田commercial oil gas field
tech.地层型油气田stratigraphical oil-gas field
tech.地层型油气田stratigraphic oil-gas field
tech.复合油气田combinational oil-gas field
tech.复合潜山油气田combinational burial hill oil-gas field
tech.复合礁型油气田combinational reef type oil-gas field
tech.复杂背斜油气田complex anticlinal oil-gas field
oil多产层油气田multipay field
oil多产层油气田multiple-zone field
oil层状油气田sheet field
tech.岩性油气田lithological oil-gas field
tech.岩性油气田lithologic oil-gas field
oil巨型油气田giant field
tech.断块油气田fault-block oil-gas field
oil未开发油气田maiden field
oil未开发油气田virgin field
oil未开发油气田undeveloped field
dril.未开发的油气田undeveloped field
dril.未开发的油气田maiden field
tech.构造型油气田structural oil-gas field
oil气顶油田gas cap field
oil气驱油田gas controlled field
oil油气田oil-gas field
oil油气田oil and gas field
econ.油气田oil and natural gas fields
el.油气田仿真reservoir simulation
oil油气田凝析油field condensate
tech.油气田分布distribution of oil and gas field
tech.油气田分类classification of oil and gas field
oil油气田勘探exploration of oil and gas field
tech.油气田在盆地中位置的分布distribution of oil and gas field by position in basin
oil油气田地质学geology of oil and gas field
oil油气田地面工程oil-gas field surface engineering
cryo., China油气田地面工程Oil-Gasfield Surface Engineering
dril.油气田24小时产能field potential
oil油气田开发oil-gas field development
tech.油气田开发地质development geology of oil-gas field
oil, transp.油气田控制站field control station
tech.油气田放射晕radio-haloes of combination gas field
tech.油气田oil-gas field water
oil油气田水文地质学hydrogeology of oil and gas field
tech.油气田油气聚集带及其他油气聚集单元oil-gas field accumulation and other unit
dril.油气田潜在产量field potential
tech.油气田的储集层岩性分布distribution of oil and gas field by lithology of reservoir
tech.油气田的时代分布distribution of oil and gas field by geological age
tech.油气田的时代分布distribution of oil and gas field by geologic age
tech.油气田的深度分布distribution of oil and gas field by depth
geol.油气田研究oil and gas field study
oil油气田管道field lines
oil油气田编码field code
tech.油气田规模size of oil and gas field
oil油气田边缘租地edge lease
dril.油气田面积扩展extension of field
chem.油田伴生气associated-dissolved gas
chem.油田伴生气associated -dissolved gas
tech.油田和气田开发oil and gas field exploitation
tech.油田气oil field gas
oil油田气casing head gas (套管头天然气)
chem.油田气casing-head gas
auto.石油油田气oil field gas
tech.油田气gas field
mining.油田气体压缩机field gas compressor
chem.油田气处理装置casing-head plant
construct.油田气天然气casing head gas
oil.proc.油田燃气装置field fuel gas unit
ocean.海上油气田offshore oil-gas field
ocean.海上油气田开发offshore oil-gas field development
ocean.海上油气田开发区块development block of offshore oilgas fields
ocean.海上油气田开发可行性研究feasibility study of offshore oilgas field development
ocean.海上油气田总体开发方案overall development plan of offshore oil-gas field
ocean.海上油气田早期评价early stage evaluation of offshore oil-gas field
ocean.海上油气田群联合开发combined development of offshore oil-gas field group
oil海底油气田sub-marine hydrocarbon field
energ.ind.海底油气田hydrocarbon sub-marine field
energ.ind.深水油气田开发deepwater development of oil and gas field
oil溶解气油田solution gas field
oil溶解气驱型油田depleted-type field
tech.溶解气驱油田solution gas drive pond
tech.潜伏隆起油气田burial dome oil-gas field
earth.sc.潜在油气田possible oil and gas basins
tech.潜山油气田burial hill oil-gas field
oil特大油气田giant oil-gas field
oil特大型油气田supergiant field
tech.盐丘油气田salt-dome oil-gas field
tech.眼状油气田eye field
tech.礁型油气田reef type oil-gas field
tech.穹隆油气田oil-gas fields group of dome
tech.组合油气田oil-gas field complex
tech.背斜油气田anticlinal oil-gas field
oil超级大油气田supergiant field
oil边际油气田marginal field
tech.逆掩褶皱油气田thrust fold oil-gas field
earth.sc.金矿田油气渗漏goldfield gas transmission
tech.高黏度油气田high-viscosity crude oil field