
Terms for subject Technology containing 沉淀 | all forms | in specified order only
一次沉淀primary settling tank
一次沉淀primary sedimentation tank
一次沉淀primary sedimentation basin
一级处理沉淀detritus tank
上流沉淀upflow tank
上端沉淀精矿head tin
下流斜板式沉淀inclined plank settling tank of downflow
沉淀的红丹non-setting minium
沉淀的红铅non-setting red lead
沉淀红丹non-settling red lead
不可沉淀固体non-settleable solids
不可沉淀固体non-sedimentable solid
不溶性固体沉淀solid insoluble precipitate
不熔性沉淀infusible precipitate
中和沉淀neutralizing precipitation
中和沉淀neutralizing precipitation tank
中心进水沉淀central sedimentation basin
中心进水圆形沉淀centre-feed circular sedimentation basin
中间沉淀intermediate sedimentation
中间沉淀intermediate sedimentation tank
中间沉淀intermediate sedimentation tank
中间沉淀intermediate settling tank
中型的中间沉淀dilly hole
临界沉淀critical settling point
乳化沥青沉淀试验settlement test for emulsified asphalt
低浊度水沉淀low-turbidity water sedimentation
何歇流沉淀intermittent flow settling basin
倒锥形沉淀pyramidal sedimentation tank
先前沉淀指数antecedent precipitation index
兰斯菲尔德沉淀试验Lancefield precipitation test
沉淀coprecipitation (作用)
沉淀复合稳定剂coprecipitation complex stabilizer
沉淀fractional precipitation
分区沉淀zone settling
分层沉淀layered sedimentation
分批沉淀batch settling
分批沉淀batch precipitation
分离沉淀fractional sedimentation method
分级沉淀fractionated precipitation
初始沉淀initial precipitation
初始沉淀运动incipient sediment motion
初始沉淀速度initial settling rate
初始磷沉淀initial phosphorus precipitate
初次沉淀primary settling
初次沉淀primary sedimentation
初次沉淀primary sedimentation pond
初次沉淀primary settling tank
初次沉淀preliminary sedimentation tank
初步沉淀primary settling tank
初步沉淀primary sedimentation tank
初步沉淀preliminary sedimentation tank
初级沉淀primary settling tank
初级沉淀primary sedimentation tank
初级沉淀preliminary settling tank
初级污水沉淀primary sewage settling tank
初级污水沉淀primary sewage sedimentation tank
刮泥式沉淀scraper type settling tank
化学沉淀chemical deposition
化学沉淀chemical sedimentation
化学沉淀chemical deposit
化学沉淀作用chemical precipitation
化学沉淀污泥chemically precipitated sludge
化学沉淀chemical sedimentation
化学沉淀chemical sediment
化学沉淀chemogenic sediment
化学沉淀chemical precipitate
化学沉淀物堵塞chemical precipitate blocking
化学共沉淀方法chemical coprecipitation process
化学沉积化学沉淀chemical deposition
化学沉积化学沉淀chemical deposit
化学法沉淀的污泥chemically precipitated sludge
区域沉淀zone precipitation
协同沉淀抗体coprecipitating antibody
单纯沉淀作用plain sedimentation
卵石床沉淀pebble-bed clarifier
同向流斜板式沉淀inclined plank settling tank of same-direction flow
同时沉淀synchronous precipitation
沉淀污垢post-precipitation fouling
沉淀污垢after-precipitation fouling
含硫化物沉淀sulfide-bearing sediment
吸附沉淀adsorption precipitation
吸附沉淀adsorption precipitant
周边进水沉淀rim-feed sedimentation basin
周边进水沉淀peripheral feed settling tank
沉淀cylindrical sedimentation tank
沉淀cylindric sedimentation tank
圆形沉淀circular sedimentation tank
圆形竖流式沉淀circular vertical-flow settling tank
圆锥沉淀settling cone
沉淀earthen settling tank
地下水沉淀groundwater deposit
地板上的絮状沉淀floor flocks
均匀沉淀uniform settling
均匀沉淀uniformly settling
均匀沉淀uniformly sedimentation
均匀沉淀precipitation from homogeneous solution
均相沉淀precipitation from homogeneous solution
均相沉淀homogeneous precipitation
均相沉淀homogeneous precipitation method
垂直气流干沉淀vertical gas flow dry precipitator
垃圾沉淀spoil deposit
塑性沉淀裂缝plastic settlement crack
复合式混凝沉淀combined coagulation-sedimentation equipment
多尔沉淀Dorr clarifier
多层沉淀multistoried sedimentation tank
多层沉淀multistoried sedimentation tank
多层沉淀multiple tray
多层沉淀multiple clarifier
多底沉淀multibottom settling tank
多待蒙特式沉淀底部锥角大于60Dortmund tank
多次沉淀repeated precipitation
多次沉淀multiple precipitation process
多级沉淀multistage settling tank
好氧沉淀条件下驯化domestication of aerobic-settling condition
好氧一沉淀一厌氧工艺oxic-settling-anaerobic process
孔雀绿沉淀颜料malachite green lake
宇野式沉淀Uno's sedimentation basin
沉淀small pit
尾矿沉淀tailings settling tank
局部沉淀partial subsidence
常规沉淀conventional sedimentation tank
沉淀dry sump
平向流斜板式沉淀inclined plank settling tank for horizontal-direction flow
平均沉淀average precipitation
平底沉淀flat-bottomed clarifier
平流沉淀horizontal flow sedimentation tank
平流沉淀horizontal flow sedimentation basin
平流式沉淀horizontal flow settling basin
平流式沉淀horizontal settling tank
异向斜板沉淀tube plate settler
异向斜管沉淀tube plate settler
弥散沉淀intergranular precipitation
沉淀水合氧化物freshly precipitated hydrous oxide
沉淀水合氧化铁freshly precipitated hydrous iron oxide
强化絮凝沉淀enhanced flocculation deposition
成矿元素沉淀原因precipitating cause of ore-forming elements
扩散式沉淀diffused sedimentation
振动热沉淀oscillating thermal precipitator
放射性沉淀分析法radioactive precipitation analysis
明显絮状沉淀distinct flocculence
明矾沉淀作用alum precipitation
普通沉淀plain sedimentation
普通沉淀natural sedimentation
晶粒沉淀grain precipitate
最后沉淀final sedimentation tank
最大沉淀maximum settling rate
最终沉淀final settling
最终沉淀final sedimentation (作用)
最终沉淀final settling tank
最终沉淀final sedimentation tank
最终沉淀final settling tank
最终沉淀final setting basin
最终沉淀final sedimentation tank
最终沉淀final clarifier
有效沉淀effective precipitation
有机沉淀效应organic sedimentation effect
有机物沉淀效应organic sedimentation effect
未扰动沉淀undisturbed settling
末级沉淀final settling tank
机械搅拌沉淀setting accelerator
杂质沉淀contamination precipitation
树胶状沉淀gummy residue
植鞣沉淀vegetable tanning waste
气体沉淀置换法cementation by gases
气相沉淀vapour deposition
气相沉淀vapor deposition
氢氧化物沉淀precipitation of hydroxide
氢氧化物沉淀hydroxide sedimentation method
氢氧化锌沉淀zinc hydroxide precipitation
氧化沉淀oxidized sediment
氧化沉淀oxide precipitate
氧化皮沉淀scale sump
氧化皮沉淀scale settling tank
水合氧化沉淀hydrous oxide precipitate
水平沉淀horizontal sedimentation
水平沉淀horizontal precipitation
水平沉淀horizontal settling tank
水平沉淀horizontal sedimentation tank
水平沉淀horizontal sedimentation basin
水平沉淀horizontal flow tank
水平流沉淀horizontal flow settling basin
水解酸化一接触氧化一混凝沉淀工艺hydrolytic acidification-contact oxidation-coagulation sedimentation process
永久沉淀permanent precipitation
汞醛碘沉淀mercuro-iodo-formaline precipitation method
沉淀sewage tank
污垢沉淀mud pan
污染物沉淀物相互作用pollutant-sediment interaction
污染物的物理吸附与物理沉淀physical absorption and deposition of pollutant
污水沉淀settlement of sewage
污水沉淀precipitation of sewage
污水沉淀detention tank
污水沉淀effluent settling chamber
污水沉淀sewage tank
污水沉淀detention of sewage
污水沉淀sewage solid
污水初次沉淀sewage preliminary settling tank
污水初次沉淀sewage preliminary settling tank
污水初次沉淀sewage preliminary basin
污水化学沉淀ABC process
污水最终沉淀sewage final settling tank
污水最终沉淀sewage final settling basin
污水滞留沉淀sewage detention tank
污泥沉淀sludge settling
污泥沉淀sludge deposit
污泥沉淀层•污泥层sludge blanket
污泥成层沉淀速度sludge stratified sedimentation velocity
汽油沉淀试验gasoline precipitation test
汽油泵沉淀gasoline pump settling bowl
汽油泵沉淀玻璃杯gasoline pump settling glass bowl
沉淀precipitating action (作用)
沉淀deposite (物)
沉淀deposit (物)
沉淀sedimentation (作用)
沉淀setting bin
沉淀settling down
沉淀sediment (物)
沉淀precipitation value
沉淀分取试验decantation test
沉淀分析sedimentation analysis (法)
沉淀分析water analysis
沉淀分析wet mechanical analysis
沉淀分析sediment analysis
沉淀分析沉淀分离法precipitation analysis
沉淀分析研究sedimentation analysis
沉淀分离precipitation separation
沉淀分离机sediment separator
沉淀分离法separation by precipitation
沉淀分离装置precipitation equipment
沉淀分离设备precipitation equipment
沉淀分级precipitation fractionation
沉淀sinking agent
沉淀sedimentation agent
沉淀sedimentation zone
沉淀后的污水settled wastewater
沉淀后的污水settled sewage
沉淀sediment bowl
沉淀sediment separator
沉淀sediment tank
沉淀sediment bulk
沉淀precipitation tank
沉淀settling apparatus
沉淀settling pit
沉淀处理sedimentation treatment
沉淀处理settling process
沉淀处理sedimentation process
沉淀precipitation bed
沉淀层面surface of settling zone
沉淀常量sedimentary constant
沉淀式离心机precipitation centrifuge
沉淀强度precipitation strength
沉淀形式precipitation form
沉淀precipitation threshold
沉淀乳白色发光milky sea
沉淀性试验settleability test
沉淀指示剂precipitation indicator
沉淀摄影器photo sedimentation apparatus
沉淀放电precipitation discharge
沉淀效率指数precipitation effectiveness index
沉淀机理sedimentation mechanism
沉淀氧化法sedimentation-oxidation process
沉淀水力学sediment hydraulics
沉淀水成岩precipitated sedimentary rock
沉淀水池settling reservoir
沉淀水池settling basin
沉淀水池settling tank
沉淀水池sedimentation tank
沉淀水池sedimentation basin
沉淀subsidence tank
沉淀subsiding reservoir
沉淀subsiding tank
沉淀sett ling tank
沉淀subsiding basin
沉淀storage pond
沉淀coagulation basin
沉淀concentration tank
下水道的沉淀detritus chamber or pit
沉淀sedimentation plant
沉淀setting pit
沉淀settlement tank
沉淀settling chamber
沉淀settling basin
沉淀sedimentary trough
沉淀depositing reservoir
沉淀clarification basin
沉淀池上泥浆槽slush-pit launder
沉淀池中彩色油花rainbow on the flush pit
沉淀池中心管central tube of sedimentation tank
沉淀池中心管喇叭口bell-mouth of central tube in sedimentation tank
沉淀池出水堰口effluent weir of sedimentation tank
沉淀池出水堰负荷effluent weir loading in sedimentation tank
沉淀池反射板baffle board of sedimentation tank
沉淀池固体的机械清除mechanical removal of solids from settling tank
沉淀池固体负荷solid loading of sedimentation tank
沉淀池堰口负荷weir loading in sedimentation tank
沉淀池塘settling pond
沉淀池处理tank treatment
沉淀池容量pool capacity
沉淀池底纵坡longitudinal bottom slope of sedimentation tank
沉淀池水动力学clarifier hydrodynamics
沉淀池沉降速度settling velocity of sedimentation tank
沉淀池浮渣收集器scum collector
沉淀池表面负荷surface loading of sedimentation tank
沉淀池边坡side slope of sedimentation tank
沉淀池隔墙baffle wall in sedimentation tank
沉淀污水settled sewage
腐化后含水率高的沉淀污泥bottom sludge
沉淀污泥的污水处理法precipitation of sewage sludge
沉淀测量仪deposit gauge
沉淀测量仪deposit gage
沉淀settling lagoon
沉淀焦油insoluble tar
沉淀deposited material
沉淀sedimentary material
沉淀settling solid
沉淀settleable solids
沉淀setting matter
沉淀物含量sediment content
沉淀物吸收precipitation absorption
沉淀物质settling matter
沉淀理论sedimentation theory
沉淀祈出cement out
沉淀素反应precipitin reaction
沉淀素试验precipitin test
沉淀precipitating tank
沉淀速度subsidence velocity
沉淀速度subsiding velocity
沉淀速度settling rate
沉淀速度rate of fall
沉淀速度sedimentation rate
沉淀速度常数precipitation velocity constant
沉淀速率rate of settling
沉淀速率rate of sedimentation
沉淀速率rate of settlement
沉淀速率sedimentation rate
沉淀速率laydown rate
沉淀settling cone (体)
沉淀sediment trap
沉淀面积settling area
沉降法沉淀sedimentation method
洗涤沉淀washing precipitation
洗过的沉淀washed precipitate
活性沉淀active pool
活性污泥沉淀activated sludge settling tank
流倾沉淀flow clarification
流量均衡沉淀sedimentation/flow-balancing tank
浅层沉淀shallow-depth sedimentation
浅盘沉淀shallow tray settling basin
浊流沉淀turbidity sediment
浊流沉淀turbidity current deposit
浓缩沉淀thickening settling tank
海底沉淀物连续取样器continuous seafloor sediment sampler
浸没沉淀immerse precipitation
涂料沉淀paint residue
清除剂沉淀scavenger precipitation
游泥沉淀sludge settling
漂流物沉淀debris barrier
漂白液沉淀bleach liquor settling tank
漆桶中的硬沉淀bottom of paintpot
沉淀ash pond
灼烧沉淀ignition precipitate
煤粒沉淀deposition of coal particle
球状沉淀nodular precipitation
理想沉淀ideal setting tank
理想沉淀ideal setting basin
理想沉淀池效率ideal setting basin efficiency
生化一混凝沉淀biochemistry-coagulation sedimentation method
生物沉淀biological precipitation (法)
生物沉淀biologic precipitation (法)
生物沉淀biogenous sediment
生物沉淀biological purification
生物沉淀biologic purification
生物微颗粒沉淀bioparticle deposition
生物接触氧化一絮凝沉淀一过滤一消毒工艺biological contact oxidation-flocculation sedimentation-filtration-disinfection process
生物接触氧化一絮凝沉淀一过滤一消毒工艺biologic contact oxidation-flocculation sedimentation-filtration-disinfection process
生物絮凝沉淀biological flocculation and precipitation
生物絮凝沉淀biologic flocculation and precipitation
脱焦油沉淀electrical detarring precipitator
脱焦油沉淀electric detarring precipitator
电力沉淀electrical precipitation
电力沉淀electric precipitation
电力沉淀electrical precipitator
电力沉淀electric precipitator
电化学沉淀electrochemical deposition
电解沉淀electrical plating
电解沉淀electric plating
界面沉淀interfacial precipitation
白色碳酸钙沉淀rock metal (水中)
沉淀sand settling tank
砂质沉淀sandy deposit
硫化氢沉淀hydrogen sulfide precipitation method
硫化锌沉淀zinc sulfide precipitation
等电沉淀作用isoelectrical precipitation
等电沉淀作用isoelectric precipitation
筛分和沉淀综合试验combined sieve and sedimentation test
污水的简单沉淀plain settlement
简单沉淀plain sedimentation
絮凝沉淀flocculent settling
絮凝沉淀flocculation settling
絮凝沉淀flocculation sedimentation
絮凝沉淀flocculation deposition
絮凝沉淀处理coagulation-sedimentation filtration
絮凝沉淀flocculent layer
絮凝状沉淀flocculent deposit
絮状沉淀flocculent precipitate
絮状沉淀单位limit of flocculation
絮状沉淀单位flocculating unit
絮状沉淀反应flocculation precipitation
絮状沉淀flocky precipitate
絮状沉淀flocculent precipitate
絮状沉淀试验flocculation test
缓冲沉淀试验buffer-precipitation test
置换沉淀displacement precipitation
联机沉淀on-line respirometer
联结沉淀coherent precipitate
脱水沉淀storage pond for dewatering
腐殖质沉淀池出水humus tank effluent
茜素沉淀色料alizarine lake
茜素沉淀色料alizarin lake
草酸沉淀oxalate precipitation method
沉淀super-precipitation (作用)
轴向极限沉淀速度axial limit deposit velocity
选择沉淀selective precipitation
逐次沉淀successive sedimentation
通气选择性沉淀selective gas precipitation
速差沉淀differential settling
速效凝结沉淀装置high-speed coagulative precipitation unit
速效混凝土沉淀装置high-speed coagulative precipitation unit
酒精沉淀试验alcohol-precipitation test
酸化污染物输移与沉淀模型transport and deposition of acidifying pollutant model
锅炉内部沉淀的效应effect of deposits within the boiler
锥形沉淀cone settler
沉淀anti-settling agent
沉淀anti-settling property
防止沉淀preventing precipitation
防颜料沉淀结块剂anti-caking agent
阴离子沉淀anion precipitant
阿尔尼克铝镍沉淀硬化型永磁合金Alnic alloy
沉淀calm sedimentation
静止沉淀quiescent settling
静止沉淀static settling
静止沉淀quiescent sedimentation
静止沉淀quiescence settling
静止沉淀absolute rest precipitation tank (废水处理)
静水沉淀static water precipitation
静水沉淀static water sedimentation
静水沉淀slack-water deposit
静电沉淀rod-curtain precipitator
静电沉淀electrostatic precipitator
静电沉淀法采样一sampling by electrostatic precipitation
非晶态沉淀amorphous precipitate
沉淀preformed precipitate
沉淀presettling tank
预先形成的沉淀preformed precipitate
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