
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing 比 0 | all forms
・・・ 与・・・成正be directly proportional to
不同废钢different scrap rates
不定化合物berthollide compound
与…成反比be inversely proportional to...
中和blending ratio
临界半径critical radius ratio
临界反应物critical reactant ratio
临界氧碳critical oxygen to carbon ratio (高炉喷吹参数之一)
临界镦粗critical upsetting ratio
主要漏钢类型百分primary breakout-type percentage
亮度对brightness contrast
亮度衬luminance difference
休伊特硬巴合金Hewitt's fine alloy (89Sn, 7.5Sb, 3.5Cu)
传动ratio of gear
伸缩式例气切机pantograph cutter
重气体low-density gas
低屈强low yield ratio steel (【技】即屈强比明显低于其他钢种的高强度合金钢。材料的屈强比即其屈服强度与拉伸强度之比,是衡量金属板材冲压性能的重要指标。一般要求非合金钢的屈强比不大于70%,低合金高强度钢的屈强比不大于80%,否则冲压性能较差,必须采取一定的工艺措施改善其冲压加工性。深冲用钢板的屈强比不大于66%。双相钢是典型的低屈强比钢。)
低温low temperature specific heat
低燃料操作low fuel-rate operation
体积ratio by volume
体积volume fraction
体积bulk factor
体积基准表面specific surface on volume base
体积百分percent by volume
定律law of multiple proportion
偏流biased flow ratio
充气aerated density
光电色计photoelectric colorimeter
光谱较器spectral comparator
光谱反射spectral reflectance
克分子mole ratio
克分子molar ratio
克分子molal specific heat
入炉charging ratio
共态抑制common mode rejection ratio
共析体eutectoid ratio
内径较仪internal diameter comparator
分光吸收spectral absorptance
分裂色计split-field colorimeter
分配partitioning ratio
分配partition ratio
分配distribution ratio
制图例尺plotting scale
制图例尺draughting scale
化学计算stoichiometric proportion
化学计量stoichiometric ratio
升华气化谱分析comparison of sublimation and vaporization
"1"半选信号one-to-partial-select ratio
博维尔重载铅基巴合金Boveall-Babbitt (82.5Pb, 15Sb, 1Sn, 1As,0.5Cu)
压力孔隙曲线pressure-void ratio curve
压缩compression ratio
压缩ratio of compression
压缩rolling rate
压缩reduction ratio
压缩contraction ratio
压缩rolling reduction
压缩coefficient of compressibility
厚度同轧辊直径之thickness ratio
原子atomic ratio
原料配feed proportioning
合金钢alloy steel ratio (【技】合金钢产量占同期钢总产量的百分比。提高合金钢比是世界工业发达国家钢铁工业发展的一个共同趋势。)
名义截面减缩nominal unit reduction in area
名义断面减缩nominal unit reduction in area
吨钢可能耗comparable energy consumption per tonne of steel
吨铁焦coke per tonne of iron
含钙巴合金calcium metal (1.35Cu, 1.75Ca, 0.1Na,0.1Sr 1.0Ba,余量 Pb)
吸引entrainment ratio
吸管式重计syringe hydrometer
bulk specific gravity
banked specific gravity
塑性应变plastic strain ratio
塞维斯D轻载巴合金Service D Babbitt (65 或 75Sn, 12 或 15Sb, 10 或 18Pb, 2 或 3Cu)
复合喷吹co-injection rate
复合层厚度cladding ratio
冲击试验机resilience testing machine
例模型large-scale model
天然气喷吹natural gas rate
天然气喷吹rate of natural gas injection (A blast furnace at Acme Steel Co. has set a record for the rate of natural gas injection. 阿克米钢公司的一座高炉已创造了一项天然气喷吹比记录。)
天然气置换replacement ratio of natural gas
天然气置换replacement ratio for natural gas injection
奥斯特瓦尔德重瓶Ostwald-type pycnometer
奥罗拉低锡铅巴合金Aurora Babbitt metal (5Zn, 9 ~ 15Sb, 80 〜86Pb, 0.5Cu)
孔洞体积与总体积之void ratio
化合物Daltonide compound
定律law of definite proportion
实际absolute specific gravity (体积质量)
实际actual specific gravity
实际置换practical replacement ratio (高炉喷吹燃料的)
封炉总焦total coke rate for banking
封炉总焦total banking coke rate
X 射线浊法X-ray turbidimetry
小方坯表面积/体积billet surface area-to-volume ratio
尺寸size ratio
尺寸缩减ratio of size reduction
布莱恩表面积Blaine index number
布里克斯重计Brix hydrometer
带材厚度同轧辊直径之thickness ratio
干燥段烟气质量drying mass ratio
干燥段烟气质量drying mass ratio
平均mean specific heat
平均表面积average specific surface area
平均表面积mean specific surface area
平均表面积mean specific surface
平均克分子mean molal specific heat
平均废钢average scrap steel rate
平均废钢average scrap rate
平方反定律law of inverse square
平方反定律inverse-square law
平方反引力inverse square attraction
平衡equilibrium ratio
应力stress ratio
应变strain ratio (【技】一个应变周期内两个指定应变值的代数比。)
应变应力例定律law of proportionality of strain to stress
废钢scrap ratio
废钢scrap rate
废钢proportion of scrap
废钢与铁水scrap-metal ratio
废钢/煤scrap/coal ratio
废钢熔化steel-scrap melting rate
废钢熔化scrap-melting rate
废钢/铁水scrap steel/hot-metal ratio
废钢/铁水scrap metal ratio (炉料中的)
废钢/铁水价格scrap steel/hot-metal price ratio
废钢/铁水价格ratio of scrap to hot-metal prices
强度intensity ratio
强度-刚度strength to rigidity ratio
强度-重量strength to weight ratio
强度-重量strength-to-weight ratio
形数aspect ratio
径向/轴向收缩radial/axial shrinkage ratio
径向/轴向收缩radial/ axial shrinkage ratio
应力循环cycle ratio
循环cycle ratio
微分器较器differentiator comparator
性能价格cost performance
总透射total transmittance
代码constant ratio code
慢化moderating ratio
成反inversely proportional
投人产出input/output ratio
投资proportion of investment
折算校正specific coke rate
折算焦equivalent coke rate
折算焦specific coke rate
折算焦conversion coke rate (【技】为了统计生产指标,将冶炼铸造生铁的焦比折合成冶炼炼钢生铁的焦比。)
例扩大穿孔机multiplying punch
例控制流量ratio flow control
例缩小减少scale down
材料试验例配制的试样proportioning probe
例配制的试样proportioning probe
例采取的试样proportionated sample
挤压extrusion ratio
振动vibrational specific heat
系数ratio of lay (钢丝绳的捻距与直径之比)
摄谱较仪spectrographic comparator
撕裂强度/屈服强度tear-strength/yield ratio
撕裂强度-屈服强度tear-strength /yield ratio
收缩百分contraction of percentage
数值numeric comparision
数字numeric comparision
整流rectifying ratio
断裂强度-密度burst strength-density ratio
断-通break-make ratio
斯佩克粉末表面测定仪Spekker absorptiometer
普洛统计疲劳试验Probit test
晶粒 颗粒 大小较目镜grain size comparison eye-piece
晶粒颗粒大小较目镜grain size comparison eyepiece
最低连铸minimum continuous casting percentage
最低锻造minimum limit of forging ratio (极限)
最低锻造极限minimum limit of forging ratio
最佳压缩optimum compression ratio
最佳燃料optimum fuel rate
最佳燃料操作optimum-fuel-rate operation
月平均喷煤monthly average PCI rate
有效容积与炉缸面积working volume-to-hearth area ratio
有效容积与炉缸面积working volume-to-hearth area ratio
机械转矩mechanical torque rate
材钢finished steels to crude steel ratio (【技】 通常指一个年度内钢材产量与钢产量的比值。它反映了一个国家钢铁工业生产技术水平、金属有效利用程度和经济效果。)
板坯改判百分percentage of slab diverted from intended order (【技】因质量缺陷改判降级使用的板坯百分比。)
板材厚度同轧辊直径之thickness ratio
板管percentage of plate-and-pipe to finished products
板管plate-and-pipe to finished-steel-product ratio
板管output percentage of plate-tube-strip to total finished products (【技】钢材总产量中板材、管材、带材所占的百分比称之为板管比。一个国家的板管比通常与其工业的发展水平有一定联系。工业发展水平较高,板管比通常也较高。)
极限拉伸limiting drawing ratio
极限拉延limit drawing ratio
极限深冲limiting drawing ratio
极限深冲limiting drawing ratio
校正流变应力corrected flow stress ratio
校正焦specific coke rate
校正焦corrected coke rate
横向应变电阻transverse sensitivity
direct ratio
例的directly proportional
关系straight-line dependence
区域proportional region
计数器光谱计proportional counter spectrometer
正反向front to rear ratio
气体specific heat of gas
气体率控制gas ratio control
气动率控制器pneumatic ratio controller
氦-氩helium-argon ratio
氧料oxygen-charge ratio
氧气与乙炔气体积oxygen-acetylene ratio
氧气与燃气体积的oxygen-fuel gas ratio
氧气燃气体积flame ratio
氨基安替林法aminoantipyrine method
chlorine ratio
氯氧chlorine-to-oxygen ratio
水分百分percentage of moisture
水泥量与骨料孔隙cement-space ratio
水泥-骨料cement-aggregate ratio
水灰高的混凝土wet concrete
水蒸气渗透water vapour permeance
汽-液vapour-liquid ratio
沉降settling ratio
沉降settlement factor
流体fluid ratio
流变应力flow stress ratio
流量flow ratio
浇注巴合金cast-on white metal
浇注时间casting time ratio
浓度ratio of concentration
海军巴合金marine Babbitt (65 ~ 75Sn, 12 ~ 15Sb, 10 〜 18Pb,2~3Cu)
液体重秤hydrostatic balance
渗钢发生bleeding occurrence ratio
slag ratio
slag ratio
渣-金间磷的分配phosphorus partition ratio between slag and metal
渣铁slag volume per ton of iron
渣铁slag-to-iron ratio
渣铁slag volume per tonne of iron
渣铁slag ratio (【技】高炉炼铁过程中每冶炼 1t 生铁的出渣量。减少渣量不仅可以降低焦比,同时也有利于提高高炉冶炼强度和高炉利用系数。)
温斯科英巴合金Wings Coin Babbitt
湿度humidity ratio
灰水cement-water ratio
灰石stone rate
灰石stone rate
灰铁dust rate
灵活废钢flexible scrap rate (【技】含铁炉料中废钢所占的比例可灵活变动,甚至可以采用百分之百的废钢炼钢。例如最佳节能炉, K(M)S 转炉等。其炉料废钢比均可在较大范围内选择使用。)
炉外精炼secondary refined steel ratio
炉外精炼ratio of secondary refining
炉容volume to capacity ratio (【技】转炉的有效容积和公称吨位之比。转炉有效容积为炉帽和炉身的容积加熔池体积的总和。炉容比是转炉结构的重要参数。)
转炉炉容ratio of volume to capacity
炉床容量specific grate capacity
炉料charge ratio
炉料组分重量burden weight ratio
炉渣钙硅slag lime-silica ratio
炉渣铁硅slag iron-silica ratio
炉渣铁钙slag iron-lime ratio
coke-to-metal ratio
metallic charge-to-coke ratio
coke per tonne of iron
coke to iron ratio
coke-to-metal ratio
coke rate (【技】高炉每冶炼一吨合格生铁所消耗的干焦量。它是衡量高炉生产水平的一个重要技术经济指标。)
coke consumption per tonne of iron (In order to achieve maximum production and minimum coke consumption per tonne of iron, the ore must first be prepared. 为了达到产量最高、焦比最低,必须首先进行选矿。)
fuel consumption in coke per unit of iron made
coke ratio
coke rate
降低reduction of coke rate
降低reduction of coke rate
焦炭置换coke replacement ratio
焦炭置换coke replacement ratio
焦粉配coke content
焦铁coke to iron ratio
煅烧calcination ratio
coal rate (Within eight weeks of beginning coal injection, the natural gas rate was reduced from 26kg/tHM to 0, the coal rate was in excess of 105 kg/ tHM, and the coke rate had been reduced by more than 35kg/tHM from the pre-PCI level. 在喷煤开始后的 8 周内,天然气比由 26kg/t 铁下降到0,煤比超过105 kg/t 铁,焦比比喷煤前下降 35kg/t 铁以上。)
coal ratio
煤气/空气按例自动计量automatic gas/ air proportioning
煤/氧coal/oxygen ratio (【技】影响高炉置换比的因素之一,单位为 kg/m³。 在一定范围内降低该比值有利于提高高炉的燃料置换比。)
煤焦置换coke/coal replacement ratio (【技】在高炉冶炼中,每喷人单位质量的煤所能替代的焦炭量。)
煤焦置换coke to coal replacement ratio
煤焦置换replacement ratio of coke-to-coal
煤焦置换replacement ratio of coke by coal
煤焦置换coal-to-coke replacement ratio
煤/空气coal-to-air ratio
煤/空气coal/air ratio (【技】影响高炉置换比的因素之一,单位为 kg/m³。 在一定范围内降低该比值有利于提高高炉的燃料置换比。)
熔剂与焊丝重量flux/wire ratio
熔化金属与燃料melting ratio
熟料rate of agglomerates
熟料agglomerate rate
熟料percentage of agglomerate
熟料agglomerate percentage (【技】各种人炉的烧结矿和球团矿的总消耗量占全部人炉的铁矿石总消耗量的百分比。)
熟料agglomeration ratio
熟料agglomeration rate
爱因斯坦热公式Einstein's formula for specific heat
球团pellet proportion
球团pellet proportion
球团人炉pellet rate in BF burden
球团人炉pellet proportion
球团人炉pellet consumption
球团人炉pellet content
球团人炉pellet in charge
球团人炉pellet blending ratio
球团入炉pellet content
球团入炉pellet proportion
球团入炉pellet consumption
球团入炉pellet blending ratio
球团料混合mixing ratio of pellet feeds
理论置换theoretical replacement ratio (高炉喷吹燃料的)
例尺画的图scale drawing
由…定出比例scale off
电压voltage ratio
电子electron ratio
电子electronic specific heat
电子与原子数electron-atom ratio
电晕电流specific corona current
电流current ratio
电液例换向阀electro-hydraulic proportional reversal valve
电解质bath ratio
白利重计Brix hydrometer
百分per centum (率)
百分percentage ratio
百分分析percent analysis
百分测试percentage test
百分percentage ratio
true specific gravity
absolute specific gravity
真实actual specific gravity
瞬时instantaneous specific heat
瞬时拉延current deep drawing ratio (拉延【深】过程中外缘直径与拉出件的直径比值)
破断应力密度fracture stress / density ratio
破断应力密度fracture stress/ density ratio
破碎ratio of reduction
破碎reduction ratio
破碎ratio of crushing
G 砷铅巴合金arsenical lead G Babbitt (83.5Pb, 12.75Sb, 3As, 0.75Sn)
硅石silica ratio
硅酸silica ratio
硫分配sulphur partition coefficient
硫分配sulfur partition ratio
硫分配sulphur partition ratio
硫分配sulfur partition coefficient
硫的平衡分配equilibrium sulfur partition ratio
硫铁sulphur-iron ratio
硬质巴合金90Sn, 8Sb,余量铜hardhead
稀释dilution ratio
空位void ratio
空气-煤气配调节器air-gas proportioner
空气煤气配调节器air-gas proportioner
空气燃料air-fuel ratio
空隙void factor
空隙fraction void
穿孔piercing ratio
窄面散热narrow face heat removal ratio (【技】板坯结晶器两个窄面的散热值之比,常常反映出浸人式水口的偏流程度。)
板坯窄面散热heat removal ratio between narrow faces
均布荷载equivalent uniform load
等容specific heat at constant volume
等沉降equal settling ratio
等落equal settling ratio
等轴晶区ratio of equiaxed crystal zone
米拉赖特耐蚀铝合金Mirabilite (4.1Ni, 0.4Fe, 0.3Si, 0.04Pb, 0.04Na, 余量 Al)
粉末表面积specific surface area of powder (【技】单位质量或单位体积粉末颗粒所具有的总表面积。前者称为重量比表面积;后者称为体积比表面积。)
粉末表面积测定determination of powder specific surface area
粉煤pulverized coal rate
粉煤喷吹pulverized coal injection ratio
粉矿percentage of fine ore
粉矿fine ore percentage
粉矿ratio of fine ore
粉矿fine percentage
粒度fineness ratio
紫外-可见光色监测器ultraviolet-visible colorimetric monitor
累积循环次数cumulative cycle ratio
缺口屈服强度notch yield ratio
缺口强度notch strength ratio (缺口强度与非缺口强度之比)
缺口抗拉强度notch tensile ratio (缺口抗拉强度与非缺口抗拉强度之比)
缺口拉伸强度notch tensile ratio
缺口收缩notch constriction ratio
置换replacement ratio
喷吹置换replacement ratio (【技】高炉喷吹燃料时,每公斤燃料取代焦炭的千克数。按喷吹燃料中 C、 H 元素的含量,并分析其在高炉内参加还原过程应代替的焦炭量计算的称为理论置换比。按高炉冶炼过程中实际取代的焦炭量计算的,称为实际置换比。喷吹各种燃料的置换比,与该种燃料中 C、 H 元素含量及该燃料在风口高温区分解吸热量多少有关,同时还与各厂所使用的焦炭质量,尤其是焦炭灰分有关。)
喷吹燃料置换replacement factor
置换replacement factor
脆性敏感度susceptibility ratio to brittleness
膨润土添加bentonite/ore ratio
tongue ratio (【技】挤压的半空心型材所包括的面积与型材开口处宽度平方之比。)
船舶巴合金marine Babbitt
珀姆钠回收法Abiperm process
银电解Moebius process
莫霍克巴合金Mohawk Babbitt
表观功率specific apparent power
表观apparent gravity
表面较仪surface comparator
衬巴合金轴承Babbitt lined bearing
调节turndown ratio
贝特法表面积Brunauer Emmett Teller area
质子回磁proton gyromagnetic ratio
质荷mass-to-charge ratio
质量ratio by mass
质量mass ratio
质量百分mass percent
资本配capital gearing
赛波特-色计Saybolt chromometer
赤热带hot zone ratio
起伏fluctuation ratio
起始小锻造加工nursing (红脆钢的)
轧制压缩rolling reduction ratio
轧制压缩ratio of rolling reduction
转换conversion ratio
转炉废钢scrap ratio of converter
转炉钢converter steel ratio
软巴合金soft Babbitt alloy (91 Sn, 4.5Sb,4.5Cu)
软巴轴承青铜soft Babbitt bronze (91Sn,4.5Sb,4.5Cu)
axial ratio
辐射反射radiant reflectance
辐射吸收radiant absorptance
辐射强度subject contrast
选别separation coefficient
选矿separation coefficient
speed ratio
逻辑logic comparison
blending ratio
燃烧器proportional burner
装置proportioning equipment
配合mixing proportion
配料mixture ratio
配料burden ratio
配料mixture ratio
配料mixing rate (The high-temperature reduction behaviour of sinter improves as the mixing rate of serpentine decreases. 随着蛇纹石混料比的降低,烧结矿的高温还原性能得以改善。)
配料burdening ratio
配料焦炭charge coke
配料组分重量burden weight ratio
配煤burden constituents
配煤burden constituents
酸洗色试验acid wash test
钢水specific heat of liquid steel
钢水specific gravity of liquid steel
钢种涡流较仪eddy-current grade comparator
钢筋ratio of reinforcement
钢筋面积steel area ratio (【技】钢筋混凝土中钢筋面积与全断面面积之比。)
锡基巴合金tin-base babbit alloy
锡基巴合金tin babbit metal
锡基巴合金tin-base white metal
锡基巴合金tin-base babbit metal
锡基巴合金tin babbit alloy
锡基巴合金tin Babbitts (89Sn, 7:5Sb,3.5Cu)
锡巴合金tin bearing alloy
锡巴合金 1tin Babbitt alloy 1 (91Sn, 4.5Sb,4.5Cu)
锰的分配manganese partitioning
锰硅Mn/Si ratio
锻压forging ratio
锻造forging ratio
锻造forging grade
cadmium ratio
镍钴nickel-to-cobalt ratio
镍铜nickel-copper ratio
镦粗upsetting ratio
镦锻upsetting ratio
镦锻upsetting ratio
镦锻upset ratio
长宽length-width ratio
长宽aspect ratio
长径length to diameter ratio
长细ratio of slenderness
阳极与阴极面积anode-to-cathode ratio
阳极糊电阻anode paste resistivity
阻落hindered settling ratio
恩双面包锡铅箔Albion metal
特法Arbiter process
阿贝尔极限深冲与加工硬化指数关系曲线Arber curve
阿达曼特锡基巴合金adamant metal
降低高炉焦的措施measures to reduce coke rate of blast furnace
降低高炉焦的措施measures of reducing coke rate of BF
霍伊特白色软巴合金Hoyt's genuine A alloy (91Sn, 4.5Sb,4.5Cu)
马耶斯提克轻载巴合金Majestic Babbitt (65 或 75Sn, 12 或 15Sb, 10 或 18Pb,2 或 3Cu)
鲍氏液体重计Bouyoucos hydrometer
齿轮变速gear ratio
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