
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
不变币值constant-dollar model
不良贷款规scale of non-performing loans
中国Chinese model
久期匹配duration matching model
"二态"期权two-state option valuation model
二项式期权定价binomial option pricing model
交易trading model
付款payment pattern
以投资为中心的增长investment-centric growth model
保持合理的社会融资规keep financing from all sources at an appropriate level
保持适度的财政赤字和国债规keep the deficit and government bonds at appropriate levels
信贷规考核review the compliance with credit ceilings
债务融资debt-financed model
储蓄投资savings-investment model
公允价值fair value pattern
关键规critical mass
出口导向型增长export-led growth model
初始规initial size
加曼柯尔哈根Garman Kohlhagen Model (外汇期权的定价公式,该模型允许两种货币的利率各有不同,并将此对期权价值的影响反映于公式内)
单因素Single-Factor Model
去监管化model of deregulation
反馈测试beta test mode
发展development model
取得式中所需之资料obtaining information for the model
合理的投资规reasonable scope of investments
商业business models
商户对商户商务business to business
商户对顾客商务business to customer
国际会计international accounting model
基金规fund size
增长growth pattern
增长growth machine
外汇储备规size of foreign exchange reserve
多重限制决策multicriteria decision models
大规外汇储备积累massive reserve accumulation
大规干预主权债务市场intervene massively in sovereign bond markets
大规扩张remarkable expansion
大规破产mass bankruptcy
大规社会动荡mass social unrest
大规经济刺激政策large-scale stimulus policies
大规经济刺激计划massive stimulus plan
大规财政刺激massive fiscal stimuli
大规资本流人huge capital flows
完善和创新经济社会发展的理念、体制、improve and innovate one's thinking, system and mode for advancing economic and social development
定价pricing model
实施一套规较小的以投资为重点的刺激计划implement a smaller investment-focused stimulus package
对数指数期权log exponential option models
市场净规net size of market
市场正常交易规normal market size
市场规差异market size variance
布莱克-斯科尔斯Black & Scholes Model (指美国著名学者费舍尔•布莱克 (Fisher Black) 和梅隆•斯科尔斯 (Myron Scholes)建立于1973年的一种广泛应用于计算欧式期权价值的定价模型,它可算出看涨期权 (call option) 在到期前任何时点的价值)
布莱克-舒尔斯Black-Scholes Model (创建于1973年的该模式广泛应用于计算欧式期权价值,可算出看涨期权 (call option)到期前任何时点的价值)
布莱克-舒尔斯期权定价Black-Scholes option pricing model
建设-经营-移交build-operate-transfer model (简称"建设-经营-移交模式 (BOT model) ",指政府把急需建设而资金短缺的基础设施建设项目,通过招标与谈判,交由私营部门(多为国际私人财团)直接投资建设,并给予投资者在项目建成后一定时期内的特许权。投资者在此特许期内,通过经营收回投资并取得利润,特许期结束后把该项目完好的、无条件的移交给政府)
成本分析的时间型分析法time-pattern analysis method of cost analysis
扩大直接融资规increase the amount of direct financing
投资者交易investor trading pattern
投资规size of investments
拘泥于计划经济stuck in command-economy mode
持仓规position sizing
推出大规财政刺激措施launch a massive fiscal stimulus
改变发展change the development model
新计划new programme model
最低效率规minimum efficient scale
期权定价option pricing model
期限结构term structure model
ABS ABS model (ABS (asset-backed securitization) 意为"资产证券化",是指将缺乏流动性,但能够产生可预见的、稳定的现金流量的资产归集起来,通过一定的结构安排,对资产中风险与收益要素进行分离与重组,进而转移为在金融市场上可以出售和流通的证券的过程)
拟交易paper trading
拟交易simulated trading
拟交易mock trading
拟投资市场simulated investment market
拟股指期货交易mock stock index futures trades
拟预算mock-up of the budget
汇率exchange rate models
消费pattern of consumption
混合交易hybrid trading model
现代化model of modernity
现代数学定价modern mathematical valuation models
现金流量分布time pattern of cash flow
理赔代理人settlement agent model
电算化计划computerized planning model
短期经济预测short-term economic forecast model
等值货币common-dollar model
筹资规fund-raising levels
经济发展economic development model
经济社会发展的mode for advancing economic and social development
绝对利润规size of absolute profits
维加定价vega pricing model
网络商业network business model
美国U.S. model
联邦储备Fed Model
股利增长dividend growth model
股息计价dividend valuation model
融资financing pattern
融资financing mode
不经济scale diseconomy
不经济diseconomies of scale
报酬不变constant returns to scale
效应size effect
经营优势advantage of economies of scale
计划经济command-economy mode
调整发展reboot the development model
财务financial model
财务式构建financial modeling
财务计划编制financial planning model
货币分析monetary approach model
货币市场基金商业money market fund business model
货币需求money demand model
贴现现金流discounted cash flow models
资本资产定价capital assets pricing model (在投资组合理论和资本市场理论基础上形成发展起来的一种模型,主要研究证券市场中资产的预期收益率与风险资产之间的关系,广泛应用于投资决策和公司理财领域,是现代金融市场价格理论的支柱)
资本资产订价capital asset pricing model
跨境资本大规无序流动massive unregulated cross-border flow of capital
跨期资本资产定价intertemporal capital asset pricing model
转变经济发展式,使之更加依赖国内需求shift economy to rely more on domestic demand
通过通胀降低债务规inflate away one's debt
部门因素sector-factor model
金融创新model of financial innovation
银行放贷规scale of bank lending
零增长zero-growth model
项目融资rehabilitate-operate-maintain-transfer ROMT
项目融资rehabilitate-operate-transfer ROT
项目融资contract-add-operate CAO
风险价值value-at-risk model