
Terms for subject Polymers containing | all forms
三参数黏弹体three parameter model
三维three-dimensional molding
三聚氰胺树脂塑料melamine molding material
top force
bottom force
下半female mold
不溢式压trimless mold
两相two-phase model
量橡胶medium modulus rubber
串滴blob model
二极塑造型double shot molding
交替锁装置alternative clamp unit
介观mesoscopic simulation
仿射形变affine deformation model
仿射高斯affine Gaussian model
伸直链extended chain model
似晶点阵quasi-crystalline lactic model
位置型理论site-model theory
量橡胶low-modulus rubber
低压low-pressure molding
体积损耗bulk loss modulus
体积纵向弛豫bulk longitudinal relaxation modulus
体积纵向松弛bulk longitudinal relaxation modulus
假平衡pseudoequilibrium modulus
偶合couple simulation
储能体积bulk storage modulus
储能剪切storage shear modulus
mold face filling
filling of mold
压力mold face filling pressure
效率mold face filling efficiency
gram mole
挤出法polytrude process
共挤塑coextrusion die
内脱internal releasing agent
压花机hobbing press
cold molding
塑塑料cold molding plastic
塑料cold molded plastic
冷却胎cooling jig
准晶格quasi-crystalline lactic model
凝聚缠结cohesional entanglement model
收缩post-molding shrinkage
线迹印制品parting line
parting face
分子动力学molecular dynamic simulation
分瓣split mold
刚性球rigid sphere model
刚棒rigid-rod model
剪切储能shear storage modulus
剪切应力弛豫shear stress relaxation modulus
剪切应力松弛shear stress relaxation modulus
剪切弹性elastic modulus in shear
剪切损耗shear loss modulus
力学各向异性的聚集体aggregate model for mechanical anisotropy
加压press molding
动态量一应变曲线dynamic modulus-strain curve
动态储能dynamic storage modulus
动态剪切储能dynamic storage shear modulus
动态剪切储能dynamic shear storage modulus
动态弯曲dynamic bending modulus
动态拉伸储能dynamic storage tensile modulus
动态损耗剪切dynamic loss shear modulus
动态损耗拉伸dynamic loss tensile modulus
动态杨氏kinetic Young's modulus
动态杨氏dynamic Young's modulus
劳斯Rouse model
劳斯一齐姆Rouse-Zimm model
包覆wrapping model
单型腔single impression mold
单巢single impression mold
卡尔金一斯洛尼姆斯基链Kargin-Slonimsky chain model
压差树脂传递塑法differential pressure transfer molding
压缩弹性modulus of elasticity in compression
压缩弹性elastic modulus in compression
头挤塑装置dual-die extrusion system
成型die molding
双联板式模塑duplicate plate molding
成型段die land
台架规bench scale
mold clamping
mold clamping force
clamping force
系统mold clamping system
行程clamping stroke
mold face
吹塑型blowing cavity
哑铃dumb-bell model
唯象phenomenological model
四参数four parameter model
圆形截面die of circular cross-section
塌球collapsed ball model
塑坯制法preform molding
塑料plastic mold
filling of mold
铸造shell molding
铸造树脂shell molding resin
复合弛豫complex relaxation modes
复合推迟complex retardation modes
复合松弛complex relaxation modes
复数体积complex bulk modulus
复数倒complex reciprocal modulus
复数动态剪切complex dynamic shear modulus
外脱external releasing agent
头吹塑multihead blow molding
腔模multi cavity mold
多腔gang mold
多腔family mold
多重离子簇multiple-clusters model
定制制品custom molding
real modulus
实验室规bench scale
宾厄姆Bingham model
成型matched-mold forming
成型pressure forming
成型法matched die molding method
射料杆式plunger-type molding
就地in-place molding
局部式运动local mode motion
局部弛豫local relaxation mode
层合laminate molding
屈挠flexural modulus
工业塑件industrial molding
布填塑料fabric-filled molding compound
平合plain finish
平均初始average initial modulus
平坦区plateau modulus
广义沃伊特generalized Voigt model
应力弛豫stress relaxation modulus
应力松弛stress relaxation modulus
mold break
mold opening force
开尔文一沃杰特Kelvin-Voigt model
异型胎jigs welding
弛豫relaxation mode
弛豫relaxation modulus
弯曲modulus in bending
弯曲弹性elastic modulus in flexure
弯曲弹性elastic modulus in bending
弯曲杨氏量试验bending Young's modulus test
弯曲杨氏量试验bend Young's modulus test
弹性剪切elastic shear modulus
弹性拉伸elastic tensile modulus
弹簧一黏壶spring-dashpot model
sigmoidal model S
形态学morphologic model
快速固化塑料quick-curing molding compound
快速固化塑料fast curing molding compound
快速固化塑粉quick-curing molding powder
快速硫化压胶料fast curing molding compound
成套制品family mold
手动hand mold
扭曲modulus in torsion
扭曲弹性modulus of elasticity in torsion
扭结kink model
批次batch model
折叠链folded chain model
折叠链缨状微束粒子folded-chain fringed micellar grain model
折合reduced modulus
拉伸tension modulus
拉伸extension modulus
拉伸弛豫tensile relaxation modulus
拉伸杨氏tensile Young's modulus
拉伸松弛tensile relaxation modulus
拉伸蠕变tensile creep modulus
挤出口膨胀extrusion die swell
挤出extruding die
损耗剪切loss shear modulus
损耗弹性loss elastic modulus
损耗杨氏loss Young's modulus
接线板switchboard model
收敛convergent die
收敛形口convergent die
收缩袋成型法deflatable bag method
改进的樱状原纤modified fringed fibril model
散流式截面die of diverging section
断裂fracture mode
方粒塑料diced molding compound
旋转rotational molding
旋转塑粉料rotomolding powder
硫化open vulcanization
硫化open cure
无应力stress-free molding
无流道冷料runnerless mold
无流道冷料runnerless molding
无规行走random walk model
塑性easy molding
易脱easy release
易脱easy release
晶体缺陷crystal defect model
晶区crystalline modulus
曲棍状meander-shape model
有效塑温度effective molding temperature
有机硅脱silicone release
有规立构stereospecific template
未弛豫unrelaxed modulus
未松弛unrelaxed modulus
本体bulk modulus
本体弹性bulk modulus of elasticity
松弛relaxation mode
松散线圈loose loop model
板簧leaf-spring model
构象跃迁conformational jump model
柱塞式传递制法plunger-type transfer molding
标准塑料standard molding compound
树脂型有机硅脱resin organosilicon mold releasing agent
核一壳core-shell model
棒形rod-like model
棒状哑铃rigid dumb-bell model
棒状链rod-like chain model
mold block
mould (mold)
具型腔molded foam
具标记mold mark
具表面mold face
内流动mold flow
切机die cutter
die molding
制品blocked-in article
die cutting
压成型compression molding
压成型compression forming
压机compression molding press
mold block
型几何形状die geometry
型涂料pattern coating
型硫化mold vulcanization
型稳定性试验pattern stability test
型识别方法pattern recognition method
mould (mold)
塑制品molded article
塑压力mold pressure
塑后固化post-molding cure
塑型材molded section
塑嵌件molded-in insert
塑料流动性flowability of molding compound
塑材料molding material
塑残余应力molded-in stress
塑残余应变in molded strain
塑级molding grade
塑结构泡沫塑料molded structure foam
塑造型die molding
force plunger
头几何尺寸die geometry
头常数die constant
mold base
拟酶mimetic enzyme
拟酶高分子enzyme imitative polymer
板效应template effect
mold temperature
mold box
缝留痕parting line
面温度mold face temperature
横向transverse modulus
樱状微束model fringed micelle
樱状片晶结构fringed-lamellae structural model
橡胶制品molded rubber article
橡胶平台区拉伸tensile modulus of the rubbery plateau
橡胶平坦区rubbery plateau modulus
次晶paracrystal model
正切initial tangent modulus
正切拉伸tangent tensile modulus
残余塑应力residual molding stress
气胀包真空成型vacuum air-slip forming
氨基树脂塑料amino molding compound
沃伊特一开尔文黏弹性Voigt-Kelvin model
沥青塑料bituminous molding compound
法向normal modulus
法向弹性normal elastic modulus
浇注cast molding
渗滤percolation model
溢料flash mold
溢料式flash overflow mold
热合heat sealing die
热固性聚酯塑料thermoset polyester molding compound
热塑性塑料thermoplastic molding compound
热塑性塑材料thermoplastic molding material
热水hot-water molding
热流道hot runner molding
片状塑料shear molding compound
环形die annulus
环形口annular die gap
环氧塑料epoxy molding material
环氧塑粉epoxy molding powder
环氧树脂epoxy tooling
环状口annular die
玻璃态glassy modulus
玻璃态剪切glassy shear modulus
玻璃态拉伸glassy tensile modulus
玻璃纤维glass fiber molding
珠一棒bead-rod model
珠一簧bead-spring model
珠簧pearl-spring model
珠链pearl-necklace model
球一簧链ball-spring chain model
甲酚树脂压物料cresylic molding compound
电路electric circuit analogy
直接压法direct pressure molding
相邻再入adjacent reentry model
石棉芯塑制品asbestos-cord molding compound
硬橡胶hard rubber mold
碱基拟体base analogue
膨胀die swell
膨胀比die swell ratio
类链状chain-like model
粉末烧结塑成型powder sinter molding
纤维填充塑料fiber-filled molding material
纸浆浸渍塑件pulp molding
线性黏弹性流变four parameter model
组合compound die
缓形变modulus at slower deformation
缨状原纤fringed fibril model
罐式传递塑法pot-type transfer molding
群腔gang mold
聚合物polymeric matrix
聚合物链matrix of polymer chain
聚流式截面die of converging section
聚酯注polyester casting
聚集体aggregate model
胶乳latex mold
脂润grease molding
demolding agent
套管ejector sleeve
脲醛塑粉urea-formaldehyde molding powder
自脱聚合物auto-demolding polymer
自避随机行走self-avoiding random walk model
艾林流动Eyring model for flow
节一管knob-and-tube model
蒙特一卡洛Monte Carlo simulation
薄壁塑品thin-section molding
虚数imaginary modulus
蛇行reptation model
衰减attenuation modulus
bag molding
filling of mold
规则网格regular network model
触压contact molding
计算机制computer molding
超高extra high modulus
超高量纤维ultra-high modulus fiber
速率相依黏弹性rate-dependent viscoelastic mode
酚醛压材料phenolic molding material
酚醛塑材料phenolic molding material
醇酸树脂塑料alkyd molding compound
金属橡胶夹芯印metal-rubber sandwich die
钻孔cored mold
链束chain-packet model
链束chain bundle model
链状型理论chain-model theory
mold locking
locking force
镶嵌insert molding
长方形截面die of slot cross-section
发泡foaming in closed mold
成型closed molding
装置closing unit
防缩shrink fixture
防缩夹具shrinkage jig
防缩植shrinkage block jig
force plunger
阶梯函数step-function modulus
集成integrated mold
零长度die of zero length
型动力学model free kinetics
塑型橡胶制品non-molded rubber article
非格子off-lattice model
项链necklace model
预制整体塑料bulk molding compound
预成型塑法form-and-molding process
量人造丝high-modulus rayon
量帘线用丝high-modulus tire yarn
量炉黑high-modulus furnace black
量聚合物high-modulus polymer
高强力高量纤维high-tenacity high-modulus fiber
高柳Takayanagi model
高温脱high-temperature demolding agent
高湿量人造丝high wet-modulus rayon
高湿量纤维high wet-modulus fiber
高湿量黏胶纤维high wet-modulus viscose fiber
高精度high precision molding
高级非型动力学advanced model free kinetics
高频heatronic molding
麦克斯韦Maxwell model
黏弹viscoelastic modulus