
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
世界开发融资机联合会World Federation of Development Financing Institutions (1979年9月在马德里成立)
世界投资促进机协会World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (总部设于瑞士日内瓦的非政府和非牟利组织)
中国证券监管机China's securities regulator
中国金融机Chinese financial institutions
中央审计机central audit agency
临时机拨款provisional institutional allotment
主要监管机primary regulator
互联网域名与网址管理机Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (这是在全球各国政府支持下由美国政府成立的一家私营组织,业务是注册和开发互联网域名)
亚太开发融资机协会Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific
产业结不合理irrational industrial structure
人口结问题demographic problems
人民币合格境外机投资者RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (2011年8月我国政府宣布将允许境外合格机构投资者(通过香港中资金融机构)用人民币投资境内证券市场,因额度比 QFII少(起步金额为200亿元),故也称"小QFII")
代理金融机贷款make loans on behalf of other institutions
企业机个体、单位business enterprise entity unit
优化信贷结optimize the credit structure
优化信贷结improve the credit structure
优化投资结improve the investment structure
优化财政支出结optimize the structure of expenditures
优化金融资源和经济结调整optimize financial resources and economic restructuring
会计结mechanics of accounting
会计结之基点the account building block
伞形结umbrella structure
传统资本结理论traditional theory of capital structure
促进产业结优化升级promote industrial structure optimization and upgrading
促进消费结优化升级promote the upgrading of the consumption structure
保持有助于金融可持续性的发展政策架maintain a policy framework conducive to fiscal sustainability
保险业监管机insurance authority
信托机trust organization
信用评级机credit rating agency (由专门的经济、法律、财务专家组成的对证券发行人和证券信用进行等级评定的组织)
信用调査机credit investigation agency
债务到期结maturity structure of debt
债务期限结maturity structure
储蓄机savings institutions
储蓄贷款机savings and loan institution
全球性国际金融机world-wide international financial tions
全球经济治理结改革reform of the global economic governance structure
全球金融机global financial institutions
公司治理结corporate governance structure
农村审计机village audit organization
准官方机quasi-government agency
减弱贷款机扩张信贷的动力reduce the incentive of lenders to expand credit
分支机会计branch accounting
分支机分类帐branch ledger
分支机往来账户branch office current account
分支机现金帐户branch cash account
分支机统制账户branch control account
分支机账户branch office account
分支机账户branch account
分支机费用branch expenses
分支机长期资产branch long-lived assets
分析framework for analysis
利率期限结市场分割理论market segmentation theory of term structure of interest rates
利率期限结理论theory of term structure of interest rate
利率结interest-rate structure
功能性机functional agencies
加快产业结优化升级accelerate the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure
加快产业结调整和自主创新accelerate industrial restructuring and innovation
加快培育农村新型金融机accelerate the cultivation of new rural financial institutions
加快经济结调整accelerate economic restructuring
区域性国际金融机regional international financial institutions
区域性监管机regional regulators
可提供全部金融服务的机one-stop shopping
各机预支业务经费operation fund advanced to agencies
合作加强国际贸易和金融机cooperate to strengthen the international trade and financial institutions
合同储蓄机contractual saving institutions
合格的境内机投资者qualified domestic institutional investor
合格的境内机投资者产品qualified domestic institutional investor products
合格的境内机投资者产品QDII products
合格的境内机投资者基金qualified domestic institutional investor funds
合格的境内机投资者管理公司QDII managers
合格的境内机投资者计划QDII scheme
合格的境内机投资者金砖四国基金QDII Brie fund
合格的境外机投资者qualified foreign institutional investor (经过证监会的审核之后,境外机构投资者可以在外管局允许的额度内将外汇换成人民币进行境内投资)
合格的机买家qualified institutional buyer
合理的管理结reasonable governance structure
向国际金融机注人大量资金give a significant capital injection to international financial institutions
商业性金融机commercial financial institution (指按照现代企业制度改造和组建起来的以营利为目的的银行和非银行金融机构)
商业机及海关commercial organization and customhouse
国家机开支government expenses
国家监管机national regulators
国家金融机state banking institution
国有控股的中国各重量级金融机country's heavyweight state-controlled financial institutions
国际标准制定机international standard-setting bodies
国际编码机协会Association of National Numbering Agencies
国际金融机international financial institutions
在国际金融机的储备头寸reserve position in international financial institutions
基金会计中的项目结program structure in fund accounting
基金会计结fund accounting structure
基金管理机fund management institution
增强监管机的国际合作intensify international cooperation among regulators
增强金融机的资本strengthen the capital of financial institutions
复杂结性信贷产品complex structured credit products
外汇金融机financial institution for foreign exchange
外资金融机foreign financial institutions
多边投资担保机Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (世界银行下属机构之一,成立于1988年6月,目标是鼓励在其会员国之间,尤其是向发展中国家会员国融通生产性投资,以补充世界银行、国际金融公司和其他国际开发金融机构的活动)
《多边投资担保机公约》Convention Establishing the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (该公约于1985年10月11日在世界银行年会上获得通过,根据该公约建立了多边投资担保机构 (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency)(该机构是世界银行的附属机构,但具有独立的法人地位))
多边资金融通机multilateral finance agency
大力推进经济结调整strongly promote economic restructuring
大型金融机large institution
存款中介机depositary intermediary
存款机depositary institution
存款机deposit institutions
存管机depositary agent
实施结性减税政策implement the structural tax reduction policy
实施结性改革undergo structural reforms
实施结性改革implement structural reforms
实行结性减税make structural tax reductions
实行结性减税implement structural tax reductions
实际管理机actual management institutions
对…构成重压力put severe pressure on
对美元成挑战mount a challenge to the dollar
对美元的储备货币地位成严峻威胁pose a serious threat to the dollar's reserve status
就机融资提供意见advising on corporate finance
币种currency composition
市场架改革统筹委员会Co-ordinating Committee on Market Structure Reform
帐户结structure of account
帐户结account structure
帐簿的组织结organizational structure of ledgers
平均成本的结structure of average cost
应付附属机的零据notes payable to subsidiary
应付附属机的零据note payable to subsidiary
引导金融机稳健经营guide financial institutions to operate prudently
强化对信用评级机的监管exercise strong oversight over credit rating agencies
当地证券监管机local branch of the securities regulator
影子机shadow institutions
成本construction of cost
成本结cost structure
扩大机投资expand institutional investing
投资性金融机investment financial institution
投资机investing institution
投资组合portfolio composition
抵押贷款发放机mortgage distributor
持有过半数股权之附属机majority-owned subsidiary
持股结equity structure
按总体结百分比编制的比较资产负债表comparative common-size balance sheet
推进国际金融机改革promote the reform of international financial institutions
推进布雷顿森林机改革advance the reform of the Bretton Woods Institutions
收入结structure of earnings
收支机disbursing office
收益率结yield structure
改革国际金融机reform international financial institutions
政府信用机government-sponsored agency
政策性金融机policy financial institution
政策性金融机改革reform of policy-based financial institutions
新结经济学new structural economics
期限结模型term structure model
未分散股权结undiversified shareholding structure
买卖比率institutional buy-sell ratio
交易员组合系统Portfolio System for Institutional Traders
交易网institutional network
债券agency bonds (由政府机构发行的债券)
合并损失loss from amalgamation
基金institutional fund
客户institutional client
性通货膨胀论theory of structural inflation
承办费的偿还overhead reimbursement
持有institutional ownership
持有institutional holdings
改革reform of government institutions
经纪prime broker
经纪业务institutional brokerage
经纪人预测系统institutional brokers' estimate system
股东服务公司institutional shareholder service
融资顾问corporate finance consultant
证券agency securities (由美国政府支持的企业发行的低风险债务)
证券agency securities
风险institutional risk
权力下放会计结decentralized account structure
建和谐劳动关系build a harmonious labor relations
建金融安全网create a financial safety net
建金融安全网build a financial safety net
筑防火墙,避免危机蔓延build firewalls to avoid contagion of crisis
标准制定机standard setting bodies
标准普尔合格境内机投资者系列指数Standard & Poor's QDII Indices
核准信贷评级机approved credit rating agency
欧洲债务机European Debt Agency
欧洲经济共同体合作储蓄和信贷机协会Association of Cooperative Savings and Credit Institutions of European Economic Commodity
欧洲证券监管机委员会Committee of European Securities Regulators
法定保管机authorized depositary
注册机registered institution
洲际性国际金融机inter-continental international financial institutions
海外分支机overseas branches
海外金融机overseas financial institutions
海外附属机offshore subsidiaries
消费信用事业机consumer credit agencies
消除输人性、结性通胀因素的不利影响overcome the adverse effects of imported and structural inflation
涉及全球经济治理的机institutions involved in global economic governance
深化宏观经济、财政、金融和结性问题合作deepen cooperation on macroeconomic, fiscal, financial, and structural issues
清算机clearing agency
清算机交易clearing agency transaction
清算机参与者clearing agency participant
特设机special purpose vehicle
SDR 的composition of the SDR
监管机regulatory body
私营机贷款institutional funding
私营的非金融机private nonfinancial institution
筹资机financing body
筹资的到期结the maturity structure of financing
经济结调整adjustment of economic structures
优化structural improvement
债券structured bond
型融资structure financing
失调structural imbalance
弱点structural weaknesses
性低估structurally undervalued
性减税structural tax reductions
性减税政策structural tax cut policy
性减税政策policy of structural tax reductions
性利率掉期structured interest rate swap
性投资工具structured investment vehicle
性改革structural reform
性用工短缺structural shortage of labor
性矛盾突出acute structural imbalance
性票据structured note (结构性票据是场外产品,它将数种不同成分捆绑在一起,以组建单种产品,通常是在债务工具(如中期债券)中嵌人期权。结构性票据/债券一般是以对市场的观点为导向,并且其设计目的通常是吸引具有高度集中的风险/回报需求和市场观点的投资者)
性缺陷structural faults
性萧条structural depression
性融资structured financing
性融资structured finance
性调整structural adjustment
性赤字structural deficit
性通胀structural inflation
性风险structural risk
扭曲structural distortion
百分比percentage composition
调整融通安排structural adjustment facility
调整贷款structural-adjustment lending (loan)
结算机settlement institution
美国金融机U.S. financial institution
联邦机债券federal agency bond
股份登记机share registrar
股份登记机纪律委员会Share Registrars' Disciplinary Committee (香港证监会(SFC)下设委员会)
股市监管机stock market regulators
免债debt perjury
利益profit on paper
的应收帐款fictitious accounts receivable
票据made bill
资产fictitious assets
资本fictitious capital
认可财务机authorized financial institution
评估国际金融机授权、管理和资源要求review the mandates, governance, and resource requirements of the IFIs
评级机rating organization
评级机rating agency
评级机穆迪Moody's ratings agency
调整优化经济结adjust and optimize the economic structure
调整经济结restructure the economy
调整经济结carry out economic restructuring
调整经济结过程process of transforming and restructuring economies
负债结liabilities structure
财务报表结financial statement structure
财务模式financial modeling
财政机fiscal institution
财经服务机financial service
财经顾问机financial service
货币监管机monetary guardian
费率制定机rate-making organizations
资产成分析asset composition analysis
资信报告机credit reporting agency
资本成总额gross capital formation
资本充足率架capital adequacy framework
资本的价值value composition of capital
资本结偿债能力capital structure solvency
资本结决策capital structure decision
资本结分析capital structure analysis
资本结报酬capital structure return
资本结构成capital structure composition
资本结理论capital structure theory
资本结管理capital structure management
资本结计划编制capital structure planning
资本结重要性importance of capital structure
资本结风险capital structure risk
超国家机supranational agency
过户代理机transfer agency
进行结改革make structural reforms
部门级临时机拨款departmental provisional institutional allotment
采取政策筑信心adopt policies to build confidence
金融中介机financial intermediary
金融市场微观结理论financial market microstructure theory
金融市场机institutionalization of financial market
金融机financial institution (金融机构包括银行、信托公司、保险公司、证券公司、投资基金、信用合作社、财务公司、金融资产管理公司、邮政储蓄机构、金融租赁公司,以及证券、金银、外汇交易所等)
金融机体系financial institution system
金融机同业存款financial institution's deposit
金融机市场退出机制market exit mechanism for financial institutions
金融机往来flow between financial institutions
金融机监督管理法financial institutions supervisory act
金融机Financial Institutions Group
金融架financial architecture
金融监管机financial regulator
金融结理论theory of financial structure
金融结理论financial structure theory
银行业监管机banking supervisor
银行业金融机banking institutions
银行代理机banker's agency
银行和金融机的活动activities of banks and financial institutions
银行对国外代理机所发支票或即期汇票banker's check or demand of draft on their correspondents abroad
银行管理机bank regulating agency
银行营业机banking facilities
附属机的盈余留存retained in subsidiaries
非洲开发金融机协会Association of African Development Finance Institutions
非金融机non-financial institution
非银行金融机non-bank financial institutions (指以发行股票和债券、接受信用委托、提供保险等形式筹集资金,并将所筹资金运用于长期性投资的金融机构,如保险公司、证券公司、信托投资公司、租赁公司、财务公司、邮政储蓄机构和城市农村信用合作社等)
预算外行政结的资助费support to extra-budgetary administrative structure
风险投资机venture capital institutions
高杠杆交易机highly-leveraged institutions
高融资资本结highly leveraged capital structure