
Terms for subject Law containing | all forms
不动产买卖时的产保险title insurance
与债达成债务和解composition with creditors
专有exclusive right
保险title insurance
登记title registration
机构human rights body
标准human rights standard
的不可分割性indivisibility of human rights
组织human rights organization
角度human rights perspective
人类的充足食物human right to food
人类的充足食物right to food
人类的充足食物right to adequate food
人类的充足食物human right to adequate food
人类的食物human right to food
人类的食物right to food
人类的食物right to adequate food
人类的食物human right to adequate food
利为基础的rights based
利为基础的战略rights based strategy
利为基础的模型virtue based model
利为基础的模型utiliarian model
利为基础的模型rights based model
利为基础的监督rights based monitoring
利为基础的评估rights focused assessment
利为基础的评估rights based assessment
以人为基础的发展human rights centred development
以人为基础的发展human rights based development
以人为基础的综合战略integrated human rights based strategy
以人为导向的政策human rights oriented policy
伊斯兰教的土地sharia land rights
优先购买pre-emption right
优先购买right of pre-emption
伪政puppet regime
依据职ex officio
依格职ex officio
依法提出要求prosecute a claim
保有完全所有allodial title
保有绝对所有allodial title
信息right to information
信息产informational property rights
转让equitable assignment
健康right to health
充足食物human right to food
充足食物right to food
充足食物right to adequate food
充足食物human right to adequate food
免于饥饿right to be free from hunger
免于饥饿的right to be free from hunger
免遭残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇或处罚的freedom from cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
公共力部门public authority
公民civic rights
动产留置chattel lien
参加locus standi
发展right to development
受保护的租借regulated tenancy
受保护的租借protected tenancy
因时效已过而丧失诉讼discharge of the right of action by lapse of time
国外土地所有foreign land tenure
国家力部门public authority
国家对土地的垄断state monopoly over land tenure
声称的alleged rights
处置right of disposal
外交特与豁免权diplomatic privileges and immunities
多重overlapping rights
多重multiple rights
对人的侵犯human rights violation
对…有留置权have a lien on
对食物的侵犯violation of the right to food
对食物的侵犯right to food violation
对食物的宪法保护constitutional protection of the right to food
居住permit to reside
居住right of abode
居留permit to reside
居留right of abode
履行fulfill the right
工作right to work
abandonment of a treaty
强制管辖compulsory jurisdiction
土地等所有 统治domain
所有支配proprietary control
所有正规化formalization of ownership
所有正规化regularization of ownership
所有道德关于给予艺术家有关其作品的一定权利的欧洲法律理论droit moral
投票voting rights
拥有或声称拥有某项claim a right
按绝对of right
法令facultative enactment
立法facultative legislation
证书power of attorney
放弃abandonment of a right
放牧grazing rights
放牧pasture rights
救济赔偿right to remedy and reparation
教育right to education
文化right to culture
既得existing rights
既得vested rights
最高管辖jus gladii
处理自己的事务的sui juris
有尊严地养活自己的right to feed oneself with dignity
有尊严生活的right to dignified life
有效享有食物effective enjoyment of the right to food
拉丁语有自主sui juris
遇险时未经主国同意在其港口停泊权innocent passage
本组织的特和豁免权privileges and immunities of the Organization
利主张人rights claimant
利人right holder
利平衡balance of rights
美国的利授予法enabling act
力方power holder
属登记title registration
限和表决权声明Declaration of Competence and Voting Rights
林木占有tree right
林木占有tree tenure
根据de jure
拉丁语根据利的de jure
right to water
河岸拥有人riparian rights
法律juridical powers
法律授legal empowerment
注重利的监督rights-focused monitoring
注重利的监督right-based monitoring
派生的derived right
混合shared competence
混合mixed competence
清拆axe right
清拆right of clearance
滥用人human rights abuse
property law
现存existing rights
现存vested rights
留置jus retentionis
砍伐axe right
砍伐right of clearance
确认的jus standi
社会保障right to social security
租户tenant right
租赁leasehold tenure
租赁tenant right
第三方jus tertii
管辖声明declaration of competence
粮食安全right to food security
经济economic right
经诉讼取得但尚未实际占有的动产chose in action
结社right of association
统治sovereign power
继承right to inherit
ex officio
ex officio
自决right to self-determination
获得发言get the floor
获得相当生活水平的right to an adequate standard of living
衍生derived right
表决voting rights
诉讼用合法行动索要个人财产、金钱等的一种权利thing in action
担保书chattel paper
转让cession of goods
ultra vires
转让的transferred rights
追索赔偿的事实cause of action
酬劳remunerating rights
采光right of light
重叠的overlapping rights
重叠的multiple rights
可到法院〔议会〕中为某一问题争辩的陈述locus standi
陈述的alleged rights
限定继承estate in tail
限定继承estate tail
限定继承estate in fee tail
隐私privacy right
非法illegal interest
领土territorial rights
食物right to food
食物human right to food
食物right to adequate food
食物human right to adequate food
食物实施战略right to food implementation strategy
食物战略right to food strategy
食物的内容content of the right to food
食物评估right to food assessment
食物课程right to food curriculum
默认代理implied agency