
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
一期修复手primary repair
三关节融合triple arthrodesis
三叉神经半月节射频热凝固radiofrequency thermocoagulation for gasserian ganglion
三叉神经半月节甘油注射glycerol injection of gasserian ganglion
三叉神经射频热凝固radiofrequency thermocoagulation of trigeminal nerve
三叉神经感觉根切断sensory rhizotomy of trigeminal nerve
三叉神经眼枝撕脱avulsion of ophthalmic branch of trigeminal nerve
三尖瓣关闭不全卡尔庞捷修复Carpentier repair of tricuspid incompetence
三尖瓣成形tricuspid valvuloplasty
三尖瓣换置tricuspid valve replacement
三尖瓣瓣环成形tricuspid annuloplasty
上睑提肌缩短shortening operation of musculus levator palpebrae superioris
上行腰静脉造影ascending lumbar venography
下睑紧缩lower eyelid tightening
下睑紧缩Kuhnt-Szymanowski operation
下肢等长equalization of lower limb
丘脑腹外侧核毁损ventrolateral thalamotomy
中脑束切断mesencephalic tractotomy
丰唐手Fontan operation
主动脉一冠状动脉吻合aorto-coronary anastomosis
主动脉冠状动脉动脉管道搭桥aorto-coronary arterial conduct bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉动脉管道旁路移植aorto-coronary arterial conduct bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉大隐静脉搭桥aorto-coronary arterial saphenous vein bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉大隐静脉旁路移植aorto-coronary arterial saphenous vein bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉搭桥aorto-coronary bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉旁路移植aorto-coronary bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉桡动脉搭桥aorto-coronary radial artery bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉桡动脉旁路移植aorto-coronary radial artery bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉胃网膜动脉搭桥aorto-coronary gastroepiploic artery bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉胃网膜动脉旁路移植aorto-coronary gastroepiploic artery bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉胸廓内动脉搭桥aorto-coronary internal mammary artery bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉胸廓内动脉旁路移植aorto-coronary internal mammary artery bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉腹壁下动脉搭桥aorto-coronary internal epigastric artery bypass grafting
主动脉冠状动脉腹壁下动脉旁路移植aorto-coronary internal epigastric artery bypass grafting
主动脉动脉瘤切线切除tangential resection of aortic aneurysm
主动脉横断钳闭aortic cross-clamping
主动脉瓣与二尖瓣置换aortic and mitral valve replacement
主动脉瘤间置修复interposition repair of aortic aneurysm
主动脉缩窄切除resection of coarctation of aorta
乙状结肠膀胱扩大sigmoid cystoplasty
乙状结肠膀胱扩大sigmoid augmentation cystoplasty
休斯手Hughes operation
会阴肛门成形perineal anoplasty
体外冲击波碎石extracorporeal shock-wave lithotomy
体外肾手extracorporeal renal surgery
体-肺动脉分流systemic-pulmonary arterial shunt
体肺循环分流systemic pulmonary shunt
先期神经切断preliminary denervation
全盆腔清除pelvic exenteration
全纵隔清扫en bloc mediastinal dissection
全脾切除total splenectomy
全腔静脉一肺动脉连接total cavopulmonary connection
全趾甲移植complete toenail grafting
全隆凸切除total resection of carina
全髋关节置换replacement of total hip
全鼻再造total rhinoplasty
全鼻再造total nose reconstruction
分期性剖腹staging laparotomy
分隔septation operation
切口疝假气腹准备artificial pneumoperitoneum preparatory to incisional herniorrhaphy
切开引流incision and drainage
创面活组织检查wound biopsy
削痂tangential excision of eschar
削痂eschar shaving
前列腺冷冻cryosurgery of prostate
前囟穿刺puncture of anterior fontanelle
前外侧开胸anterolateral thoracotomy
前臂分叉forearm splitting operation
前路手anterior approach
前额叶切断prefrontal lobotomy
前颞叶切除anterior temporal lobectomy
剖腰探查exploratory lumbotomy
剥痂denudation of eschar
包皮背侧切开dorsal slit of prepuce
包膜下肾切除subcapsular nephrectomy
化学性内脏神经切除chemical splanchnicotomy
化学物质面部皮肤剥脱chemical face peel
十二指肠旁索带切断Ladd operation
升主动脉一肺动脉吻合ascending aorta pulmonary artery anastomosis
半侧颅底次全联合切除combined subtotal resection of hemicranial base
半关节移植hemi-joint transplantation
半月神经节后神经切断retrogasserian neurotomy
单管结肠造口single barrel colostomy
单纯回肠造口simple ileostomy
博尔德莫尔食管吻合Bouldermore anastomosis of esophagus
卢克手Luque technique
同种气管置换tracheal homograft replacement
同种肾移植homoplastic renotransplantation
后外侧开胸posterolateral thoracotomy
腭裂后推手push back operation (for cleftpalate)
后根切断posterior rhizotomy
后盆腔清除posterior pelvic exenteration
后路手posterior approach
H 吻合H-anastomosis
吻合血管的游离大网膜瓣移植revascularized free omentum flap grafting
吻合血管的游离皮瓣移植revascularized free skin flap grafting
吻合血管的游离筋膜瓣移植revascularized free fascial flap grafting
吻合血管的游离组织移植revascularized free tissue grafting
吻合血管的游离肠段移植revascularized free intestinal segment grafting
吻合血管的游离骨移植revascularized free bone grafting
吻合血管的游离骨膜移植revascularized free periosteum grafting
吻合血管的神经移植microvascular nerve grafting
吻合血管的第二趾移植拇指再造reconstruction of thumb with free second toe to hand transfer by vascular anastomosis
唇交叉瓣手estlander-Abbe operation
唇裂后继发畸形secondary deformity of cleft lip
唇裂后继发畸形postoperative secondary deformity of cleft lip
唇裂三角瓣修复cleft lip repair by triangular lip flap technique
唇裂手减张弓Logan bow
唇裂旋转推进瓣修复cleft lip repair by Millard rotation advancement flap technique
唇裂矩形瓣修复cleft lip repair by quadrilateral lip flap technique
圈套烧灼snaring cautery
复合组织移植compound tissue grafting
复合组织移植composite tissue grafting
外分流external drainage
外尿流改道external urinary diversion
外嵌植皮onlay skin grafting
外括约肌成形external sphincteroplasty
外耳道再造reconstruction of external auditory canal
外耳道成形external auditory meatoplasty
多尔心室成形Dor remodeling ventriculoplasty
多瓣膜换替multiple valve replacement
大动脉换位手artery switch
大张皮移植large sheet skin grafting
大网膜移位omental transposition
大网膜移植omentum grafting
大网膜移植great omentum grafting
大脑半球切除cerebral hemispherectomy
大脑半球皮质切除cerebral hemicorticectomy
大隐静脉一主动脉冠状动脉旁路移植saphenous vein-aortocoronary bypass graft
头发移植hair grafting
头皮血肿抽吸aspiration of hematoma of scalp
套人法尿道成形Badenoch urethroplasty
奥迪括约肌切开sphincterotomy of Oddi
奥迪括约肌切开incision of Oddi sphincter
奥迪括约肌成形sphincteroplasty of Oddi
奥迪括约肌成形plastic repair of Oddi sphincter
威策尔胃造口Witzel operation
威策尔胃造口Witzel gastrostomy
子宫角输卵管吻合anastomosis of utero-cornu and Fallopian tube
小肠折叠排列plication of small intestine
小肠折叠排列intestinal plication
小肠排列plication of small intestine
小血管吻合手small blood vessel anastomosis
尚茨截骨Schanz osteotomy
尼凯多赫一贝克斯手Nikaidoh-Bex procedure
尼森手Nissen operation
尿流改道urinary diversion
尿流改道diversion of urine
尿流改道复原urinary undiversion
尿道会师手reconstruction of ruptured urethra by Bank method
尿道会师手reconstruction of ruptured prostatic urethra by Bank method
尿道内切开internal urethrotomy
尿道前移urethral advancement
尿道口切开urethral meatotomy
尿道口前移阴茎头成形meatal advancement and glandular plasty
尿道口成形urethral meatoplasty
尿道外切开external urethrotomy
尿道悬吊sling operation of urethra
尿道折叠plication operation of urethra
尿道狭窄扩张dilatation of urethral stricture
尿道膀胱悬吊Marshall-Marchetti-Kranz procedure
局部推进皮瓣移植local advancement skin flap grafting
局部旋转推进皮瓣移植local advancement and rotation flap transplantation
局部旋转皮瓣移植local rotation skin flap grafting
莱洛克-陶西格Blalock-Taussig operation
布罗克手transventricular closed valvotomy
布罗姆修复Brom repair
布莱洛克一陶西格分流Blalock-Taussig shunt
布里斯班主动脉瓣与升主动脉置换Brisbane method of aortic valve and ascending aorta replacement
希尔食管裂孔疝修补Hill hiatal hernia repair
斯金德-米Pashkind-Miller operation
带发皮片移植hair-bearing free skin grafting
带发皮片簇植punched hair-bearing free skin grafting
带窗的丰唐手fenestrated Fontan operation
带蒂大网膜移植pediculated transplantation of greater omentum
带蒂皮瓣转移阴道形成construction of vagina by pedicled skin grafting
带蒂组织移植pedicled tissue grafting
带蒂肠段转移阴道形成construction of vagina by pedicled intestinal segment transfer
常温心脏手normothermic heart surgery
开放性脑创伤清创debridement of open wound of brain
开胸探查exploratory thoracotomy
异种气管置换tracheal heterograft replacement
Y 式吻合Y-shaped anastomosis
弗格森疝修补Fergusson herniorrhaphy
怀特黑德手Whitehead operation
急症手emergency operation
性别改变sex transformation
性别改变sex change operation
恒压软组织扩张constant pressure soft tissue expansion
戈尔一特克斯插入式分流Gore-Tex interposition shunt operation
成形Y-V plasty
W 成形W-plasty
成形V-Y plasty *V-Y
截指手finger amputation
戴维森分流Davidson shunt
房间隔切除Blalock-Hanlon technique
房间隔切除atrial septectomy
IV 手Belsey-Mark IV operation
人路operative route
人路operative approach
surgical scalpel
surgical scissors
operating instrument set
台上排斥反应rejection on operating table
后岀血post-operative bleeding
后心肌梗死postoperative myocardial infarction
后肉芽肿性腹膜炎postoperative granulomatous peritonitis
后胆管残留结石postoperative residual stone in bile duct
后胆管狭窄postoperative biliary stricture
器械surgical instruments
基本操作essential surgical technique
operating theatre
径路surgical route
径路surgical approach
放大镜surgical magnifying glass
放大镜operating loupe
显微镜operating microscope
显微镜microscope for operation
止血surgical hemostasis
禁忌证surgical contraindication
耐受力tolerance to operation
operative field
野的抗菌法preparation of operative field using aseptic technique
dissecting forceps
麻醉期stage of surgery
托希尔森手Torkildsen operation
托氏分流Torkildsen shunt
换瓣后血栓形成post-valve-replacement traumatic thrombosis
换瓣后血栓形成post-valve-replacement thrombosis
换瓣后血栓形成post-traumatic-replacement thrombosis
支气管楔形切除wedge resection of bronchus
支气管袖状切除sleeve resection of bronchus
支气管袖状肺叶切除bronchial sleeve lobectomy
改良的培根直肠拉出切除modified Bacon operation
改良的黑勒贲门肌切开modified Heller operation
改良胸廓改形modified thoracoplasty
改良舍德手modified Schede operation
放射性核素心血管造影radionuclide angiocardiography
放射性核素血管造影radionuclide angiography
明视插管intubation under direct vision
星状神经节切除stellate ganglionectomy
星状神经节阻滞stellate ganglion block
显微神经血管减压microsurgical neuro- vascular decompression
有蒂植皮pedicle skin grafting
有蒂植皮的蠕行移转法caterpillaring in flap migration
有蒂皮肤移植pedicle skin grafting
本托尔手Bentall operation
中胆管造影intraoperative cholangiography
中软组织扩张术intraoperative soft tissue expansion
前栓塞术preoperative embolization
后乳糜胸postoperative chylothorax
后并postoperative complications
后痿postoperative fistula
后胆囊炎postoperative cholecystitis
后胰腺炎postoperative pancreatitis
后脓胸postoperative empyema
后膈疝postoperative diaphragmatic hernia
后食管狭窄postoperative esophageal stricture
杜阿梅尔手Duhamel procedure
杜阿梅尔手Duhamel operation
根治性全肺切除radical pneumonectomy
根治性前列腺切除radical prostatectomy
根治性淋巴结清扫radical lymphatic nodes dissection
根治性肺叶切除radical lobectomy
根治性肾切除radical nephrectomy
根治性膀胱切除radical cystectomy
格莱恩手Glenn operation
椎体内静脉造影intra-osseous vertebral venography
椎旁神经封闭paravertebral nerve block
椎旁神经节阻滞paravertebral nerve ganglion block
椎管内肿瘤切除excision of intraspinal tumor
椎管内脓肿清除evacuation of intraspinal abscess
椎间孔扩大intervertebral foraminotomy
楔形切除wedge resection
模具持续压迫阴道形成construction of vagina by continuous pressure with stent
横结肠切除resection of transverse colon
横结肠造口transverse colostomy
次全鼻再造subtotal nose reconstruction
正中胸骨切开median sternotomy
气管切除及重建tracheal resection and reconstruction
气管开窗fenestration of trachea
气管腔内 T 形管置人intratracheal T-tube insertion
气管袖状全肺切除tracheal sleeve pneumonectomy
气管重建reconstruction of trachea
永久性结肠造口permanent colostomy
洛伦茨截骨lorenz osteotomy
流出道补片outflow tract patching
清创缝合debridement and suturing
渐进手gradual surgery
游离组织移植free tissue grafting
漏斗胸矫正corrective operation of pectus excavatum
甲状腺全切除total thyroidectomy
电缆式神经移植cable nerve grafting
电视胸腔镜手video-assisted thoratic surgical technique
电视胸腔镜手video assisted thoracic operation
留桥延迟skin bridge in delaying skin flap
瘢痕松解植皮lysis of cicatricial contracture and skin grafting
瘤摘除excision of tumour
真皮移植dermis grafting
真皮脂肪移植dermis-fat grafting
眶外侧壁切开lateral orbitotomy
眼睑整容esthetic blepharoplasty
眼睑紧缩eyelid shortening operation
睑上提肌缩短levator resection operation
睑板-结膜楔移植tarso-conjunctival wedge operation
示指移转拇指再造reconstruction of thumb by index finger transfer
神经交叉吻合nerve cross anastomosis
神经吻合neural anastomosis
神经吻合nerve anastomosis
神经外膜、束膜缝合epineuro-fascicular suture
神经外膜缝合epineural suture
神经撕脱avulsion of nerve
神经显微松解microsurgical neurolysis
神经显微缝合microsurgical suture of nerve
神经束吻合interfascicular nerve anastomosis
神经束膜缝合interfascicular suture
神经束间移植interfascicular grafting
神经移位nerve transposition
神经移位手transposition of nerve
神经移植nerve grafting
祥式结肠造口loop colostomy
第一掌骨拇指化pollicization of first metacarpal bone
第三脑室前部造痿anterior third ventriculostomy
筋膜带移植肛门括约肌成形fascial string grafting and anal sphincteroplasty
筋膜条悬吊fascial sling suspension
筋膜条悬吊fascia sling suspension
筋膜移植fascia grafting
索尔特截骨Salter osteotomy
索尔特截骨Salter operation
缺血性脑血管疾病手operation for ischemic cerebrovascular diseases
网状植皮mesh grafting
耳郭再造reconstruction of auricle
耳郭复合组织游离移植auricular compound tissue free grafting
耳郭缩小成形reductive otoplasty
耻骨上前列腺切除suprapubic prostatectomy
耻骨上膀胱切开取石suprapubic cystolithotomy
耻骨上膀胱尿道吊suprapubic vesicourethral suspension
耻骨上膀胱造口suprapubic cystostomy
耻骨上膀胱针刺吸引suprapubic needle aspiration of bladder
耻骨后前列腺切除retropubic prostatectomy
脂肪颗粒移植fat granule grafting
脉络丛切除resection of plexus choroid
脊丘束切断spinothalamic tractotomy
脊柱截骨spinal osteotomy
脊柱旁胸廓成形paravertebral thoracoplasty
脊柱旁骨膜外胸廓成形paravertebral extraperiosteal thoracoplasty
脊神经前根切断anterior rhizotomy
脊神经后根切断spinal posterior rhizotomy
脊髓前外侧切断anterolateral cordotomy
脊髓前外侧束切断anteriolateral cordotomy
脊髓前连合切断anterior commissurotomy of spinal cord
脊髓手中颈部前人路anterior approach in spinal operation
脊髓束切断spinal tractotomy
脊髓空洞-蛛网膜下腔分流syringo-subarachnoid shunt
膜膨出修补repair of spinal meningocele
脑内异物摘除removal of foreign body in brain
脑减压decompression of brain
脑叶切除lobectomy of brain lobe
脑叶切除lobectomy of brain
脑室一心房分流ventriculo-atrial shunt
脑室一腹腔分流ventriculo-peritoneal shunt
脑室一静脉分流ventriculo-venous shunt
脑室胸腔分流ventriculopleural shunt
脑室脑池分流Torkildsen shunt
脑室-脑池分流lateral ventriculo-cisterna magna shunt
脑室血管分流ventriculovascular shunt
脑室-静脉窦分流ventriculo-sinus shunt
脑池分流cisternal shunt
脑脊液分流bypass operation of cerebrospinal fluid
脑脓肿切除excision of brain abscess
脑脓肿引流drainage of brain abscess
脑脓肿手brain abscess operation
脑脓肿抽吸aspiration of brain abscess
脑血管疾病手operation for cerebrovascular diseases
γ 脑造影gamma encephalography
脓肿引流abscess drainage
脾一肾动脉吻合spleen-renal arterial anastomosis
脾肾动脉吻合spleno-renal arterial anastomosis
脾肾静脉吻合spleno-renal venous shunt
腔静脉肺动脉分流vena cava-pulmonary artery shunt
舌唇粘连tongue-to-lip adhesion operation
血液病脾切除指征indications of splenectomy for blood disease
血管旁路移植blood vessel by-pass grafting
血管瘤切除resection of hemangioma
γ 血管造影gamma angiography
血管重建reconstructive vascular operation
谢德胸廓成形Schede thoracoplasty
象皮肿去表皮皮瓣埋人Thompson buried dermis flap operation for elephantiasis
象皮肿大网膜瓣转移引流omental flap transferring for elephantiasis
象皮肿病变组织切除植皮elephantiasis tissue excision and skin grafting
象鼻elephant trunk technique
尔西-马Belsey-Mark IV operation
贝尔西手Belsey operation
贝尔西食管裂孔疝修补Belsey hiatal hermia repair
赛姆截肢Syme amputation
逆引导尿管插人retrourethral catheterization
逆行性食管扩张retrograde dilatation of esophagus
选择性动脉造影selective arteriography
选择性脊神经后根切断selective posterior rhizotomy
选择性远侧脾肾静脉分流selective distal splenorenal shunt
透明隔开窗fenestration of septum pellucidum
锁骨下动脉一肺动脉吻合Blalock-Taussig operation
锁骨下动脉一降主动脉吻合subclavian artery-descending aorta anastomosis
锁骨下动脉片主动脉成形subclavian arterial flap aortoplasty
阑尾输尿管成形appendix ureteroplasty
阴囊再造reconstruction of scrotum
阴茎延长lengthening of penis
阴道再造reconstruction of vagina
阴道形成construction of vagina
阴道皮片移植形成construction of vagina by inlay split-thickness skin grafting
阴道皮瓣移植形成construction of vagina by skin flap grafting
降主动脉一肺动脉吻合、波特手术anastomosis of descending aorta to pulmonary artery
降主动脉-肺动脉吻合Pott operation
霍夫迈斯特手Hoffmeister operation
霍尔斯特德疝修补Halsted herniorrhaphy
静脉一动脉转流veno-arterial bypass
静脉一静脉转流venous to venous bypass
非卧床腹膜透析continued ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
非手疗法non-operative treatment
非手闭塞法non-operative occlusion
非萎缩性肾切开取石anatrophic nephrolithotomy
面-副神经吻合facial-accessory nerve anastomosis
面神经束间移植interfascicular grafting of facial nerve
面肌抽搐射频热凝固radiofrequency thermocoagulation for facial tic
面-舌下神经吻合facial-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis*
面部去皱face lift operation
面部皱纹皱襞舒平face lift operation
鸟嘴式融合beak arthrodesis
鹅足移位pes anserinus transplantation
鼻整形corrective rhinoplasty
鼻经路手transnasal route operation
鼻缩小整形reductive rhinoplasty
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