
Terms for subject Economics containing 有 关 | all forms | in specified order only
下段中阐述了直接与名单上的买主有关的限制In the following paragraph is stated the restriction directly relating to the buyers named in the list
与产品有关的变数product-related variables
与决策方案有关的成本the cost relevant to alternative choice
与劳务有关的费用labour-related cost
与国外份额有关收入foreign oil related income
与国家有关的变数country related variables
与…有关bear on
与消费有关的信用问题credit-cum-marketing problems
与环境保护有关的费用pollution abatement cost
与研制计算机有关computer oriented
与计划有关的食物援助programme-linked food aid
与贸易有关的投资措施trade-related investment measures
与贸易有关的知识产权指美国在关贸总协定乌拉圭回合谈判中的知识产权目标trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights TRIPs
与贸易有关的知识产权条款Trade-related Intellectual Property Provisions
与进口整机安装有关的一切准备工作必须在专家到达前完成All preparatory work relevant to the installation of the imported warping machine shall be finished before the arrival of the expert
业务有关各方之间的分配allocation of income among related business parties
为利用甲方有关新产品的资料,乙方将付给甲方一笔酬金Party B shall pay Party A a sum of money for the utilization of Party A's information about the new product
任何有关雇佣的纠纷可在法庭内仲裁Any disputes about employment may be arbitrated in the tribunal
任何外国人不得在建立合资企业的幌子下收集同我国家安全有关的情报No foreigners are allowed to collect any information concerning our national security under the cover of setting up joint ventures
你们提供的有关你方市场的最新动态,我们深表谢意We are grateful for your up-to-date 作表语时写作 up to date information concerning your market
储备有关的信贷reserve related credit
1968年2月23日布鲁塞尔《关于修改有关提单若干规则的国际公约议定书》Protocol to Amend the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to Bills of Lading (Brussels, 23 February 1968)
关于我方信用情况,请向伦敦商业银行股份有限公司查询We refer you to the Mercantile Bank of London, Ltd. as to our credit standing
利益有关party at interest
原告将承担与此案有关的所有费用The prosecution will bear all the costs relating to the case
只有一些无关紧要的损害There's only a little immaterial damage
合同签约前,我们必须估计有关的总花费Before signing the contract we must get an estimate of the total costs involved
和你方代表作过长时间的有关贸易条件的讨论An extended discussion about the trade terms was held with your reps
和…有关take a hand in
因利害关系而有偏差biased by interest
因利益关系而有偏差biased by interest (见)
国际货币基金组织理事会的国际货币制度改革和有关问题特设委员会Ad Hoc Committee on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related Issues (of the Board of Governor of IMF)
土地占有关the tenure of relationship
土地占有关tenure of relationship
在贸易关系中,我们有效地保护专利和商标是非常重要的In our trade relations, it is very important for us to protect patents and trade marks effectively
填写有关…的征求意见表fill in a questionnaire about...
外汇业务有关的人民币存款Renminbi deposits related to foreign exchange business
如你有所有有关人员的签名,你有权改变或取消合同的密级You are entitled to change or entirely cancel the classification of the contract if you have the signature of all the people involved
如果我们通过谈判不能友好地解决任何与执行合同有关的争执,那我方将不得不付诸法律诉讼If we cannot amicably settle any dispute about the fulfilment of the contract through negotiation, we have to resort to legal proceedings
如果没有信誉良好的银行担保有关买主的信用,我们不接受承兑交单付款方式If the reliability of the buyers concerned can't be guaranteed by a reputable bank, I am afraid that we can't accept D/A payment
如能赐给有关当前此项谈判的进,一步的信息,他们将很感激They will welcome further information pertinent to the current negotiation
经营活动实际有关的收入effectively-connected income
宣称有利害关系declare an interest
工厂及其有关的公用设施即将建造完成The construction of the plant and its related utilities is approaching completion
1931年日内瓦关于解决有关汇票、本票若干法律冲突的公约Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Note (Geneva, 19 March, 1931)
年海牙有关国际货物买卖统一法的公约Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sales of Goods the Hague, 1 July 1964 1964
1964 年海牙有关国际货物负责统一法的公约Hague Conventions of 1964
1958年海牙关于国际货物买卖上所有权转移所适用的法律公约Convention on the Law Applicable to the Transfer of Title in International Sales of Goods (the Hague, 15 April 1958)
建筑公司同意让业主经常了解有关施工的进展情况The building company agrees to keep the owner informed of any developments relating to the construction
归因于减价或与折扣价格有关referable to (the reduced price)
当设备有新的改进时,公司可以要求有关人员参加培训课程When new improvements occur in the equipment, the company may require that the persons involved attend training courses
感谢你方有关黑白公司资信建议Thank you for your advice on the financial standing of Black and White
我们再也没听到有关这笔订货的装运的任何消息,实在令人吃惊It's surprising that we have not heard anything further from you concerning the shipment of this order
我们和他们就与此交易有密切关系的一切条件进行了讨论We have talked with them all conditions germane to the transaction
我们已把有关这次谈判的全部情况通报给有关公司We have transmit ted all information relating to the whole transaction of this negotiation to the appropriate corporations
我们希望我们所做的能有助于加强我们的关系We hope what we have done will help to strengthen our relations
我们应尽快地改正在检査中发现的有关设备的全部毛病We should rectify all the faults with respect to the equipment discovered on inspection as soon as possible
我们提供给他们有关每个部分的结构和详细规格等的资料We will give them information on the construction of each part as well as detailed specifications
我们有幸自荐,盼望能与你们建立业务关系We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with the hope of entering into business relations with you
我国有关部门对出口该特殊商品已加限制The authorities of our country have placed restriction on the export of that special kind of commodity
我方同意你方关于整个市场行情的分析,但有些保留We agree on your analysis about the whole situation of the market, but with some reservations
我方同意遵守一切有关管理这类工人的雇用事宜的条款We agreed to abide by all provisions regulating the engagement of such workers
我方将派技术人员到现场解答有关我方产品的问题We will have technicians on the spot to answer questions about our products
战争及战争有关支出war and war-related expenditure
所有制关系的主体subject in the relations of ownership
所有制关系的客体the object in the relations of ownership
承包商应该熟悉现场上一切与施工有关的情况The contractor should be familiar with all conditions on the site which relate to the performance of the works
承包商聘任王先生作为与本合同有关的中介人The contractor engages Mr. Wang as his mediator in connection with the contract
提出有关仲裁人管辖权的抗辩raise a plea as to the arbitrators, jurisdiction
搜集有关资料collecting relevant data
政府签发的有关出口的证件governmental export authorization
政治和经济是有相互关系的Politics and economics are of mutuality
明天他们会给你有关这组人员的资料Tomorrow they will give you the personal data of this group
有关个人利害的议案private bill
有关于美国外贸政策的讲座吗?Will there be a lecture on the American foreign trade policy?
有关交往related communications (通信)
有关交货详情,请与香港米德贝格有限公司接洽For detailed delivery instructions, please approach Middleburg Ltd., Hongkong
有关交货详情,请再和他们联系For detailed delivery instructions, please approach them again
有关人士parties concerned
有关人士the party concerned
有关你的税收问题你最好与你的会计商量You'd better consult your accountant about your tax
有关你要求赔偿损害的起诉已超过了法定期限The suit brought by you for damages has passed the statute of limitations
有关公司负债the indebtedness to affiliates
有关关税的论据arguments concerning tariffs
有关关税的论据argument concerning tariffs
有关区域domain of dependence
有关单据supporting vouchers
有关双方both parties concerned
有关各方all parties concerned
有关各界interested circles
有关地区associated area
有关基金the related fund
有关工作条件分析job analysis
有关当局the appropriate authority
有关性的争论argument for relevance
有关成本,差异成本relevant cost differential cost
有关relevant figures
有关新产品的信息对我们十分有用The information about the new product is very useful to us
有关方面the quarters concerned
有关方面the parties concerned
有关时效的法规rules of limitation
有关机关an appropriate body
有关汇票的法规rules of law relating to bills of exchange
有关汇票的法规规则,规定rules of law relating to bills of exchange
有关法人related company
有关环境the relevant environment
有关申请专利权的索赔claim in a patent application
有关的一方the party concerned
有关的利益和成本relevant benefits and costs
有关的委托机构associated agency
有关上诉、付款的规定provision's as to (appeal, payment)
有关的贸易the attendant trade
有关的资料relevant information
有关税收的规定tax related provisions
有关装船事宜,请把你们的意见传达给我方For loading arrangement, please communicate your ideas to us
有关证据的形式的要求evidential requirement of form
有关诉讼程序的事项the matters of procedure
有关财务的专家意见financial counseling
有关责任范围的双重制度dual system of liability
有关资源resource involved
有关造船的债权claim for the building of vessel
有关雇用职工的费用office-related expense
有名无实所有权的有关凭证colour of title
有意志关系的实现the volitional realization
有意志关系的实现volitional realization
有损业务关系detriment to the business relations
有损于业务关系detriment to the business relations
有限合伙关系limited partnership
本协议目的在于转让有关改进措施的特许权The purpose of this agreement is to grant license with regard to improvements
本契约中所列条款均应由有关当局加以审批The terms contained in the deed should be approved by the appropriate authority
根据合同,你方应毫无保留地及时给我方提供一切详情和有关资料According to the contract, you shall provide us with all particulars and relevant data without reserve in time
此事有关我们在印度的投资This matter concern our investment in India
每个职员对有关新产品的一切情况必须严守秘密Every clerk must observe strict secrecy regarding all the information relative to the new product
海关官员询问我们是否有什么要申报The customs officials ask us if we had anything to declare
温哥华保兑商行通知说,有关信用证本应及时修改好Vancouver confirming house's advice was that the relative L/C should have been duly amended
特许费根据有关双方一致同意的条款和条件决定The franchise fee depends upon the terms and provisions consented by the parties concerned
甲方将立即转让给乙方一切与特许产品和延长期等有关的权利Party A shall assign to Parly B all rights concerning the licensed products and continuations soon
甲方承诺将与合同有关的一切信息通知乙方Party A promises to inform Party B of all communications in connection with the contract
秘书应保存好股东大会的会议记录和有关文件The secretary should keep the minutes and official documents of the shareholder's meetings
美国有关贸易协议快速批准程序fast track
营业有关费用trade-related expenses
该合同及其有关事项都被看作是非公开的和机密的The contract and everything connected with it are regarded as private and confidential
请寄来有关你方产品的资料Please send us information on your product information
请详告有关价格和质量的情况,不胜感激Full information as to prices and quality would be appreciated
这些是有关本公司业务的索引卡片These are card index about our company's business
这又有什么关系?What does it matter?
适于有关航次fitted for the service
遇有政府向承包商征收税款,关税等情况时,雇主应向承包商补偿全部金额When the government imposes on the contractor taxes, levies and duties, the employer shall reimburse the contractor the full amount
零售商所接到的有关产品的查询意见应提交给制造商All inquiries received by dealers relating to the products shall be refer red to manufacturers