
Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing | all forms
上升与衰减线raising and decaying curves
下沉线拐点在移动盆地主断面上,下沉曲线正负曲率的分界点inflection point of subsidence curve
众所周知、不同类型岩石的破碎特点差别很大、尤其在破碎线的细端变化大、因为岩石破碎受自身的内在属性控制、而不是受岩石自身的大缺陷和结构的控制The breakage characteristics of different rock types are known to vary over a wide range, especially at the fine end of the fragmentation curve where breakage is controlled by the inherent properties of the rock substance itself, rather than being controlled by its larger scale flaws and structure
传播时间线travel-time curve
体积深度关系线V-L curve
体积深度关系线volume-length relation curve
供能线energy supply curve
倒弧角。弯curved (curve 的过去式)
典型线法根据实测资料概括的无量纲曲线,用来预计类似地质、采煤条件下的地表移动值和变形值typical curve method
冲击弯强度impacts. flexural strength
冲击挠shock deflection angle
冲击波阵面shock front curvature
几率单位线probit plot
分布线粒组与其百分含量的关系曲线distribution curve
分级线classification curve
剪切线直剪条件下,岩土抗剪强度与剪切面上法向压力的关系曲线shear curve
剪切线直剪条件下,岩土抗剪强度与剪切面上法向压力的关系曲线shear strength curve
剪应力-剪位移线通常指岩土在直接剪切情况下的剪应力与剪变形的关系曲线shear stress-displacement curve
剪应力-剪位移线通常指岩土在直接剪切情况下的剪应力与剪变形的关系曲线shear stress-deformation curve
剪应力-剪变形线shear stress-displacement curve
剪应力-剪变形线shear stress-deformation curve
动态挠抗张强度dynamic flexural tensile strength
半圆形弯试验half-round bending test
半圆形弯试验semicircular bend test
单调加载线在单轴压缩或拉伸试验中,依次逐级增加荷载而得出的岩土应力-应变曲线monotonous loading curve
curl的ing 形式curling
压力方框-时间线pressure squared-time curve
压力-时间线pressure versus time curve
压力-时间记录线recorded curve of pressure-time
压实线compacting curve
压缩线土在无侧胀条件下受压时,其孔隙比与压力的关系曲线compression curve
切线hyperbolic tangent
拱桥hyperbolic arch bridge
线函数hyperbolic junction
线函数hydroxide function
线抛物面hyperbolic paraboloid
双对数坐标线log-log plot
反向线counter curve
地表地表两相邻线段倾斜差与其水平距离平均值之比surface curvature
地面回应线ground reaction or response curve
复合时距线composite time-distance curve
实效线actual efficiency curve
实际性能线actual performance curve
小溪延伸到森林深处是一个流拐弯的过程The extension of the small stream to the deep of the forest is a tortuous course
屈服极限线yield limit curve
岩体挠flexure of the rock mass
岩土抗剪强度线的斜率internal friction
应力圆锥线conic stress
应力-应变线curve stress-strain curve
应力-应变线通常指在单轴压力或拉力作用下,岩石轴向应力与轴向应变、侧向应变与体积应变的关系曲线load-deformation stress curve
应力-应变线通常指在单轴压力或拉力作用下,岩石轴向应力与轴向应变、侧向应变与体积应变的关系曲线stress strain curve
应变圆锥线conic strain
下沉带位于裂隙带之上,产生弯曲下沉或少量裂隙的岩层分带sagging zone
力矩deflection moment
压应力bending compression stress
变形distortion bending
变形由于泥岩、页岩在长期水浸作用下,岩体发生膨胀,产生巨大的应力变化,岩层相对滑移剪切套管,使套管按水平应力方向弯曲,并在径向上出现变形。严重弯曲变形的套管,内径已不规则,基本呈椭圆变形,属较多见的复杂套损井况,也是较难修复的高难井况bending deformation
应力curling stress
纵向应力buckling stress
应变strain by bending
张应力bending tension stress
部分curved portion
弹性弯应力elastic bending stress
形状扭deformed shape
循环加载线在单轴压缩或拉伸试验中,将恒定荷载反复施加和卸除而得出的岩土应力-应变曲线cyclic loading curve
线normal curve
抗剪强度线shear curve
抗剪强度线shear strength curve
拱顶bending of the vault
刚度flexural stiffness
强度。挠曲应力flexural strength
破裂强度transverse rupture strength
收缩线黏性土样体积〈或线性收缩系数〉与含水率的关系曲线shrinkage curve
斜坡弯-拉裂由近于直立或陡倾坡内的层状岩体构成的斜坡,在自重产生的弯矩作用下,由前缘开始向临空方向作悬臂梁弯曲变形,并发生层间错裂和后缘拉裂的斜坡变形破坏形式bending-tensile fracturing of slope
斜坡滑移弯顺向斜坡,上部坡体沿软弱面蠕滑,由于下部受阻而发生纵向弯曲〈褶皱〉的斜坡变形形式sliding-buckling of slope
时间一位移线time-displacement curve
时间-深度线time-depth chart
时间-深度线time-depth curve
时间-蠕变线time-creep curve
时间-距离线time-path curve
时间-距离线time-distance graph
率半径radius of curve
率系数土的d²₃₀;与d₆₀ • d₁₀ 的比值curvature coefficient
V-L 线最基本的爆破漏斗特性是 V-L 曲线。它是炸药量一定时,随着炸药埋深 L 的变化,爆破漏斗半径 r〈rL〉、爆破漏斗深度H〈H-L〉和爆破漏斗体积 V〈V-L〉的变化规律V-L curve
V-L 线最基本的爆破漏斗特性是 V-L 曲线。它是炸药量一定时,随着炸药埋深 L 的变化,爆破漏斗半径 r〈rL〉、爆破漏斗深度H〈H-L〉和爆破漏斗体积 V〈V-L〉的变化规律volume-length relation curve
线回归curve regression
线坐标graphic coordinate
线的稳定点stationary point on a curve
线起点curve point
线转折点turning point on a curve
最佳拟合线fitting curve
最大动态挠强度dynamic maximum flexural strength
松弛线在应变恒定条件下,岩土的应力随时间逐渐减小的特性曲线relaxation curve
校正效率corrected efficiency curve
模拟后的粒度分布线modeled size distribution curves
欠拟合线misfire-ed curve
正常时差线normal moveout curve
正态分布累计线cumulative normal distribution curve
distort 的现在分词distorting
比重分布线specific gravity distribution curve
波谱线spectral plot
波轮廓线wave contour plot
爆破强度线blasting intensity curve
爆破强度-持续时间线blasting intensity-duration curve
爆破漏斗线cratering curve
特性线family curve
现场压缩线根据室内试验所得压缩曲线〈孔隙比一压力对数值关系曲线〉推测得出的符合土体天然性状的原始压缩曲线in-situ compression curve
由于岩石破碎不理想、影响到开采计划的实施、进而影响到开采成本、常用的爆破破碎模型只能对破碎线进行粗略分析Current blast fragmentation models tend to focus on the coarse end of the fragmentation curve because of the impact of poor fragmentation on excavation performance, and hence excavation costs
破碎线fragmentation curve
破碎岩石的三维粒度线zone size-distribution curve of fragmented rocks
破碎粒度合成分布线受原位岩体结构的影响、也受岩体内炸药空间分布的影响The coarse end of the resulting fragment size distribution is influenced by the insitu rock mass structure and the spatial distribution of the explosive within the rock mass
碎岩粒度分布线fragment size distribution curve
碎岩粒度分布线的细端受岩石固有破碎特点的控制、而且受炸药爆轰施加的应力性质的控制The fine end of the fragment size distribution curve is controlled by the rock's inherent breakage characteristics and the nature of the stresses imposed by the detonation of the explosive
积分线粒度分配integral plot
空-强度线void-strength curve
空间频率线space-frequency plot
立柱下沉时间关系线yield-time diagram
等温转变线isothermal time-temperature-transformation curve
筛选线sieving curves
粒度线sizing plot
粒度累计线grain-size accumulation curve
粒度级配线particle size distribution plot
粒度级配线particle size distribution curve
粒级线gradation curve
累计线按粒径大小累计的颗粒百分含量与粒径对数值的关系曲线accumulation curve
累计粒度线cumulative grading curve
累计粒度分配线cumulative sizing curve
累计粒度分配线cumulative particle size distribution plot
纵弯载荷buckling load
绕射线diffraction curve
绕射旅行时线diffraction traveling-time curve
耐弯试验按规定的条件和方法,将索类火工品弯曲一定角度和一定次数,考察其耐弯曲性能的试验bending test
能源分布线energy profile
膨胀线岩土的膨胀变形量〈或膨胀率〉与膨胀时间的关系曲线swelling curve
蠕变线恒定应力下,岩土的变形随时间而增长的关系曲线creep curve
误差线法error-curve method
负荷屈服线load-yield curve
负荷应变线load-strain curve
负荷时间线load-time curve
负载分配线loading distribution curve
软管卷系统hose reel system
近来、人们把研究的重点大多放在破碎线的细端、以探索爆破的潜力、因为爆破的结果会影响到含金属矿石随后的粉碎和加工制造过程More recent focus has been provided on the finer end of the fragmentation curve to explore the potential of blasting to influence the subsequent crushing and nulling performance of metalliferous ores
逐级循环加载线在单轴压缩或拉伸试验中,依次逐级加大荷载、卸载而得出的岩土应力-应变曲线step-wise cyclic loading curve
酸化反应线acid response curve
重力值变异线drift curve
重力异常变化线drift curve
长期强度线长期强度与导致岩土破坏的作用时间的关系曲线long-term strength curve
雨果尼厄线遵循雨果尼厄方程的压力-质量体积曲线。压力-密度曲线也可称作雨果尼厄曲线Hugoniot curve
静态挠抗张强度static flexural tensile strength
频率特性线frequency characteristic