
Terms for subject Project management containing 时机 | all forms | in specified order only
启动时提醒以便选择是脱机还是联机工作Prompt me at startup so I may choose to work offline or online
当一个国家的房地产投机行为已经超过了泡沫时期的日本、投资者们的担忧是不无道理的When real-estate speculation exceeds that of the Japanese real-estate bubble, investors are right to worry
技工在调试我的电视机的时候调整了色彩和对比度The mechanic adjusted the colors and the contrast on my TV when he set it up
施工机械的台时费equipment charge out rates
机器操作间隔时间machine cycle
机械工时定额standard machine hour (time)
标准机械工时standard machine hour (time)
计算机启动时自动运行的程序bootstrap loader
这是一个很好的时机、添加 RSS 图标的侧栏It 's a good moment to add a RSS icon to the sidebar
连接主机超时host time out