
Terms for subject Technology containing 时变 | all forms | in specified order only
不依时间变化的运动time independent motion
不同统计数列间的时滞变化关系lead-lag relationship
不随时间变化的invariable with time
不随时间变化的边界time-invariant boundary
与时间有关的变形time-dependent deformation
时变temporary variable
交通量时变hourly volume variation
交通量时变hourly traffic pattern
价格随时可变发盘offer subject to change
体积不变而形状变化时的应力状态deviatoric state of stress distortion
依时间而变的变形time deformation
准瞬时变quasi-instantaneous change
切变时间switching time
到港时间有改变alternation of ship's ETA
加速度的时间变率rate of change of acceleration
动态应变时效dynamical strain aging
发光石英衰变时间luminescence decay time
变动时间步长varying time step
变动瞬时单位过程线variable instantaneous unit hydrograph
变定时间set time
变换速度时的撞击crash change of speeds
变时作用chronotropical action
变时型强化variable interval reinforcement
变时定车仿真time-stepping vehicle-specific simulation
变时性反应chronotropical response
变时性反应chronotropic response
变时控制time-variable control
变时滞继电器dependent time-lag relay
变时限继电器dependent time-lag relay
变硬时间firm time
变质作用时代age of metamorphism
变质时代time of metamorphism
变载短时工作方式variable temporary duty
变速时间gear change time (齿轮)
变量的时限timing of variables
可变定时装置variable timing unit
可变定速时钟variable pacer clock
可变微周期定时variable microcycle timing
可变时variable time
可变时序arbitrary sequence
可变时间比率variable time scale
时变contemporaneous deformation
同时拉伸变形机simultaneous draw texturing machine
同时突变simultaneous mutation
周期时长变换cycle length change
哈利伯顿水泥浆变硬时间测试仪Halliburton thickening time tester
塑性变形时间图yield-time diagram
时变macrotime variable
定时发火变化角timing angle
时变hourly fluctuation
时变hourly variation (量)
时变化系数hour variation coefficient
时变variable per hour
平均小时变average hour variation
应力一应变时间关系stress-strain time relation
应力一应变时间反应stress-strain time response
应力一应变时间性状stress-strain time behaviour
应力一应变时间性状stress-strain time behavior
应变历时曲线strain-time curve
应变时效硬化strain-aged hardening
应变时效脆性strain-age embrittlement
应变时效脆性strain-aged brittleness
应变时效脆性试验strain-age-embrittlement test
应变时效裂纹strain-aged cracking
应变时效钢strain-aged steel
应变时间曲线strain-time curve
徐变时间曲线creep time curve
断路时瞬变现象switching-off transient
日照时间变化daylight change
时不变time invariance
时不变模型time-invariant model
时不变滤波time-invariant filtering
时交通量变化图diagram of hourly traffic variation
时变time dependence
时变time-varying force
时变功率谱time-varying power spectrum
时变hourly fluctuation
时变hourly variation
时变hourly fluctuation
时变化因数hourly variation factor
时变参数模型time-varying parameter model
时变变阻抗time-variable impedance
时变time-varying figure
时变time-varying field
时变坐标time-varying coordinate
时变性能time behaviour
时变性能time behavior
时变控制time-dependent control
时变控制系统time-variant control system
时变时延散布信道time-varying channel with delay spread
时变梯度time-varying gradient
时变正弦曲线梯度time-varying sinusoidal gradient
时变滤波time-varying filtering
时变系数time-varying coefficient
时变系统time-dependent system
时变线性滤波器time-varying linear filter
时变网络time-varying network
时变angle of distortion
时变通量time-varying flux
时变通量time-changing flux
时可—温度转变图time-temperature-transformation diagram
时序变换器sequential transducer
时延畸变delay distortion
时效变化secular change
时效变形secular distortion
时空不变式invariant in space-time
时空变化temporal and spatial variation
时空变换space-time transformation
时间不变原理principle of time invariance
时间不变性time invariance
时间不变性运算time invariant operation
时间不变系统time-invariant system
时间分解变像管time-resolving image converter
时间分辨变像管time-resolving image converter
时间反转不变性time-reversal invariance
时间变化增益time-varied gain
时间变化控制time-variation control
时间变化数据time-variable data
时间变化标程time-varying level
时间变化率time rate of change
时间变化边界条件time-varying boundary condition
时间变异time variance
时间变换参数时变参数time-varying parameter
时间变换器time transformer
时间变换器time converter
时间变更time change
时间变率time rate
时间变量因素time-dependent factor
时间应变实验time-strain experiment
时间应变曲线time deformation curve
时间形变曲线time deformation curve
时间数字变换器time digital converter
时间流变换time stream transformation
时间流逝变慢效应time dilatation
时间—温度一形态转变曲线time-temperature-transformation curve
时间演变time domain
时变transitory variation
时变transient thickening
暂时应变temporary strain
暂时的变化temporal variation
暂时的变化provisional variation
最大瞬时速度变化率maximum momentary speed variation
正弦式时间变化sinusoidal time variation
每小时变hourly variation
每小时变hourly fluctuation
每小时变化系数per hour change coefficient
每小时变化系数hourly variation coefficient
每小时变化量variation per hour
每小时赤纬变化量declination change in one hour
氧气随时间变化图figure of variation with time of oxygen
河床变形时间比尺time-scale riverbed deformation
测定应变时水准基点bench mark
灯泡的变黑时间nigrescence time of lamp
热中子衰变时间测井thermal decay time log
时变temporal variation
时变instantaneous set
时变temporary deformation
时变形阶段instantaneous strain stage
时变换日历instant-change calendar
瞬变时间常数transient time-constant
瞬时回变instantaneous recovery
瞬时应力应变曲线instantaneous stress-strain curve
瞬时应变transient strain
瞬时弹性变形immediate elastic deformation
瞬时形变transient deformation
瞬时徐变transient creep
瞬时最大速度变化率maximum momentary speed variation
瞬时畸变transient distortion
瞬时突变裂变反应spontaneous avalanche-like fission reaction
瞬时表面变形transient surface deflection
瞬时衰变率transient decay rate
瞬时速度变动率instantaneous speed change
瞬时间应变instantaneous strain
短路初期瞬变时间常数short-circuit subtransient time constant
破坏时变deformation at failure
时变magnetic temporal variation
等时性畸变isochronous distortion
线性时变信道linear time-variant channel
线性时变参数网络linear time-varying network
线性时不变系统fixed-time linear system
线性时间不变系统常参数线性系统linear time-invariant system
线性非时变滤波器linear time invariant filter
经营关闭时的不变成本fixed cost when business shut down
群时延变化group delay variation
蠕变时间曲线creep time curve
蠕变率时间图creep rate-time plot
裂变临时能量activation energy for fission
触变再现时间thixotropic resetting time
计时不变量chronometric invariant
负载时分接头转换变压器on-load tap changing transformer
时变rate change
转变时期period of transition
转速传感可变的定时装置speed sensing variable timing unit
转速显示可变的定时装置speed sensing variable timing unit
转速读出可变的定时装置speed sensing variable timing unit
过应变时效over-strain ageing
过应变时效over-strain aging
时变化系数hourly variation coefficient
速度传感可变的定时装置speed sensing variable timing unit
速度显示可变的定时装置speed sensing variable timing unit
速度读出可变的定时装置speed sensing variable timing unit
长时间徐变试验creep test of long period
长时间蠕变试验creep test of long period
时变化的电容time-varying capacitance
随时间变动的振幅time-varying amplitude
随时间变化time-varying (的)
随时间变化time history
随时间变化time dependence
随时间变化的信号测量time-varying signal measurement
随时间变化的信号程序time-dependent signal programme
随时间变化的信号程序time-dependent signal program
随时间变化的力time-varying force
随时间变化的增益time-varied gain
随时间变化的挠度time-dependent deflection
随时间变化的曲线图time-history plot
随时间变化的梯度time-varying gradient
随时间变化的正弦曲线梯度time-varying sinusoidal gradient
随时间变化的灵敏度time-varied sensitivity
随时间变化过程time-varying process
随时间变化过程time-dependent process
随机时变线性系统randomly time-varying linear system
随机时变通道random time-varying channel
震时应变coseismic strain
震时形变coseismic deformation
时变信道time-invariant channel
非线性时变模型non-linear time-varying model
频域时变反褶积time-variant deconvolution in frequency domain