
Terms for subject Logistics containing 日期 | all forms | in specified order only
交货日期delivered time
使用日期date of application
保证日期送达guaranteed day delivery
倒填日期提单antedated bill of lading
出售日期date of sale
〔租约术语〕包括星期日和节假日在内的晴天工作日Weather Working Days, Sundays and Holidays Included
租船合同包括首尾日期在内both dates inclusive
船舶卸空日期final landing
受载期和解约日laydays and cancelling date
失效日期expiring date
开票日期filling date
开航日期和时间date and time of sailing
开船日期sailing date
录人日期date of entry
承付日期date of acceptance
报价失效日期quotation expiration date
〔租约术语〕排除星期六、日和节假日在内的晴天工作日Weather Working Days, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
〔租约术语〕排除星期日和节假日在内的晴天工作日Weather Working Days, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
提箱日期pick up date
提货日期pick up date
收货日期date of receipt
日期提前的提单antedated bill of lading
日期date code
〔租船合同〕星期五和节假日除外Fridays and Holidays Excepted
〔租船术语〕星期六、日与节假日包括在内Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Included
〔租船术语〕星期六、日与节假日即使使用也不包括Saturdays, Sun days and Holidays Excepted Even IF Used
〔租船术语〕星期六、日与节假日如果使用就包括在内Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted Unless Used
〔租船术语〕星期六、日与节假日除外Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
星期日和节假日包括在内Sunday and holiday included
星期日和节假日除外Sunday and holiday excepted
晴天工作日、星期日和例假日也予以计人装卸期间内weather working days, Sunday and holidays included W.W.D. SHINC
晴天工作日、星期日和例假日除外不计人装卸时期weather working days, Sunday and holiday excepted
最早到期日earliest due day
最迟装运日期latest date of shipment
有效日期expiring date
由卖方选择交货日期delivery at seller's option
票据的到期日maturity date
起讫日期both ends days
进港日期date of arrival
预计到达日期expected date of arrival
预计到达日期estimated date of arrival