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世界著名的阿玛尼品牌已无须介绍,但鲜为人知的是它现在成了首屈一指的家具设计品牌There is no need to introduce the world renowned Armani label, but what may be less known is that it is now a leading furniture designer
代理人无权对售岀的货物向买主作任何保证The agent has no authority to give the buyers a warranty with respect to the goods sold
受主导保险人所同意的条款约束:无须再行磋商terms to be agreed with leading underwriters
在实际全损的情况下,保险标的物已无可挽救地完全丧失,被保险人惟一可采取的办法就是向保险人要求赔偿In the case of an actual total loss, the subject matter is so completely and irretrievably lost that the only course open to the insured is to recover the loss from the insurer
银行长期无人提取的存款unclaimed balance
无力偿付的债务人insolvent debtor