
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
运输车货运量亦缩为 C/Lcarload lot
不完证据fragmentary evidence
不完证据fragmental evidence
in round figures
价格再调readjustment of prices
价格按市价调subject to market fluctuation
根据卸货品质与重量而进行的价格调price judgement
价格调price change
价格调price alteration
价格需要调It is necessary to make an adjustment in price
公司体规划corporate comprehensive planning
再行调价格readjust prices
出厂调factory-adjusted control
分层群样本stratified cluster samples
劳资关系调labour-management adjustment
厂址清理及site preparation and development
可调抵押贷款率adjustable rate of mortgage
可调汇率与固定汇率adjustable and fixed rates
国家调的经济关系state-regulated economic relations
土地平准备preparation of land
基金调fund adjustment
外汇汇率调时机timing of readjusting foreign exchange rate
外汇汇率重新调readjustment of foreign exchange rate
体系rounded system
契约条款integration clause
定期调利率长期贷款revolving term loan
工业个领域whole spectrum of industry
已调债券adjusted bond
已调成本adjusted cost
并装/container freight station to container yard
技术technology package
承包套工程项目contracting "packaged deal" project
承包套工程项目contracting "packaged deal " proj ects
技术经济调techno-economic rectification
按一次导数调rate control
按保险标的价值变动调的保险单reporting policy
支付调payments adjustment
政策重新调readjustment of policy
散装less than container load/full container load
数据重新rearrangement of data
一吨round ton
一打round dozen
件提货不着non-delivery of the entire package
体业务特许entire business format franchising
体作业评价integral job evaluation
体化组织integrative organization
体协作integral coordination
体性规划integrative planning
体总额估算global lumpsum estimate
体观念integral concept
厂成套设备工厂package plant
厂设备出口plant export
套工程a package deal
套提单full set of bill of lading
套设备a vast complex of equipment
套货运单据set of shipping documents (包括:提单 (bill of lading) 检验证书 (certificate of inspection)、原产地证书 (certificate of origin)、商业发票 (commercial invoice)、领事发票 (consular invoice)、海关发票(customs invoice)、保险单 (insurance policy) 包装清单(packing list))
批买进buy at by wholesale
批支付lump-sum payment
批材料batch materials
round figure
股票或债券数批量full lot
股票或债券数批量round lot
股票或债券数批量even lot
数批量round lot (与零批 (odd lot) 相对)
数批量even lot (与零批 (odd lot) 相对)
数数额round sum
数数额round amount
洁货物fine cargo
笔总付法lump-sum basis
箱折让亦用 CY discountcontainer yard allowance
箱货折扣full container load allowance
船租赁whole charter
船运输full-load shipment
装折扣FCL discount
装/拆交container yard/container freight station
装拆让FCL allowance
装/整交container yard/container yard
装/整拆container yard to container yard
装货物container yard cargo
装货物FCL cargo
车货载full carload
车货运货物truckload lot
集装箱货full container load
时效调收益率time adjusted rate of return (指内部收益率 (internal rate of return))
期末bullet payment
期末调adjustment at term end
未调信贷unadjusted credits
未调指数unadjusted indices
未调亦缩为 uncorr.uncorrected
物价调委员会price-fitting board
物价领先调price leading
rounded figure
经常检查与切实调constant review and pragmatic adjustment (工程项目)
结构调structural readjustment
结构调贷款简写为SALstructural adjustment loan
结构调贷款业务简写为SAFstructural adjustment facility
综合调aggregate adjustment
联机程序调on-line debug ging
后的历史成本adjusted historical cost
后的名义利率adjusted nominal rate
后的名义汇率adjusted nominal rate
后的指数adjusted index
后的购置成本adjusted acquisition cost
库存量adjust inventory
时间setting time
的值trimmed value
资本流动accommodating capital movement
货币汇价调monetary realignment
资料统计statistical processing of data
趋势调指数trend adjusted indices
造船公司派在新船上以便保证随时进行机件修的工程师guarantee engineer
部分调模式partial adjustment model
预先调anticipatory control
预先调试算表preadjustment trial balance