
Terms for subject Aviation containing 攻击 | all forms | in specified order only
下一代远程攻击系统next generation long range strike
不同角度的攻击various angle of attack
中程攻击武器medium assault weapon (anti-tank, 反坦克)
为战斗机或快速攻击机进行的空中战斗巡逻combat air patrol for fighters or fast strike aircraft
亚声速巡航攻击导弹subsonic cruise attack missile
人工操纵的先进战术攻击系统advanced tactical attack manned system
但不能攻击Tally Ho Heads Up
低空攻击low level attack
低空攻击机场系统low altitude airfield attack system
低空攻击系统low altitude attack system
低空夜间攻击low altitude night attack
侦察攻击战斗机训练系统reconnaissance attack fighter training system
侦察/攻击直升机scout/attack helicopter
先进攻击直升机advanced attack helicopter
先进战术攻击战斗机advanced tactical strike fighter
先进技术对地攻击战斗机advanced technology ground attack fighter
先进的战术攻击系统任务分析advanced tactical attack system mission analysis
先进重型攻击导弹系统advanced heavy assault missile system
全向攻击导弹all aspect missile
全天候导航/攻击设备all-weather nav/attack aid
全天候战术攻击系统all-weather tactical strike system
全天候防区外攻击控制系统all-weather standoff attack control system
全天候防区外攻击系统all-weather standoff attack system
全天候防区外飞机攻击控制系统all-weather stand-off aircraft/attack control system
全天候防空圈外攻击控制系统all-weather stand-off attack control system (美国海军)
全天候防空圈外攻击系统all-weather stand-off attack system
准备攻击Tally Ho Pounce
初次攻击first attack
前半球进入攻击frontal approach
前向攻击frontal attack (截击机与目标的航向差大于135°)
前视红外攻击设备forward looking infrared attack set
前视轻型攻击雷达forward looking light attack radar
卫星多方位攻击与杀伤系统satellite multiple attack and kill system
双向攻击double attack
反潜攻击测绘仪antisubmarine attack plotter
喷撒攻击spray attack
地平面攻击ground level attack, reconnaissance and electronic
地面攻击ground attack
地面攻击fighter, ground attack, reconnaissance
地面攻击侦察ground attack reconnaissance
地面攻击控制中心ground attack control center
地面目标攻击控制系统ground target attack control system
地面目标攻击控制系统ground-target attack control system
地面部队攻击ground attack
垂直发射自主攻击系统vertical launch autonomous attack system
多用途远程攻击导弹tri-service standoff attack missile
夜间对地攻击任务Night Owl
实验性可变翼攻击variable geometry fighter attack experimental
对付有限攻击的全球防御系统global protection against limited strikes
对地攻击anti-surface warfare
对地攻击控制能力ground-attack control capability
对地攻击歼击机fighter, ground attack
对空中活动目标的攻击airborne moving target attack
导向攻击vectored attack
导弹攻击missile attack envelop
导弹攻击告警与估计missile attack warning and assessment
导弹攻击警告missile attack warning
导航攻击系统navigation attack system
导航/攻击设备nav/attack aid
导航及攻击系统训练飞行navigation and attack systems flight
导航和攻击系统飞行navigation and attack system flight
尾后攻击stern attack
尾后进入攻击tail approach
尾部攻击stern attack
广域搜索自主攻击小型弹药wide area search autonomous attack miniature munition
延长航程的攻击extended range strike aircraft
惯性导航与攻击系统inertial navigation & attacks system
惯性导航和攻击系统inertial navigation and attack system
战区空军基地易遭攻击的弱点theater airbase vulnerability
战斗攻击侦察模式适配雷达fighter attack reconnaissance modular adaptive radar
战斗机攻击机动fighter attack maneuvering
战斗机、侦察、攻击fighter, reconnaissance, strike
战斗机,侦察机,对地攻击fighter, reconnaissance, strike
战斗机地面攻击fighter, ground attack
"战斧"机场攻击导弹Tomahawk airfield attack missile
战术、攻击与侦察tactical strike reconnaissance
战术攻击/侦察tactical strike/reconnaissance
战术攻击战斗机tactical strike flight
战术攻击战斗机tactical strike fighter
战术攻击武器tactical assault weapon
战术攻击系统tactical strike system
战术攻击雷达和导航tactical attack radar and navigation
战术报警和攻击评估tactical warning and attack assessment
战术机场攻击导弹tactical airfield attack missile
战术空中攻击部队tactical air strike force
战术航空电子低空导航和攻击系统tactical avionics low-level navigation and strike system
战术陆上攻击导弹tactical land attack missile
战略攻击strategic attack
拦击防御攻击interceptor defense strike
拦射攻击路线intercept attack course
拦截攻击intercept attack
拦截攻击距离lead collision attack distance
拦阻侦察攻击系统interdiction reconnaissance attack system
按计划攻击preplanned attack
提高防御效果和远程攻击力调制器dexterous manipulator
攻击信息中心attack information centre
攻击attack value
攻击几何图形attack geometry
攻击前侦察prestrike recon
攻击基本机动飞行offensive basic flight maneuvers
攻击strike warfare
攻击战斗机attack fighter
攻击支援offensive support
攻击支援attack support
攻击效果估计attack assessment
攻击显示器attack display
攻击contour fighter
攻击attack airplane
攻击机告警威胁识别与规避killer alert threat identification and evasion
攻击机场的子母炸弹clustered airfield defeat submunitions
攻击武器系统attack weapon system
攻击演习aggressive maneuver
攻击照相机strike camera
攻击照相枪gun strike camera (直接拍摄目标,记录射击效果)
攻击照相枪combat documentation motion camera (直接拍摄目标记录攻击效果)
下令攻击目标engage (用于空中截击)
攻击直升机attack helicopter
攻击确定目标的选定方法selected methods for attacking the right target
用精确制导炸弹攻击确定目标的选定方法selected methods for attacking right target
攻击空中战斗机动offensive air combat maneuver
攻击空中支援offensive air support
攻击空中目标的弹头aerial target warhead
攻击空中目标的沾染性弹头air target environmental warhead
攻击系统操作员offensive system operator
攻击终止attack cutout
攻击航向系统attack heading slot
攻击航线target pattern
攻击转弯点turn-in point
攻击雷达系统offensive radar system
攻击飞机attack aircraft
数字式惯性导航/攻击系统digital inertial nav/attack system
数字式综合攻击导航设备digital integrated attack navigation equipment
无声攻击警报系统silent attack warning system
无辐射战术攻击/侦察系统silent tactical attack/reconnaissance system
昼间战斗机/对地攻击day fighter/ground attack
最后攻击方案final attack solution
未来攻击和战斗机future attack and combat aircraft
未来攻击性飞机future offensive aircraft
未来空中攻击系统future offensive air system
未来空军攻击武器future air attack vehicle
机场攻击军需品airfield attack munitions
机枪机炮在一次攻击中射击持续时间gun time per engagement
机载地面攻击控制系统airborne surface attack control system
机载截击雷达与驾驶员攻击瞄准系统airborne interception radar and pilot's attack sight system
机载截击雷达和驾驶员攻击瞄准系统airborne interception radar and pilot attack sight system
机载搜索目标攻击雷达airborne search target attack radar
机载电子攻击airborne electronic attack
来不及作好攻击准备no time on station
攻击潜艇舰队submarine striking force
模拟攻击概览图simulated attack profile
毒剂攻击toxic attack
水下发射的攻击地面或海面目标的导弹undersea ground missile
水平攻击attack from horizon level
水面攻击大队surface attack group
海上无人驾驶攻击unmanned naval strike aircraft
潜艇综合攻击中心submarine integrated attack center (submarine integrated battle and data system 潜艇综合战斗与数据系统,submarine integrated control system 潜艇综合控制系统‘submarine integrated sonar system 潜艇综合声呐系统)
激光惯性导航/攻击系统laser inertial navigation/attack system
激光测距和攻击目标探寻器laser ranger and marked target seeker
火力圈外发射的对地攻击导弹stand-off land attack missile
特种作战终端攻击控制器special operation terminal attack controller
监视目标攻击雷达系统surveillance target attack radar system
目标识别攻击复式传感器target recognition attack multisensor
目标识别攻击复式传感器target-recognition attack multisensor
盲目攻击blind attack (借助雷达瞄准具之攻击)
直升机攻击helicopter assault wave
直升机攻击系统helicopter attack system
直升机机降攻击landing helicopter assault
直升机综合攻击系统integrated helicopter attack system
直接攻击机场子母弹direct airfield-attack cluster munition
直接攻击机场集束弹药direct airfield-attack cluster munition
眼镜蛇"激光夜间攻击系统cobra laser night attack system"
短程攻击导弹short range attack missile
短程攻击导弹/战术short range attack missile/tactical
硬目标攻击能力hard target capability
中发鱼雷攻击air launched torpedo attack
空中攻击行动计划air attack action plan
空中发射地攻击导弹air-launched surface attack missile
空中战术干扰或攻击tactical airborne countermeasure or strike
空中活动攻击目标airborne moving attack target
空中电子攻击air electronic attack
空军搜索攻击小队air search attack unit
空军综合攻击composite air strike force
空对舰攻击导弹air launched ship attack missile
空射攻击地面目标的导弹air-launched surface attack missile
空投鱼雷攻击air launched torpedo attack
空气动力提前跟踪攻击曲线aerodynamic lead-pursuit attack course
精密发射体定位攻击系统precision emitter location strike system
精确攻击导弹precision attack missile
精确发射器定位/攻击系统precision emitter location/strike system
红外线攻击武器系统infra-red attack weapon system
纵深突防攻截击机deep penetration strike aircraft
综合对地攻击与空中截击系统integrated strike and interception system
综合导航攻击系统integrated navigation attack system
综合战术攻击系统integrated tactical attack system
联合攻击战斗机joint attack fighter
联合攻击战斗机joint strike fighter
联合攻击战斗机作战与支援成本模型JSF operating and support cost model
联合攻击战斗机合同规范JSF contract specification
联合攻击战斗机支援方案JSF support concept
联合攻击战斗机系统综合实验室JSF system integration laboratory
联合攻击战斗机系统综合计划JSF system integrity program
联合攻击战斗机项目办公室JSF program office
联合攻击joint strike fighter
联合攻击武器系统joint attack weapons system
联合先进攻击技术joint advance advanced strike technology
联合制导攻击武器joint direct attack munition
联合直接攻击军火joint direct attack munition
联合空中攻击joint air attack team
联合远距攻击武器joint stand-off weapon
联合隐形攻击joint stealth strike aircraft
自动攻击警报系统automatic attack warning system
自动导航与攻击控制automatic navigation/attack controls
自动机动攻击系统automatic maneuvering attack system
虚拟攻击战争环境virtual strike warfare environment
计算机集成指挥与攻击系统computer integrated command and attack system
轻便式战场攻击系统portable battlefield attack system
轻型攻击侦察light weight strike reconnaissance
轻型攻击战斗机lightweight strike flight
轻型攻击战术导航与轰炸系统light attack tactical navigation and bombing system
轻型攻击战术导航与轰炸系统light-attack tactical navigation and bombing system
轻型攻击直升机light attack helicopter
轻型攻击直升机中队helicopter attack squadron light
轻型攻击鱼雷attack light torpedo
轻型反坦克攻击武器light assault antitank weapon
迎面攻击frontal attack
近程攻击导弹short-range attack missile
近距作战激光攻击武器close combat laser attack weapon
近距支援攻击武器close support assault weapon
进入攻击final run
远程攻击系统long range strike
远距离着陆攻击导弹stand-off land attack missile
追踪攻击pursuit attack
隐身全天候侦察及对地攻击飞机covert survivable in-weather reconnaissance strike
雷达攻击警告系统radar attack warning system
雷达发射位置攻击控制系统radar emission location attack control system
顶部攻击top attack
预先有计划的攻击preplanned attack
飞机反潜攻击aircraft antisubmarine attack
飞机易受攻击部位aircraft vulnerable areas
飞机预定或实际攻击目标的时间time on target
高性能先进攻击系统high performance advanced attack system
高性能空中攻击系统high performance aerial attack system
高能激光攻击high energy laser attack station