
Terms for subject Nursing containing 护理 | all forms | in specified order only
三叉神经感觉根切断术护理nursing care of trigeminal sensory roots resection
上颌骨截除手术护理nursing care of maxillectomy
下肢血栓性深静脉炎护理nursing care of thrombophlebitis of lower extremities
下肢静脉曲张护理nursing care of varicose vein of lower extremities
下颌脱臼护理nursing care of dislocation of temporomandibular joint
专科护理specific nursing
专科护理培养training in nursing specialities
丝虫病护理nursing care of filariasis
个案护理case care
中华护理学会The Chinese Nursing Association
中华护理杂志Chinese Journal of Nursing
中毒性脑水肿护理nursing care of toxic wet brain
中耳手术护理nursing care of middle ear operation
中耳炎护理nursing care of otitis media
临床护理评估形式evaluation for clinical nursing
临床护理质量标准quality criterion of clinical nursing
主冠状动脉动脉搭桥转流手术护理nursing care of coronary artery revascularization
主动脉缩窄手术护理nursing care of aortic valve stenosis surgery
乙型脑炎护理nursing care of encephalitis B
乳房护理nursing care of breasts
乳突手术护理nursing care of mastoid operation
乳胶癌根治术护理nursing care of radical mastectomy
乳腺炎护理nursing care of mastitis
二尖瓣狭窄闭式扩张分离手术护理nursing care of operation of mitral stenosis
二硫化碳中毒护理nursing care of carbon disulfide poisoning
交感性眼炎护理nursing care of sympathetic ophthalmia
产后出血护理nursing care of postpartum hemorrhage
产褥感染护理nursing care of puerperal infection
人-生存-健康护理理论man-living-health theory of nursing
休克护理nursing care of shock
休克性肺炎护理nursing care of pneumonia with shock
休克抢救及护理emergency management and nursing care of shock
会阴护理perineal care
传染性肝炎护理nursing care of infectious hepatitis
伤寒及副伤寒护理nursing care of typhoid and paratyphoid fever
佝偻病护理nursing care of rickets
健康一护理系统模式health-care systems model
先兆子痫护理nursing care of preeclampsia
先天性心脏异常手术护理nursing care of congenital heart defect surgery
先天性脑疾患护理nursing care of congenital intracranial diseases
光导纤维镜检查护理nursing care of fibroendoscopy
公共卫生护理public health nursing
公共卫生护理教育public health nursing education
内耳手术护理nursing care of inner ear operation
冠周炎护理nursing care of pericoronitis
冻伤护理nursing care of cold injuries
分娩期护理nursing care during delivery
分级护理制度regulations for classification of nursing levels (levels of nursing)
刺激性气体中毒护理nursing care of stimulating gas poisoning
前列腺切除术护理nursing care of prostatectomy
前置胎盘护理nursing care of placenta previa
功能制护理functional nursing
动静脉痿护理nursing care of arteriovenous fistula
化脓性关节炎护理nursing care of pyogenic arthritis
医院护理管理hospital nursing administration
口腔护理nursing care of mouth
口腔护理care of mouth
口腔修复整畸术护理nursing care of oral prosthesis and orthodontics
口腔颌面外科一般护理general care of oromaxillo-facial surgery
口腔颌面外科手术前后护理pre and post operative care of oromaxillo-facial surgery
口腔颌面部损伤护理nursing care of oromaxillo-facial injuries
口腔黏膜病护理nursing care of disease of oral mucous membrane
呼吸系疾病一般护理general care of respiratory diseases
咽喉梗阻护理nursing care of laryngeal obstruction
咽喉脓肿护理nursing care of throat abscess
喉切除术护理nursing care of laryngectomy
喉镜检査护理nursing care of laryngoscopy
嗜铬细胞及肾上腺髓质增生手术护理nursing care of surgical treatment of pheochromocytoma and hyperplasia of medulla of adrenal gland
四肢动脉瘤护理nursing care of aneurysm of extremities
地段家庭护理district home nursing
基础护理basic nursing
外耳道疖护理nursing care of furuncle of auditory
多发性脊髓瘤护理nursing care of multiple myeloma
大叶性肺炎护理nursing care of lobar pneumonia
大脑瘫痪护理nursing care of cerebral palsy
大面积烧伤一般护理general care of extensive burns
头发护理care of hair
妇科阴部手术护理nursing care of pudendal operations in gynecology
妊娠中毒护理nursing care of toxemia of pregnancy
婴儿脑积水护理nursing care of infant hydrocephalus
婴幼儿腹泻护理nursing care of infantile diarrhea
子痫护理nursing care of eclampsia
实施护理计划implementation of nursing plan
家庭护理home nursing
家庭护理中心family care center
家庭护理技能technique of home nursing
对症护理symptomatic nursing
小儿肺炎护理nursing care of infantile pneumonia
小儿麻痹后遗症护理nursing care of surgery on deformities following poliomyelitis
小组护理team nursing
小舞蹈症护理nursing care of chorea minor
尿崩症护理nursing care of diabetes insipidus
巴比妥类药物中毒护理nursing care barbiturates poisoning
布鲁菌病护理nursing care of brucellosis
幼儿急疹护理nursing care of exanthem subitum
康复护理rehabilitation nursing
康复期护理nursing care of convalescence
循环衰竭护理nursing care of circulatory failure
心力衰竭护理nursing care of heart failure
心律紊乱护理nursing care of arrhythmia
心房间隔缺损手术护理nursing care of atrial septal defect operation
心源性休克护理nursing care of cardiogenic shock
心理与精神护理psychological and mental care
心脏瓣膜替换术护理nursing care of valve replacement
心脏骤停护理nursing care of cardiac arrest
心血管疾病一般护理general care of cardiovascular diseases
急住胰腺炎护理nursing care of acute pancreatitis
急性心力衰竭护理nursing care of acute heart failure
急性球后视神经炎护理nursing care of acute retrobulbar neuritis
急性肺水肿护理nursing care of acute pulmonary edema
急性脊髓炎护理nursing care of acute myelitis
急性腹膜炎护理nursing care of acute peritonitis
急性虹膜睫状体炎护理nursing care of acute iridocyclitis
急性视力障碍护理nursing care of acute dysopia
急诊护理emergency nursing
恐水病护理nursing care of hydrophobia
恶性淋巴瘤护理nursing care of malignant lymphoma
惊厥护理nursing care of convulsive attack
战伤护理nursing care of casualties
截肢术护理nursing care of amputation
扁桃体摘除术护理nursing care of tonsillectomy
手术前护理preoperative care
手术后护理postoperative care
护理业务技术管理management of nursing technique
护理主任director of nursing service
护理之家nursing home
护理事故nursing negligence
护理事故nursing accident
护理估量nursing assessment
护理分工division of labour in nursing
护理制度nursing regulations
护理办公室nursing station
护理nursing attendant
护理哲理nursing philosophy
护理大学教育collegiate nursing education
护理实施nursing implementation
护理nursing unit
护理对象object of nursing
护理小结nursing summary
护理差错nursing error
护理常规nursing routine
护理技术操作规程nursing technic procedures
护理指导introduction on discharge
护理指挥系统system of nursing
护理措施nursing intervention
护理措施依据theoretical basis for intervention
护理教育nursing education
护理查房nursing round
护理档案nurses files
护理模式nursing model
护理病历nursing history
护理目标nursing goal
护理科学研究nursing research
护理程序nursing process
护理管理nursing administration
护理组织管理nursing organization management
护理观察nursing observation
护理计划nursing plan
护理记录nursing record
护理记述notes on nursing
护理评价nursing evaluation
护理诊断nursing diagnosis
护理质量quality of nursing
护理质量目标管理target control of nursing quality
护理进修教育post-graduate nursing education
护理nursing department
护理部主任superintendent of nursing department
护理雏形nursing in embryo
拔牙护理nursing care of tooth extraction
播散性血管内凝血护理nursing care of disseminated intravascular coagulation
支原体肺炎护理nursing care of mycoplasmal pneumonia
支气管哮喘护理nursing care of bronchial asthma
支气管肺炎护理nursing care of bronchopneumonia
支气管镜检查护理nursing care of bronchoscopy
放射病护理nursing care of radiation sickness
断肢再植术护理nursing care of replantation of severed limbs
新生儿护理nursing care of newborn
新生儿溶血症护理nursing care of hemolytic disease of newborn
新生儿的家庭护理home care of the new born
日射病护理nursing care of sunstroke
日间康复护理中心day care rehabilitation center
昏迷护理nursing care of coma
显微外科护理nursing care microsurgery
晚间护理evening care
晨间护理morning care
有机磷中毒护理nursing care of organic phosphorus poisoning
枕大孔疝护理nursing care of hernia of foramen magnus
植皮护理nursing care of skin graft
植骨术护理nursing care of bone graft
毒虫螫伤护理nursing care of poisonous stinging insect bite
毒蛇咬伤护理nursing care of poisonous snake bite
气性坏疽护理nursing care of gas gangrene
气管切开术护理care of tracheotomy
气管异物护理nursing care of trachea foreign body
气胸护理nursing care of pneumothorax
气脑造影护理nursing care of pneumoencephalography
氰化物中毒护理nursing care of cyanide poisoning
水痘护理nursing care of chicken pox
汞中毒护理nursing care of mercury poisoning
泌尿系感染护理nursing care of urinary tract infection
泌尿系疾病护理nursing care of urinary diseases
法洛四联症护理nursing care of tetralogy of Fallot
泪囊鼻腔吻合术护理nursing care of dacryocystorhinostomy
流行性出血热护理nursing care of epidemic hemorrhagic fever
流行性脑脊髓膜炎护理nursing care of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis
流行性腮腺炎护理nursing care of mumps
流行性角膜炎护理nursing care of epidemic keratitis
液氮冷冻疗法护理nursing care of nitrogen cryotherapy
淋巴管炎护理nursing care of lymphangitis
湿疹护理nursing care of eczema
濒死期护理care of the dying
炭疽护理nursing care of anthrax
热射病急救护理emergency care of heat stroke
热衰竭急救护理emergency care of heat exhaustion
牙体病的治疗护理treatment and nursing care of odontalgic disease
牙周病护理nursing care of peridental disease
狂犬病护理nursing care of rabies
猩红热护理nursing care of scarlet fever
甲状腺切除术护理nursing care of thyroidectomy
甲状腺功能亢进护理nursing care of hyperthyroidism
电光性眼炎护理nursing care of electric ophthalmia
电击急救护理emergency care of electric shock
畸形新生儿护理nursing care of handicapped infant
畸牙矫正护理nursing care of orthodontia
疖肿护理nursing care of furunculosis
疟疾护理nursing care of malaria
痈的护理nursing care of carbuncle
瘀斑护理nursing care of ecchymosis
癫痫护理nursing care of epilepsy
白内障摘除手术护理nursing care of cataract extraction
白喉护理nursing care of diphtheria
白血病护理nursing care of leukemia
百日咳护理nursing care of whooping cough
皮下气肿护理nursing care of subcutaneous emphysema
皮肤护理nursing care of skin
盆腕脓肿护理nursing care of pelvic abscess
真菌病护理nursing care of fungus infection
眼眶蜂窝织炎护理nursing care of orbitocellulitis
眼科护理ophthalmologic nursing
睡眠护理promoting sleep
石膏固定护理nursing care of plaster casts
破伤风护理nursing care of tetanus
硫化氢中毒护理nursing care of hydrogen sulfide poisoning
社区保健护理community health nursing
类风湿关节炎护理nursing care of rheumatoid arthritis
精神护理mental care
精神病护理psychiatric nursing
糖尿病护理nursing care of diabetes mellitus
紫癜护理nursing care of purpura
细胞性痢疾护理nursing care of bacillary dysentery
结核性腹膜炎护理nursing care of tuberculous peritonitis
结肠直肠根治手术护理nursing care of radical operation of colon and rectum
绦虫病护理nursing care of taeniasis
缩窄性心包炎手术护理nursing care of operation of constrictive pericarditis
耳外伤护理nursing care of ear injury
耳性眩晕症护理nursing care of Meniere disease
耳郭撕裂护理nursing care of auricle laceration
职业病护理occupational disease nursing
肛门直肠手术护理nursing care of anorectal surgery
肝癌护理nursing care of carcinoma of liver
肝硬化护理nursing care of cirrhosis of liver
肝移植护理nursing care of homotransplantation of liver
肝脓肿护理nursing care of liver abscess
肝血管结扎术护理nursing care of ligation of hepatic artery
肝豆状核病变护理nursing care of hepatolenticular degeneration
肠周脓肿护理nursing care of perienteric abscess
肠梗阻护理nursing care of intestinal obstruction
肠炎护理nursing care of enteritis
肠痿护理nursing care of intestinal fistula
肺动脉瓣狭窄手术护理nursing care of valvular pulmonic stenosis surgery
肺尘埃沉着症护理nursing care of pneumonoconiosis
肾切除术护理nursing care of nephrectomy
肾小球肾炎护理nursing care of glomerulonephritis
肾病综合征护理nursing care of nephrosis
肾移植护理nursing care of renal homotransplantation
肾结核护理nursing care of tuberculosis of kidney
肾结石护理nursing care of renal calculus
肾肿瘤护理nursing care of renal neoplasm
肾衰竭护理nursing care of renal failure
胃、十二指肠溃疡护理nursing care of gastric and duodenal ulcer
胃大部切除术护理nursing care of subtotal gastric resection
胆石症护理nursing care of cholelithiasis
胎盘早期剥离护理nursing care of placenta abruptio
胰头十二指肠切除术护理nursing care of pancreatoduodenectomy
胰腺切除术护理nursing care of pancreatectomy
胸腔手术前后护理pre and post operative care of chest surgery
胸膜炎护理nursing care of pleurisy
脊髓压迫症护理nursing care of spinal cord compression
脑出血急救护理emergency management and nursing care of cerebral hemorrhage
脑室外引流护理nursing care of cerebral ventricular open drainage
脑室造影护理nursing care of cerebral ventriculography
脑干损伤护理nursing care of brain injury
脑挫伤裂伤护理nursing care of brain contusion and laceration
脑栓塞护理nursing care of cerebral embolism
脑疝护理nursing care of cerebral hernia
脑脊髓液分流术护理nursing care of cerebrospinal fluid shunt
脑血栓护理nursing care of cerebral thrombosis
脑震荡护理nursing care of brain concussion
脾切除护理nursing care of splenectomy
腹疝修补术护理nursing care of repairing of abdominal hernia
腹腔镜检查护理nursing care of peritoneoscopy
腹部损伤护理nursing care of abdominal injury
膀胱全切及尿路改道手术护理nursing care of total cystectomy and ureter transplantation
膀胱肿瘤护理nursing care of tumors of the bladder
膈下脓肿护理nursing care of subphrenic abscess
艾迪生病护理nursing care of Addison disease
苯中毒护理nursing care of benzene poisoning
营养性贫血护理nursing care of nutritional anemia
蛔虫病护理.nursing care of ascariasis
蛛网膜下腔出血护理nursing care of subarachnoid hemorrhage
蛲虫病护理nursing care of enterobiasis
蜂窝织炎护理nursing care of cellulitis
血友病护理nursing care of hemophilia
血吸虫病护理nursing care of schistosomiasis
血胸护理nursing care of hemothorax
视网膜脱离术护理nursing care of retinal detachment
视网膜裂孔护理nursing care of retinal tear
角膜移植术护理nursing care of keratoplasty
责任制护理primary nursing
跟球穿通伤护理nursing care of penetrating ocular trauma
进修护理教育continuing education in nursing
迷路内淋巴水肿护理nursing care of Meniere disease
适应文化背景护理transcultural nursing
重症肌无力护理nursing care of myasthenia
钩端螺旋体病护理nursing care of leptospirosis
铅中毒护理nursing care of lead poisoning
锥体外系统立体定向手术护理nursing care of oriented operation of extrapyramidal tract
锰中毒护理nursing care of manganism
长期护理模式long term nursing model
门静脉分流手术护理nursing care of portal vein shunts
阑尾切除术护理nursing care of appendectomy
难产护理nursing care of dystocia
霍乱护理nursing care of cholera
面瘫护理nursing care of facial paralysis
顽固性疼痛护理nursing care of intractable pain
颅内肿瘤护理nursing care of brain tumor
颅底骨折护理nursing care of skull base fracture
颅脑血肿护理nursing care of brain hematoma
颅裂脊柱裂护理nursing care of meningocele and spinal bifida
颌面部畸形缺损整形术护理nursing care of reconstruction of maxillo-facial deformity and defects
颌骨截除术护理nursing care of jaw resection
颌骨骨折护理nursing care of jaw fracture
风疹护理nursing care of German measles
食管癌根治手术护理radical operation for carcinoma of esophagus
食管镜检查护理nursing care of esophagoscopy
饮食护理diet management
骨、关节结核护理nursing care of tuberculosis of bones and joints
骨折护理nursing care of fractures
骨髓炎护理nursing care of osteomyelitis
高压性气胸护理nursing care of tension pneumothorax
高热护理nursing care of hyperthermia
高等护理教育collegiate nursing education
高血压性脑出血护理nursing care of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage
鹅口疮护理nursing care of thrush
麻疹护理nursing care of measles
黑尿热护理nursing care of black water fever
黑热病护理nursing care of kala-azar
鼠疫护理nursing care of plague
鼻咽癌护理nursing care of nasopharyngeal cancer
鼻岀血护理nursing care of epistaxis
鼻腔鼻窦手术护理nursing care of nasal and antral operation
齿槽骨修整术护理nursing care of alveoplasty