
Terms containing 投掷球 | all forms | in specified order only
sport.为了使投掷有效、 掷出的链球必须落人规定的落地区In order to qualify as a legal throw the hammer must land in the throwing sector.
bowl.双球投掷double ball
bowl.双球投掷double ball
sport.所有投掷链球的动作必须在护笼内进行、以保证观众、工作人员以及其他运动员的安全All hammer throws shall be made from a cage to ensure the safety of spectators, officials and competitors
petanq.投掷大球throwing of the bowl
sport, bask.过分屈肘造成的抛掷式投球slingshot type of shot
sport.推铅球动作应在投掷圈内完成The shot put shall be made inside the circle
bowl.90° 角投掷球ninety degree angle release
athlet.铅球投掷区shot-put fan
athlet.铅球投掷区putting area
athlet.铅球投掷圈shot circle
athlet.铅球投掷圈putting circle
athlet.铅球投掷圈circle for shot putting
sport.链球必须在投掷圈内用双手掷出The hammer is hurled with two hands from within a throwing circle
athlet.链球投掷hammer throw
athlet.链球投掷区hammer throw area
athlet.链球投掷圈circle for hammer throwing
sport.链球投掷圈hammer circle