
Terms for subject Clothing containing | all forms
内包装上带一点花卉图案,这样最适合们的市场需要。小贴士:The inner packing there with a little bit of flower design is best on our market
很抱歉,因印花平绒断供,们难以向贵方供货As there is no supply of printed velveteen, we regret being unable to make you an offer at present
您能告诉如何搭配晚宴服吗?Can you tell me how to match the evening jacket?
不能说出春装和秋装的区别I can't tell the difference between spring wear and autumn wear
们可以做一些复古的设计,比如后搭前款式We can design something retro, such as the back cover front style
们应该把衬里绷缝到外衣上We should baste lining to a coat
们应首先测量胸围、腰围和臀围丰满部位We should record the circumference of the bust, waist and hip fuller part firstly
们手头现有一些新的呢绒产品We have some new woolen goods on hand
们用别针将衬衣固定在纸板上Clips are used to fix the shirt on the paperboard
们的服装是拥有合格证的高质产品Our clothing is high-qualified products with certification
在找一条单色短裙I'm looking for a solid color skirt
裤子上的松紧带坏了The elastic in my pants has gone
比起涤纶面料的内衣,更喜欢纯棉内衣I prefer lingerie of pure cotton to that of polyester fabrics
穿喇叭裙的那个女孩是的侄女The girl in flare skirt is my niece
自从知道《海的女儿》这个故事,便憧憬拥有一条鱼尾裙I wanted to own a fishtail skirt since I know the story of The Little Mermaid
这件滑雪服是在一家裁缝店定做的I customized the ski suit at a tailor's shop