
Terms for subject Aviation containing 感光 | all forms | in specified order only
乳剂感光emulsion speed
仪表遮光板光传感器bezel light sensor
便携式光学传感器测试仪portable optical sensor tester
先进光电告警传感器advanced electrooptical warning sensor
先进恒星与目标基准光学传感器advanced star and target reference optical sensor
先进的恒星和目标基准光学敏感器advanced star and target reference optical sensor
先进红外弹道导弹光学传感器系统advanced infrared ballistic missile optical sensor system
先进防空光电式传感器advanced air defence electro-optical sensor
先进防空光电式传感器advanced air defence electrooptical sensor
光学传感器装置optical sensor package
光电传感器electrooptic sensor
光电传感器系统electro-optical sensor system
光电式传感器photoelectric sensor
光电式传感器electro-optical pickoff
光电敏感器photoelectric sensor
光纤传感器oxygen flow indicator
光纤传感系统fiber optic sensor system
光纤传感系统fibre optic sensor systems
光纤敏感器optical fiber sensor
光纤敏感系统fibre optic sensor systems
光纤旋转传感器fibre optics rotation sensor
光纤速率传感器fiber optic rate sensor
分光感度曲线spectral sensitivity curve
多光学传感装置稳定有效载荷multi-optical stabilized payload
多光谱敏感multispectral sensing
多光谱敏感器multispectral sensor
头盔光学位置传感器helmet optical position sensor
感光photographic speed
感光photo sensitivity
感光材料sensitive material
感光材料印刷sensitized material print
感光特性曲线characteristic curve of photographic emulsion
日光传感器sun sensor
星光传感器star sensor
机载光学传感器airborne optical sensor
激光感光laser sensitometer
激光位移传感器laser displacement sensor
激光快门影像传感器laser shutterable image sensor
燃烧剂光电传感器fuel photoelectric sensor
稳定地形光学位置传感器stabilized terrain optical position sensor
纤维光学传感器fibre optics sensor
综合光学目标识别传感器target identification sensor integration optics
美国标准协会感光ASA speed
胶片感光速度film speed
自动光亮传感器automatic brightness sensor
远距光传感器remote light sensor
集成光学位置/位移传感器integrated-optic position/displacement sensor
高速感光胶片high-speed film