
Terms for subject Fishery fishing industry containing | all forms
地中海渔业委员会工作日志GFCM logbook
多年度的可捕量multi-annual TAC
多鱼种的可捕量multispecies total allowable catch
多鱼种的可捕量multispecies TAC
可捕量total allowable catch
执行率aggregate implementation rate
拖网强度overall trawling effort
死亡个体数total number of deaths
死亡率total mortality coefficient
死亡率total mortality instantaneous rate
死亡率total mortality rate
死亡系数total mortality coefficient
死亡系数total mortality instantaneous rate
注册吨位gross register tonnage
登记吨位gross register tonnage
瞬时死亡率total mortality coefficient
瞬时死亡率total mortality instantaneous rate
瞬时死亡系数total mortality coefficient
瞬时死亡系数total mortality instantaneous rate
许可捕捞努力量total allowable effort
许可捕捞努力量total allowable fishing effort
长度length overall
死亡total number of deaths
预防性可捕量precautionary total allowable catch
预防性可捕量precautionary TAC