
Terms for subject Engineering geology containing | all forms
出水量total well capacity
供应supply main
地基沉降分层和法layerwise summation method
压力送水water pressure main
地下水出水量total groundwater yield
地下水固化物groundwater total solid
地下水抽水量total groundwater pumpage
地下水资源total groundwater resource
地下水资源量表groundwater inventory
天然热流total natural heat discharge
工程造价project cost
降水量total annual precipitation
建筑architectural complex
产量cumulative production
体侵蚀general erosion
体冲刷general scour
体冻胀mass heaving
体分析表spread sheet
体剥蚀general scour
体勘探gross exploration
体勘测general survey
体安全系数factor of global safety
体密度population density
体平均数population mean
体拟合global fit
体极限平衡法general limit equilibrium method
体积变化overall volume change
体设计integral design
体设计conceptual design
体走向general trend
体途径systems approach
出水量total capacity
出水量cumulative production
剪切overall shearing
压力resultant pressure
合同general contract
含盐量total salts content
吸入量total suction
吸力total suction
回收率gross recovery
key diagram
skeleton diagram
general chart
坐标global coordinates
容许承载力allowable gross bearing pressure
尺寸out-to-out distance
岩芯采取率total core recovery
布置图layout sheet
干管main collector
平面图layout sheet
平面图location plan
平面图plan of site
平面图key plan
应变gross strain
开采量ultimate production
强度resultant intensity
抽水量amount of water pumped
挖方量未考虑回填土gross cut
排水沟collecting drain
排水管main drain
推力total thrust force
水分total moisture
水头摩擦损失total friction head
水平地震作用base shear force
沉降量gross settlement
流入量total flux
流量aggregate discharge
深度total depth
渗透性mass permeability
灌浆量total grout take
热量gross heat
端阻力point resistance force
header pipe
累积量total accumulation
线性胀缩total linear swelling and shrinkage
荷载gross loading intensity
荷载强度gross loading intensity
蒸发量gross evaporation
规划图layout sheet
计数率total count rate
香港滑坡防止规划评级次序表master ranking list (for LPM)
general principle
载荷resultant load
钻探进尺total footage drilled
造价final cost
量分析gross analysis
main gate
井口闸门main control head
水位降深total drawdown
黏聚力法total cohesion method
技术technical summary
抽出水amount of water pumped
抽水total withdrawal
施工平面图construction general layout
施工现场平面布置图overall site layout
daily amount
桩入土深度total pile penetrations
水溶性物质含量total water-soluble material content
河水泥沙capacity of a stream
溶解质total dissolved solid
香港矿务superintendent of mines
等效集体系equivalent lumped system
细菌total count of bacteria
自动灌浆系统automatic header system
重金属含量total heavy metals
钻进footage drilled
参数法lumped parameter method
参数系统lumped parameter system
线性系统lumped linear system
质量lumped mass
集水main collector
集水water-collecting header
集水collecting main