
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing | all forms
一次lump-sum purchase
一次付清的lump-sum price
上覆岩层压力total overburden pressure
不加铅汽油辛烷值clear pool octane
中国国家环保National Environmental Protection Agency
中子neutron population
偏角total hole angle
井口闸门well head control block valve
井口闸门main control head
井口阀门well head control valve
交叉cross footing
产层厚度gross pay thickness
仪表控制室instrument master control room
仪表累计值gross meter registration
伽马射线计数率total gamma-ray count-rate
供气feeder main
保险insurance coverage
储层体积reservoir bulk volume
关税与贸易协定General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
内接套inboard hub assembly
减压时间total decompression time
出口压头total delivery head
出口total export value
出口gross export value
unit assembly drawing
分配distribution header
切削刃linear cutting edge
切削齿stud cutter assembly
制动装置brake assembly
刹车brake assembly
剩余开釆量remaining ultimate recovery
工程师assistant chief engineer
single population
原油计量test crude header
双管关井double shut-in assembly
变速箱transmission assembly
叠加次数source-receiver product
可溶性固体total dissolved solids
喷嘴过流截面积total nozzle flow area
回堵深度plugged back total depth
固定资产产资比率ratio of fixed assets to total assets
国内消费gross domestic consumption
地层体积formation bulk volume
外壳cage assembly
外接套outboard hub assembly
外筒outer barrel assembly
大钳扭矩tong torque assembly
套管头casing head housing
完井end of well review
实际蒸发量actual evapotranspiration
实际国民生产real gross national product
导管头conductor head assembly
导轨小车guide dolly assembly
工业产值gross value of industrial output
工程设计思想total engineering concept
工资gross pay
年度报告general annual report
建井时间total well time
开支cost-record summary
不溶物extrinsic plus intrinsic insolubles
不溶物total insolubles
不饱和物total unsaturates
主应力total major stress
亏损gross loss
产液量total fluid production
产量ultimate output
产量overall output
代表agent general
lump-sum price
会计师general accountant
传动比overall ratio
传导系数total transmissivity
传输率aggregate transfer rate
位移total displacement
体分布population distribution
体剖面偏移total section migration
体协方差population covariance
体回归population regression
体型式overall pattern
体布置图general arrangement drawing
体布置图general layout
体开发方案integrated development program
体开发方案overall development plan
体开釆计划overall exploitation plan
体方案overall project
体方案general planning
体曲线图cumulative plot
体最优值global optimum
体极大值global maximum
体极小值global minimum
体相关系数population correlation coefficient
体积cumulative volume
体积total volume
体规划aggregate planning
体设计master design
偏差total departure
偏离度total departure
储存能力total tankage
储存量total tankage
储量ultimate reserves
储量total reserves
冰力global ice force
分离效率total efficiency of separation
分离效能指数total separation efficiency index
剂量integral dose
剂量cumulative dose
剖面gross section
办事处general office
加热面total heating surface
动量aggregate momentum
包合同lump sum contract
包工程turnkey job
包金额lump-sum price
压力resulting pressure
压力general pressure
压力损失total pressure loss
压力损耗loss of total pressure
压缩比overall compression ratio
压降general pressure drop
压降total pressure drop
厚度overall thickness
厚度total thickness
厚度gross thickness
原始产量gross primary production
反应速度lumped reaction rate
发热量gross calorific value
汽油辛烷值pool octane
含固量total solids
含盐度total salinity
含量total content
吸入能力total injectivity
吸收系数total adsorption coefficient
和法method of summation
响应overall response
回弹性proof resilience
回归曲线total regression curve
回收百分数total percentage recovered
回收百分数percent total recovery
固体量total solids
固溶物total dissolved solids
general arrangement drawing
地层体积系数total formation volume factor
地层延限total stratigraphic range
地磁强度total magnetic intensity
resultant field
场强total intensity
基准面general base level
塔板效率overall plate efficiency
塔板效率overall plate efficiency
增益full gain
委员会general board
孔隙度absolute porosity
孔隙空间total pore space
存量total holdup
审计师general auditor
容量gross capacity
容量total volume
密度overall density
导压系数total transmissivity
导热率overall thermal conductance
尺寸overall size
尺寸boxed dimension
全,外形尺寸overall dimension
general board
工程师engineer in charge
工程师助理assistant chief engineer
工艺流程控制器overall process controller
布置图master plan
幅值total amplitude
平均值overall average
平错total heave
平面图general plan
平面布置图site plan
平面布置图general layout
建筑面积gross building area
开采量gross recovery
开采量gross production
强度resulting intensity
磁场强度total intensity
悬浮固体total suspended solid
成分bulk composition
截流面积total flow area
截面total cross-section
截面gross section
扬程total lift
扬程total head
承包合同turnkey contract
拉伸total draft
指标overall index
挥发性固体量total volatiles solid
振幅net amplitude
排量total flow rate
排量total displacement
收率total yield
收率overall yield
收益gross earnings
放大系数overall amplification
效率combined efficiency
散射total scattering
figure up
sum tot al
方差population variance
有效马力effective summed horse-power
有机抽提物total organic extracts
有机萃取物total organic extracts
机械师chief mechanist
梯度法total gradient method
概算overall budgetary estimate
比率total ratio
气油比overall gas-oil ratio
气油比total GOR
气油比gross gas-oil ratio
氢耗量total hydrogen consumption
氮含量total nitrogen content
油柱gross oil column
注入能力total injectivity
注水采油量total flooded oil
注采比overall injection-withdrawal ratio
泵压total pump pressure
泵站base pump station
泵送压头total delivery head
流出时间total producing time (重复式地层测试器)
流度total flowing mobility
流量total flux
流量表quantity meter
涌量total flux
液收率total liquid recovery
深度overall depth
温度分配系数overall temperature distributor factor
固体量total dissolved solids
溶盐量total dissolved salt
溶解固体量total dissolved solids
溶解盐量total dissolved salts
滑距total slip
滑距net slip
滞留量total holdup
滤失系数total fluid loss coefficient
滤失系数total filtration coefficient
石油total petroleum hydrocarbons
热值gross thermal value
物料平衡general material balance
物料平衡overall material balance
电导total conductance
目录composite catalog
矿化度total mineralization
碱度total alkalinity
碳量total carbon
离合器master clutch
离子密度total ion intensity
离散误差global discretization error
积炭量total carbon deposition
移距net shift
穿透力overall penetration
穿透深度overall penetration
精度resultant accuracy
累计产量gross cumulative production
superclass (生物)
线连接bus tie
经销general agent
经销general agency
综合误差total composite error
能力gross capacity
落差total throw
蒸气压bulk vapour pressure
表皮total skin (系数)
衰减total attenuation
chief executive
whole assembly
装线assembly line
观走向average trend
视孔隙率apparent total porosity
accumulated angle
in total
sum tot al
计划site plan
计数率gross-count rate
试验overall test
误差cumulative error
误差combined error
负荷resulting load
入度overall penetration
资源量total resources
走向general trend
路线表master route sheet
line shaft
载荷global load
载荷gross load
载货吨gross freight ton
载重量deadweight tonnage
辐射built-up radiation
输送能力total transfer capability
进度aggregate scheduling
进料total feed
general office
配电盘main distribution board
配电盘main switch board
配线架main distribution frame
配置图general layout
釆出量overall recovery
采收率overall recovery factor
金额in total
金额in toto
金额total charge
钻井时间total drilling time
钻井时间gross drilling time
钻井速度overall drilling speed
all length
闸门master valve
阻抗resulting impedance
集油站main gathering station
需氧量total oxygen demand
静压头total static head
静水头total static head
total amo unt
sum tot al
风管compressed-air main
馈线main feeder
黏附残渣total adherent residue
悬浮固体total suspended solids
惰轮idler assembly
执行executive chairman
执行chief executive officer
投资规模volume of total investment
投资total investment
投资aggregate investment
挥发total volatile content
挥发性固体volatile total solids
排出discharge header
控制阀control valve assembly
施工平面图total square area chart for construction
旋转头swivel assembly
有效厚度与厚度比值net-to-gross ratio
机组功率aggregate capacity
柔杆钻具cracker assembly
每日报表daily summary report
气体溶解度total gas solubility
气体gas main
水下立管lower marine riser package
水下采油树subsea Christmas tree assembly
损益表consolidated income sheet
资产负债表composite balance sheet
汇报consolidated return
污水trunk sewer
汽油gasoline pool
油层体积total reservoir volume
油气监部Directorate General of Hydrocarbon
油气井控制well control assembly
油田产量total field output
油田开发体规划integrated development program of oil field
油藏体积total reservoir volume
油藏开采期total reservoir life
泥浆量表level totalizer
泥浆池体积total pit volume
注册吨位gross registered tonnage
注水overall water injection plant
测井深度total depth logger
浮阀assembly float valve
火炬flare assembly
炼油厂汽油refinery gasoline pool
热量heat summation
燃料fuel manifold
环槽填充率total groove fill
环流recirculating main
现场操作工程师general field engineer
生产成本total production cost
电缆测试深度wireline total depth
石油动力能量oil-powered total energy
石油化工general petrochemical works
石油烃total petroleum hydrocarbons
伊朗石油配售管理General Office of Petroleum Distribution
矿产资源Directorate General of Mineral Resources
矿区产量total lease production
离合器clutch assembly
离子溶解量total dissolved ions
空气blast main
系统调整overall system adjustment
美国承包商协会Associated General Contractors of America
联动linkage assembly
背景background population
胶体颗粒含量total colloidal size content
能源一国内生产值弹性系数energy-GDP elasticity coefficient
自然伽马能谱计数率法method of spectralog total gamma ray
舱底水bilge main
花粉pollen frequency
裸眼封隔器seal bore assembly
财务financial controller
货油舱监控盘cargo master panel
货油舱监控系统cargo master system
贷款total amount of loans
贷款loans ceiling
贸易与关税协定General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs
资产gross assets
软管hose assembly
通道线输入channel bus in
配气gas distribution main
配水water distribution main
采油树Christmas-tree assembly
钢丝下井深度wireline total depth
钢丝折断拉力aggregate breaking force
钢丝网缓冲wire mesh pad assembly
钻井深度total depth-driller
钻机功率total power of rig
钻至井深日期total depth date
钻至井深日期TD date
锁紧式密封anchor seal assembly
valve assembly
阻流管线阀门master choke line valve
加感lumped loading
动力学模型Lumping model
模型lumped model
特性lumped characteristic
电压lumped voltage
电抗lumped reactance
负载lumped loading
质量法lumped mass method
集油terminal station
集油main line