
Terms for subject Economics containing | all forms
一旦货物备好运,请速通知我方Please advise us immediately when the goods are ready for shipment
一旦货物备妥运,我们就开汇票寄给他们We shall forward them our draft for attention as soon as the goods are ready for shipment
一旦货物备妥运,请勿忘通知我方Please do not neglect to advise us when the goods are ready for shipment
一级差别first-degree discrimination
一般最惠国general MFN treatment
三级差别third-degree discrimination
上周我们访问你公司时,受到热情招特此表示感谢We express our thanks for being hospitably received by you when we were visiting your company last week
互惠对等reciprocal treatment
享受平等和公正遇的权利right to equal and fair treatment
享有同等税收enjoy the same tax treatment
他们急需这批货,他们迫不及They are in urgent need of the goods, they cannot afford to wait
他们正期日本代理商来访They are expecting a visit from their Japanese agents
他们正期着计划部门的决定They are awaiting the decision of the planning department
他们通知我方,货件已备妥They informed us that the articles are now ready for shipment
代管交基金escrow fund
代管交基金escrow funds
价格上的差别price discrimination
reserve treatment
preference rate
价格best price
办法easy terms
优惠the favourable treatment
优惠favorable treatment
优惠liberal wages and benefits
优惠preferential treatment
优惠税收favourable tax treatment
作业时间的期expected elapsed time
你们仍有许多订单尚执行You still have quite a lot of executory orders
你方拒绝为执行的合同开证,甚感遗憾We are sorry for your refusal to establish L/C for the pending contract
你方第124号订单暂停交货,等你方进一步消息In this case the shipment under your Order 124 will be suspended until we hear from you again
保管财物完成条件后再交给受让人的负责人员escrow officer
免税遇的冻结zero-duty bindings
免税,不受限额和不给予互惠duty and quota free and without reciprocal treatment
免税、无限额及无互惠duty and quota free and without reciprocal treatment
免税,无限额及无互惠duty and quota free and without reciprocal treatment
入口证subject to approval of import license (指不准入口时可取消本合约)
公司正准备增加全体员工的福利The company is planning to increase fringe benefits for all of its employees
公平a square deal
出于格外优,该公司才同意这样解决The company agrees to this settlement exertion
出口证批准subject to approval of export license
出售生产货物的合同contract for the supply of goods to be manufactured or produced
办事员准备好一份书面报告,经理改正The clerk prepared a written report for the manager's correction
加快折旧时减免税优accelerated tax amortization
劳动不平等employment discrimination
区别对treat differently
区别对the differential treatment
区别对different treatment
区别对的通货协定discriminatory currency arrangement
区别对的通货措施discriminatory currency arrangement
另眼看discriminate in favor of
同样对treat in the same way
同等parity of treatment
同等遇公约Equality Treatment Convention
同等纳税人同等遇原则equal-treatment-for-equals principle
核准ad referendum
商品分配the merchandise on allocation
因竞争需要不给优惠competitive need exclusion
在港装船spot ship
地方差别local discrimination
多边无差别遇世界贸易multilateral and nondiscrimination world trade
make of
风险的态度risk attitude
对价格差别遇的需求弹性elasticity of demand for price discrimination
对关税遇的约束binding of duty treatment
对发展中国家的特殊reserve treatment for developing countries
对当地和国际上日益加紧对自己控制的跨国公司会作各种反应,尚分晓How multinational corporations will respond to growing local and international controls is subject to speculation
差别treat differently
差别the differential treatment
差别different treatment
差别遇价格discrimination in price
差别遇垄断discriminating monopoly
差别遇税则discriminatory tariff
已发生的付债款obligation incurred
平等parity of treatment
平等equal treatment
平等和国民equal and national treatment
店主必须认真对顾客所提出的意见和警告The shopowner has to seriously deal with the advice and warning given by the customers
业保险金insurance for workers waiting for job
交订货back order (单)
以后通知until further notice
决款项doubtful debts
决诉讼法lawsuits pending
分配on allocation
协商的运费率open freight rates
卸通知a notice of loading readiness
发行的钞票bank notes to be issued
吊货物the presling cargo
on transaction
处理财产损失property losses awaiting handling
处理财产盈余surplus assets in suspense
处理财产盘盈increment of properties to be settled
处理财产盘盈property over awaiting handling
to be determined
定值required value
工小时idle hours
工装卸工人idle stevedore
托收款collection receivable for customers
批、无风险subjected to approval, no risk
明确to be defined
某人处理on one's hand
核销基建支出capital construction expenditure pending write-off upon approval
a position wanted
for shipment
berth condition
装车辆trap car
装运输货物the traffic on hand to be loaded
认可项目subject to approval
证明的to be verified
运商品merchandise awaiting transportation
运提货单received for shipment bill of lading
terms of employment
配给on allocation
销库存商品trading stock
得不到期中的东西miss out on (sth.)
解决press for solution
我们宁愿等市场恢复活跃We would rather wait till the market revives
我们希望这一建议你方能接受,并期早日答复We hope that this proposal will be acceptable to you, and await your early reply
我们应该公平对所有顾客,不论其种族、信仰、肤色或国籍如何We should fairly deal with all customers in spite of race n., creed, color or national origin
我们期 5月1曰前收到你方对我们询价的答复We expect to receive your reply to our enquiry by May 1
我们正等船主的提单We are waiting for the bill of lading from the ship owner
承蒙热情欢迎和款我方经理,不胜感激Thank you for the warm welcome and hospitality you extended to our manager
折旧纳税优depreciation privileges
play host to
wait on
wait upon
the table money
the hospitality expense
the representation allowance
the entertainment allowance
按收入多少给与的差别discrimination by income size
a reception desk
委员会a reception committee
委员会reception committee
设施host structures
设施recreation amenities
设施reception facilities
dinner party expenses
费用table money
收讫运提单receive bill of lading
效用期值与货币期待值expected values of utility and money
旅客们只得在机场等暴风雨过去The passengers had to wait the storm out at the airport
无差别遇条款non-discrimination provisions
无差别遇条款a non-discrimination clause
无条件的最惠国unconditional most-favored-nation treatment
普遍性、非歧视性、非互惠性general adj., non-discriminatory, non-reciprocal preferential treatment
最惠国most many, much 的最高级 favoured nation treatment
最惠国most many, much 的最高级 favorable national treatment
最惠国most-favored-nation treatment
修正under correction
批准subject to approval, no risk
净益net expected gain
着的in expectation
本期销商品goods available for sale
标价the invitation to treat
"核定筹"数a noted component
"核定筹经费"项目a noted project
此支票在等总经理的签字The cheque is waiting for the managing director's signature
汇率上的优惠及其他特殊exchange rate treatment and concessions
汇率上的优惠及其特殊exchange rate treatment and concessions
游览优tourist ticket
片面最惠国unilateral most-favoured-nation treatment
物资分配materials on allocation
特殊reserve treatment
特殊和差别special and differential treatment
界限期marginal waiting
解决void over
留局领邮件general delivery
税收协定优惠treaty benefits
价格price of waiting
指示for order
时间cooling period
粗暴地对mess around (某人)
粗暴地对mess about (某人)
给工资收入者的减免税优earned income credits
给股息获得人的减免税优dividend credit
英联邦特惠British preferential treatment
被期in view
该公司劳方感到他们没有得到资方的公平The workers of the company feel they have not got a fair deal from the management
该工厂保证在一个月内将货备妥The plant has promised to get the goods ready for shipment within one month's time
请即回函告知这批机械及设备的处理办法,是将货退给你们,还是暂存我处留你方处理Please inform us by return mail what we shall deal with the machinery and equipment Shall we return them to you or hold them at your disposal?
货物运提单received for shipment bill of lading
赋税优tax benefit
运费Freight Collect
运输上的差别discrimination of traffic
这批货下月将备妥The goods will be ready for shipment next month
这批货物可提供 13%的优offer a 13% rebate on these items (回扣)
邮件存局general delivery
铁路运价差别discrimination in railway rate
铁路运价差别discrimination in railway rate
非互惠the non-reciprocal treatment
非歧视the non-discriminatory treatment