
Terms for subject Technology containing 建 造 | all forms | in specified order only
上部陆源建造upper terrigenous formation
下部陆源建造lower terrigenous formation
不开挖基槽而建造的建筑物trenchless construction
业主建造constructed by the owner
业主与建造师契约owner-architect agreement
中国建设工程造价管理协会China Association for the Management of Construction cost
主体分段建造block system
二云母片岩一变基性岩建造two-mica schist leptynite metabasite formation
二比四板材建造two-by four method
五元素建造镍矿床ore deposits of penta deposit formation
井的建造well construction
人造建筑制品man-made construction product
人造建筑制品man-made structural product
人造建筑制品man-made building product
人造建筑材料manufactured construction materials
人造建筑材料man-made building material
优地槽型沉积建造eugeosyncline type formation
低租金住房建造low-rent house-building
低造价的住宅建设low cost housing
住宅建造residential construction
住宅建造home building
住宅建造domestic construction
住宅建造house builder
住房建造finishing carpentry
住房建造费用finishing carpentry
住房建造housing production
住房建造housing output
修建路基造价grading price
修造船水工建筑物hydraulic structure for shipyard
全国工业化房屋建造业者协会National Association of Home Manufacturers
全国房屋建造商协会National Association of Home Builders
全尺寸建筑构造full-size construction
公路建造motorway construction
兵营建造barracks construction
内矿建造endogenetic metallogenic formation
冒地槽型沉积建造miogeosyncline type formation
军用飞机场建造military construction
冬季房屋建造winter building construction
凿挖岩石以建造地基rock cutting in formation
凿挖岩石以建造路基rock cutting in formation
分期建造stage construction
分段建造built-in sections
分段建造的船舶fabricated vessel
分段建造prefabricated vessel
分段建造车间fabricating shop
原地建造katachthonous formation
原岩建造primary rock formation
反映建筑风格构造architectural device
反映建筑风格构造architectural detail
变质中酸性斑岩含铜建造metamorphic intermediate-acid porphyritic copper bearing formation
变质含铁建造metamorphic iron-bearing formation
变质岩建造metamorphic rock formation
变质砂砾岩建造metamorphic glutenite formation
变质碳酸盐建造metamorphic carbonate formation
变质花岗岩含金建造metamorphic granite gold-bearing formation
同意建造consent to build
含水建造water-bearing formation
含水层建造water-bearing strata formation
含汞建造mercury-bearing formation
含油气建造oil-gas-bearing formation
含油气建造oil and gas-bearing formation
含油页岩建造oil shale-bearing formation
含煤铝土矿铁质建造coal bauxite-bearing ferrous formation
含盐建造salt-bearing formation
含磷建造phosphorus-containing formation
含磷建造phosphorus-bearing formation
含铁建造iron bearing formation
含铜建造copper-bearing formation
含铝建造aluminium-bearing formation
含铝建造aluminum-bearing formation
含锑建造antimony-bearing formation
含锰建造manganese-bearing formation
含镁建造magnesium-bearing formation
地台型含油气建造platform-type oil and gas-bearing formation
地台型含油页岩建造platform-type oil shale-bearing formation
地台型含煤建造platform-type coal-bearing formation
地台型含磷建造platform-type phosphorus-bearing formation
地台型含铝建造platform-type aluminium-bearing formation
地台型含铝建造platform-type alumin-bearing formation
地台型含锰建造platform-type manganese-bearing formation
地台型岩浆建造platform-type magmatic formation
地台型成矿建造platform-type metallogenic formation
地台型成矿建造metallogenic formation platform type
地台型沉积建造platform type formation
地台活化型沉积建造remobilized platform type formation
地方当局建造的住宅local authority dwelling
地方当局建造的公共住房local authority estate
地方当局建造的公寓单元local authority apartment unit
地槽型岩浆建造geosynclinal-type magmatic formation
地槽型成矿建造metamorphic formation of geosynclinal type
地槽型沉积建造geosyncline type formation
地洼型含油气建造Diwa-type oil and gas-bearing formation
地洼型含油页岩建造Diwa-type oil shale-bearing formation
地洼型含煤建造Diwa-type coal-bearing formation
地洼型岩浆建造Diwa-type magmatic formation
地洼型成矿建造Diwa-type metallogenic formation
地质建造geological formation
均质建造isotropic formation
墙的建造wall erection
复理层建造flysch formation
外生成矿建造exogenetic metallogenic formation
大梁施工建造girder construction
大规模建造住宅mass production house
夹层建造sandwich construction
委托人与建造师合同owner-architect agreement
实际建造时间real construction time
尾矿坝的建造与治理construction and improvement of tailings dam
山前坳陷型沉积建造foredeep type formation
山间含煤建造intermontane coal-bearing formation
岩浆建造类型type of magmatic formation
工业制造的建筑产品manufactured constructional product
工业制造的建筑产品manufactured construction product
工业化建造方法industrialized construction method
工业化建造industrialized building method
工业化房屋建造industrialized production of houses
工业法建造industrialized building method
工程建造预算budget of construction
布莱恩建造Blaine formation
带状红柱石/蓝晶石型片岩建造schist formation of zonal andalusite/cyanite type
干式建造dry construction
干式建造dry construction method
建安工程造价build and erection cost
建材制造商structural material manufacturer
建筑建造building works
建筑创造途径approaches to architecture
建筑安装工程造价price of construction and installation
建筑安装造价cost of construction and installation
建筑安装造价cost of construction and assembly
建筑工程的造价costs of construction work
建筑工程的造价costs of building work
建筑工程造价cost of civil engineering works
建筑改造architecture adaptable to conversions
建筑材料制造structural material production
建筑材料制造building material production
建筑材料制造厂construction material manufacturer
建筑材料制造厂constructional material manufacturer
建筑材料制造者construction material manufacturer
建筑材料制造者structural material manufacturer
建筑材料制造者structural material producer
建筑材料制造者constructional material manufacturer
建筑构造building construction (方式)
建筑构造architectural composition (方式)
建筑构造的公差系统system of tolerance for building (construction)
建筑构造缝building construction joint
建筑毛造价gross building cost
建筑物构造物名称表list of buildings and structures
建筑物的表面构造surface structure in building
建筑物造价construction cost of building
建筑物造价structure cost
建筑现场用地改造更新site renovation
建筑砌块制造联合会Federation of Building Block Manufacturers (英国)
建筑竣工造价cost applicable to construction revenue
建筑造价construction price
建筑造价construction payment
建筑造价composition cost
建筑造价building value
建筑造价分析building cost analysis
建筑造价指数index number of building cost
建筑造价指数construction price index
建筑造价指数number of building cost
建筑造价指数building cost index
建筑造价规定construction price legislation
建筑造型architectural modelling
建筑造型architectural metaphor
建筑造型艺术art of architectural modeling
建设全过程造价管理cost management throughout the construction process
建设工程造价construction cost engineering
建设项目净造价net project cost
建造building and repair
建造put up
建造一所车间的估价单quotation for building a workshop
建造与修理construction and repair
建造中申请人applicant proposing to build
建造中的建筑物growing building
建造事故construction accident
建造亏损补贴construction differential subsidies
建造五金器具builder iron supplier
建造公园garden making
建造单位承诺builder commitment
建造包括新建、扩建、改建及修缮building and repair
建造build number
建造周期fabricating cycle
建造和贷款协议building and loan agreement (书)
建造商及承包商联合会Associated Builders and Contractors
建造商证明builder identification
建造因素formation factor
建造地质学formational geology
建造垃圾builder rubbish
建造年份year of construction
建造废料builder rubbish
建造庭园garden making
建造形式type of fabrication
建造成本building cost
建造房屋构架fabric work (工作)
建造护坡道bench construction
建造护坡道banquette construction
建造指导instruction for erection work
建造方法construction method
建造方法method of construction
建造日期date of built
建造期的税项taxes during construction
建造术气象学constructional meteorology
建造术物理学constructional meteorology
建造材料商人builder merchant
建造bridge building
建造毛板builder rough plank
建造淡水屏障building fresh water barrier
建造深度depth of construction
建造监理building control
建造building contractor
建造者承担的义务builder commitment
建造船只building slipway
建造、补贴、运营、移交built, subsidize, operate and transfer
建造装配重量weight for erection
建造计划erection scheme
建造许可证permit building
建造许可证拒发refusal of building license
建造设施比率improvement ratio
建造证书builder's certificate
建造账目construction account
建造cost of construction (用)
建造expenditure of construction (用)
建造first cost (用)
建造fabricating cost (用)
建造construction cost (用)
建造费用fabrication cost
建造construction put-in-place
建造钢的装配fabrication of structural steel
建造间层状贯人体interformational sheet intrusion
建造阶段construction stage
建造阶段construction phase
建造风险builder's risks
建造高地constructive height
建造高度constructional height
开拓型建造pioneering architect
弗拉磨拉建造【地Fra Mauro formation
建造体积overall volume of construction
成批建造的船舶series built ship
成矿建造metallogenic formation
战后建造的房子postwar block
建造house builder
房屋建造house construction
房屋建造building works
房屋建造业务building construction activity
房屋建造图纸building construction drawing
房屋建造场地building construction site
房屋建造场地设施building construction site installation
房屋建造实施building construction operation
房屋建造工业building construction industry
房屋建造工人building construction labour
房屋建造工人building construction worker
房屋建造工人building construction labor
房屋建造工作building construction work
房屋建造所需的加热heating for building operations
房屋建造技术人员building construction technician
房屋建造材料building construction material
房屋建造章程building construction regulation
房屋建造造价building construction cost
房屋建造部门building construction department
房屋坑的建造building pit construction
扩建及改造准备addition and betterment reserve
承重墙建造load-bearing wall construction
拱顶建造技艺art of vaulting
拱顶建造艺术art of vaulting
按标准模数建造的街坊module-built block
排水沟建造工具gutter tool
支墩坝建造construction of buttress dam
斑岩型含铜钼建造porphyry-type copper and molybdenum-bearing formation
无规划建造的房屋haphazard building
既有线改建与改造upgrade existing track
既有线改建与改造upgrade existing line
既有线改建与改造improvement of existing lines
日本住宅公团建造的住宅JHC Japan Housing Corporation dwelling
日本住宅公团建造的出售住宅JHC dwelling for sale
日本住宅公团建造的出租住宅JHC dwelling for rent
有造成蔓延火灾危险的建筑物exposing building
木造建筑timber building
木造建筑wooden building
木造建筑物building of wooden construction
未摊还建造期利息unamortized interest during construction
条带状含铁建造banded iron-bearing formation
条带状铁建造banded iron formation
板岩一碳酸盐建造slate-carbonate formation
构件建造component construction
标准建造standard formation
标准建造方式standard construction model
标准建筑造价standard building cost
模型建造model building
氧化物相铁建造oxide-facies iron formation
水平建造horizontal erection
污水管建造conduit-type sewer construction
沉积建造sedimentary framework
沉积建造类型type of sedimentary formation
沉积建造系列series of sedimentary formation
沙拉多建造Salado formation
沥青公路建造bituminous highway construction
河岸建造bank construction
泥质页岩建造argillaceous shale formation
泻湖建造lagoonal formation
活动地台型沉积建造mobile platform type formation
浅海建造neritic formation
浮坞的建造floating dock construction
海滨建造beach formation
海相火山变粒岩含铜锌建造marine volcanic granulitic copper and zinc-bearing formation
海绿石磷质岩亚建造glauconite phosphatic rock sub-formation
淡水建造freshwater formation
混凝土料仓建造系统dome system
热储建造温度reservoir formation temperature
焊板建造的灯柱lantern column of welded sheet construction
特殊建造的工厂specially constructed plant
特殊建造的码头specially constructed wharf
特殊建造的码头specially constructed quay
现场建造in-place construction
现有的和建造中的船舶ships afloat and building
生物建造海岸biogenic coast
用玻璃和钢架建造的建筑crystal palace
石膏白云岩建造gypsum-dolomite formation
石膏白云岩亚建造gypsum-dolomite sub-formation
石英砂岩建造quartz sandstone formation
石造建筑物stone building
砖造建筑物brick building
硅质火山建造siliceous volcanic formation
硅酸盐相铁建造silicate facies iron formation
硅铁质亚建造silica-ferric sub-formation
硅锰质亚建造silica-manganese sub-formation
硫化物相含铁建造sulfide-facies iron formation
碱性岩含铍建造alkaline rock beryllium-bearing formation
碳酸盐建造carbonate formation
碳酸盐岩建造carbonate rocks formation
磨拉石建造molasse formation
筹措建造资金construction financing
组合建造composite-built vessel
细碧角斑岩建造spilitic-keratophyre formation
统一化房屋单元建造unitized unit method
绿片岩相型片岩一碳酸盐建造schist-carbonate formation of greenschist facies
自然建造natural formation
舰艇建造naval construction
船体建造工艺hull construction technology
船舶建造序号yard number
船舶建造builder's risks
花岗岩含稀土元素建造granite rare earth element-bearing formation
英寸 × 4 英寸木框架建造应用2英寸 × 4 英寸木材建成木框架的施工法two by four method 2
蓝闪石型变硬砂岩一变基性岩建造metamorphic greywacke-metamorphic basite formation of glaucophane type
蓝闪石型绿岩建造greenstone formation of glaucophane type
计划建造的建筑物proposed structure
设计建造师的现场代表project representative
辉铋矿自然铋一矿石英脉建造bismuthinite-native bismuth-quartz vein formation
辉长岩合铜镍建造gabbro-copper and nickel-bearing formation
边缘坳陷型沉积建造marginal depression type formation
过渡型沉积建造transitional type formation
运河建造canal construction
近海含煤建造paralic coal-bearing formation
通用船舶建造规范general specifications for the building of ship
酸性花岗岩含稀有元素建造acid granite rare element-bearing formation
金伯利岩含金刚石建造kimberlite diamond-bearing formation
钢楼梯建造steel staircase builder
建造iron architecture
铁质建造iron formation
铁路建造railway construction
铁路建造railroad construction
铁路建造railroad building
铝土岩亚建造bauxitic rocks formation
锡石—白钨一石英脉建造cassiterite-scheelite-quartz vein formation
长排建造数户住宅连按建造的方式tenement style
长排建造tenement style
闪长岩含铁铜建造diorite iron and copper-bearing formation
防火构造改建slow burning repairing
防灾建筑区建造事业development work of fire-proof building blocks
陆地建造land formation
陆地建造land construction
陆相复理石建造continental flysch formation
陆相火山岩建造continental volcanic formation
陆相火山岩含铁铜建造continental volcanic rock iron and copper-bearing formation
隔声建造acoustical construction
隔声建造acoustic construction
隧道建造tunnel operation
非生产建造non-productive formation
页岩一硬砂岩建造shaly-graywacke formation
预制建造component construction
预制建造systems building
首创建造pioneering architect
骨架构造建筑building of skeleton construction
黑云片麻岩建造biotite gneiss formation
黑云片麻岩一绿片岩建造biotite gneiss-green schist formation